Currency War Begins: Chinese Yuan Crashes Past 7 To New Record Low; China Stops US Ag Purchases

From Ashes To Glory 2

Green Buffalo
Apr 25, 2015
China is firing all the big guns tonight, because just an hour after Beijing effectively devalued the yuan, when it launched the latest currency war with the US, Bloomberg reported that the Chinese government has asked its state-owned enterprises "to suspend imports of U.S. agricultural products after President Donald Trump ratcheted up trade tensions with the Asian nation last week."

China’s state-run agricultural firms have now stopped buying American farm goods, and are waiting to see how trade talks progress.


China's offshore yuan just collapsed below 7/USD -- after the PBOC fixed the onshore yuan below 6.90 for the first time in 2019 -- the currency plunging a stunning 12 handles to its weakest on record against the dollar as countless stop losses were triggered and thousands of traders were margined out.
In light of Moscow Mitch blocking election security measures, can't help but wonder if China will throw down for the Dem candidate in 2020. Compared to Russia, they should have a ton more $$ to throw at such a thing.

If I had the Trump-cult mindset, guess I would say China's involvement wouldn't impact the election, and, of course, we're doing enough to address the issue.
In light of Moscow Mitch blocking election security measures, can't help but wonder if China will throw down for the Dem candidate in 2020. Compared to Russia, they should have a ton more $$ to throw at such a thing.

If I had the Trump-cult mindset, guess I would say China's involvement wouldn't impact the election, and, of course, we're doing enough to address the issue.
Did you read those bills that Mitch blocked?
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Did you read those bills that Mitch blocked?
Read articles....not the specific bills. But how should that keep it from a vote? Most are bi-partisan efforts so they have republican backing. However, if there's stuff in the bills republicans don't like, they can simply vote against it. They're the majority and can drive this thing however they'd like.

However, as you and anyone else who reads a morning newspaper would know, McConnell has proclaimed himself the "Grim Reaper" and the Senate is where "legislation goes to die".....but again, you know that. Does it matter what's in the bill when McConnell has proclaimed any legislation to be DOA?

BTW, what's in those bills that you would object to.
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Of course he didn't. Chevy gets his info from late night comedians.
Now, there's no reason to get all snitty. It's true, I do enjoy their "insights"....Here's a good on from Bill Maher:

"It's a bullish market, lobbyists who used to lease a congressman are now buying."

All Democrats have to do is to come across less crazy than Trump, and they're blowing it."


"Many of the bills Democrats have sought to call up this week -- and in previous weeks -- are bipartisan.

President Donald Trump's ally, Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has co-authored multiple bills and passed them out of committee with bipartisan support. Those bills have yet to make it to the Senate floor.

The DETER Act, for instance, co-authored by Graham and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., would allow federal officials to deport anyone involved in election interference and refuse admittance to the country anyone found guilty of such acts.

Grassley told reporters Thursday that he wants to see that bill, for which he voted, considered by the Senate. He also added that he would favor the House bill Schumer tried to pass on Thursday if "you took out things in it that federalize state elections."

The Judiciary Committee also passed legislation to make it a federal crime to hack into a state voting system. That legislation passed the Senate earlier this month and awaits House consideration.

But McConnell has stopped other attempts to legislate around the issue.
This is the point. Send up a "clean" bill and it most likely would get voted on.

This is why 429 asked if you even read the bills you're whining about.

You really are the supreme bullshitter raleigh. Not that it's a bad thing....Bullshit is your true I've mentioned before, it's got to be the reason you revere the great orange one so highly.

You cherry pick Schumer line and skipped the part where Lindsay Graham's bill couldn't get any play.

What part of McConell's "Grim Reaper" / "this is where legislation goes to die" announcement are you having an problem with? Has he ever said he's interested in holding a vote on election security?

The only words I've read from him are they enacted security measures earlier in the year that he believes are adequate....then there's the cost of the paper ballots. Those are the reasons he's cited for not wanting to hold a vote that I've seen.
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You really are the supreme bullshitter raleigh. Not that it's a bad thing....Bullshit is your true I've mentioned before, it's got to be the reason you revere the great orange one so highly.

You cherry pick Schumer line and skipped the part where Lindsay Graham's bill couldn't get any play.

What part of McConell's "Grim Reaper" / "this is where legislation goes to die" announcement are you having an problem with? Has he ever said he's interested in holding a vote on election security?

The only words I've read from him are they enacted security measures earlier in the year that he believes is adequate....then there's the cost of the paper ballots. Those are the reasons he's cited for not wanting to hold a vote that I've seen.
Did you, an obvious mentally deranged lib who claimed to be a Republican then a moderate and claimed to not be a Hillary supporter only to later claim he voted for her as the lesser of 2 evils, just call someone else a bullshitter?
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Did you, an obvious mentally deranged lib who claimed to be a Republican then a moderate and claimed to not be a Hillary supporter only to later claim he voted for her as the lesser of 2 evils, just call someone else a bullshitter?
It's much easier for you to justify a mind-boggling number of Trump's lies, hush-money paid to porn stars and crawling in bed with the Russians to win an election. But a moderate-republican who refused to support Trump? What kind of bullshit is that!?!
Did you, an obvious mentally deranged lib who claimed to be a Republican then a moderate and claimed to not be a Hillary supporter only to later claim he voted for her as the lesser of 2 evils, just call someone else a bullshitter?
Nailed it
It's much easier for you to justify a mind-boggling number of Trump's lies, hush-money paid to porn stars and crawling in bed with the Russians to win an election. But a moderate-republican who refused to support Trump? What kind of bullshit is that!?!
You're sure a good one to be calling anybody out for lying, liar.

MSNBC....el oh el
The Judiciary Committee also passed legislation to make it a federal crime to hack into a state voting system. That legislation passed the Senate earlier this month and awaits House consideration.

Why is Nancy Pelosi holding up passed legislation? Why is she blocking it and not voting on it?

I keep claiming others confuse an issue despite the fact all they are really doing is quoting what I am writing.
Back to the actual topic of the thread. It appears China's currency move yesterday was a hail mary type of event to regain some "leverage" in the tariff situation. However, I don't think crushing their own currency benefits China for very long. They stepped in to support it over night.
You're sure a good one to be calling anybody out for lying, liar.

MSNBC....el oh el
I called raleigh a bullshitter. A bullshitter occasionally bends and/or manipulates the truth for entertainment - some people just like messin' with folks. You may have had some experience in this area.

WOW! another tactic from his Orange Holiness. Laissez Faire allegation casting. You'll find posts where I admit I'm wrong....but none where I purposely lied.

MSNBC? It was an interview with George Will - a noted conservative columnist - who's not a MSNBC employee. I guess when you can't address the content, you have to slam the source. I also had articles from both the Washington Post and Newsweek.
The Judiciary Committee also passed legislation to make it a federal crime to hack into a state voting system. That legislation passed the Senate earlier this month and awaits House consideration.

When will Nancy take up the legislation? Come on Chevy. What's the reason to delay such important legislation that Mitch got passed?
When will Nancy take up the legislation? Come on Chevy. What's the reason to delay such important legislation that Mitch got passed?
Thanks for the heads up. I'll call congress and senate back from their break and have them jump right on this.

I'm sure this will be taken up by congress who would like to add a paper ballot back-up in the event the systems were hacked. The Speaker hasn't made any "this is the place where legislation comes to die" announcements so I feel confident this will be addressed. If she doesn't, then I'm wrong and you're right.

You know, even though this legislation makes it illegal to hack a state's voting infrastructure, gotta believe that's really not going to stop the Russians or Chinese or Albanians, etc....which, again, is the reason for the paper ballot back ups.

Glad to be of assistance. At least you admit to looking like an uninformed idiot.
I didn't admit to anything.....merely bringing to your attention (speaking of being uninformed) that congress is on an extended break.
QUOTE="raleighherdfan, post: 624257, member: 1184"]Why is Nancy Pelosi holding up passed legislation? Why is she blocking it and not voting on it?[/QUOTE]QUOTE="raleighherdfan, post: 624276, member: 1184"]When will Nancy take up the legislation? Come on Chevy. What's the reason to delay such important legislation that Mitch got passed?[/QUOTE]
Thanking me for the heads up would not be an indication that you were bringing anything to my attention.
You did request - twice - for a response.

Thanking you was sarcasm.

I'm done here..... Have a nice evening.
Has he ever said he's interested in holding a vote on election security

The Judiciary Committee also passed legislation to make it a federal crime to hack into a state voting system. That legislation passed the Senate earlier this month and awaits House consideration

The Senate passed legislation...Nancy goes on vacation.

Yes, you are "done here". You contradict yourself routinely throughout the threads you post in.
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If you think that the United States-China trade dispute is going to be easily resolved, you’re not paying attention. It’s so much deeper than you think — and so much more dangerous.

If President Trump and President Xi Jinping don’t find a way to defuse it soon, we’re going to get where we’re going — fracturing the globalization system that has brought the world more peace and prosperity over the last 70 years than at any other time in history. And what we’ll be birthing in its place is a digital Berlin Wall and a two-internet, two-technology world: one dominated by China and the other by the United States.
The Senate passed legislation...Nancy goes on vacation.

Yes, you are "done here". You contradict yourself routinely throughout the threads you post in.
surprised? how could anybody be? the guy goes from "derp, i'm a republican!" to "i'm a moderate" to it's pretty damned obvious he's a full fledge mentally deranged liberal. how could anybody believe anything he has to say?
surprised? how could anybody be? the guy goes from "derp, i'm a republican!" to "i'm a moderate" to it's pretty damned obvious he's a full fledge mentally deranged liberal. how could anybody believe anything he has to say?
Well, I can see you're now into this thing full-fledge with personal attacks....and, I admit, I've given some shots - however, not nearly as many as been aimed at me.

Since you state you're having difficulty with my political position (not that it truly matters), I will say this....Over many years some of my views, attitudes and beliefs have shifted - time, experience and knowledge is bound to have some impact. I don't know who wouldn't change some positions over time due to knowledge gained. If we don't, we're doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I'm more moderate than I used to be.....I feel compassion for college kids who have to pay a ton more for their college education than I did mine. AND I also believe there needs to be some sort of healthcare safety net. However, I'm not saying "free" in either case - just assistance. Perfection will never be attained or agreed upon concerning how much assistance to be offered - I get that.

I do enjoy your memes and gifs - they're funny as hell.
Well, I can see you're now into this thing full-fledge with personal attacks....and, I admit, I've given some shots - however, not nearly as many as been aimed at me.
because i said what you've stated and what i've observed, it's a personal attack? got damn, find yoreself a safe space!


I'm more moderate than I used to be.....I feel compassion for college kids who have to pay a ton more for their college education than I did mine. AND I also believe there needs to be some sort of healthcare safety net. However, I'm not saying "free" in either case - just assistance. Perfection will never be attained or agreed upon concerning how much assistance to be offered - I get that.

I do enjoy your memes and gifs - they're funny as hell.
i actually agree with you regarding college education and health care. i think it's pure horseshit the cost of college has sky rocketed like it has, yet i don't believe it should be free. there are grants and scholarships available to help offset the cost, however, so anybody paying full price has either fukt off to the point they cannot get assistance, or, mommy and daddy can afford it and they still fukt off. in my case, i fukt off AND neither mommy nor daddy couldn't afford it, so i ended up with student loans of which i, GASP, paid off!

i believe what needs explored is the reasoning as to why these costs (both college tuition and health care) have exploded, what are the root/cause issues, and get those resolved. somebody getting their pockets lined at the expense of others is what it boils down to.
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