Dandy Don Blankenship about to face the music


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 9, 2006
So he's been indicted by the feds. Better late than never. An in-state lawyer buddy says they just had to get the right people to turn. Hence the holdup.

I just read the entire indictment. Yes, it is pretty obvious the right people finally flipped and testified and provided documents. The US Attorney has his ducks in a row, or he wouldn't be going after this big a target. Donny B is fvcked...couldn't happen to a nicer guy
Gonna be hard to pin point it to the CEO. All he has to say is that his subordinates did not inform him. Plausible deniability.
This post was edited on 11/13 6:29 PM by i am herdman
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Gonna be hard to pin point it to the CEO. All he has to say is that his subordinates did not inform him. Plausible deniability.
This post was edited on 11/13 6:29 PM by i am herdman
Uh, no. Read the indictment. They have documents and executive testimony. They got him by the short hairs. I especially liked the document where he complains, in a written comment for God's sake, about building safety features before the longwall started, saying "we are running a mine, not a construction company" and ordering the beginning of mining before that stuff is finished. And ordering mining to start before the airways were deflooded, even though he ordered ending the drainage system to prevent that flooding.

He will plead out, and probably get ten years.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Gonna be hard to pin point it to the CEO. All he has to say is that his subordinates did not inform him. Plausible deniability.
This post was edited on 11/13 6:29 PM by i am herdman
Unless they can prove they did.

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