Dear Congress and Leaders

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Look at this before you go to bed at night. This is what the enemies of the United States caused. They have no honor code or human morals as we know them.

So you are suggesting that we have no honor or code?

"Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause... for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country."
-- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775
Originally posted by mu21503:
So you are suggesting that we have no honor or code?

"Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause... for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country."
-- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775
We are not dealing with a uniformed soldier or standing Army.

So, no not really. They are animals.
I don't disagree that they are animals.

But think about that picture you posted. Your basically saying that the fools that totally screwed up and failed their job on intelligence on 9-11, should now be the same fools that torture people.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Look at this before you go to bed at night. This is what the enemies of the United States caused. They have no honor code or human morals as we know them.
Chalk up this feeling sorry for our enemies crap to the feminine movement. The scary thing is so many men are swept away with it, too.

Somewhere along the way, the American man turned into a woman. They talk like women to get women to like them. They talk like women to schmooze their way into bigger paychecks. And when they go home from work, they agree with everything a woman tells them to in order to keep her from divorcing him and taking half of his shit.

Today's man is completely without a sack. Another reason why I will keep laughing every time I see a liberal on here try out macho bravado. Yeah, brag yourself up buddy. Bottom line is you align yourself with woman's ways of showering pity on everyone and denying your Adam's apple when you speak. They talk like women. Listen to them. High pitched whiny voices.
Beating, torturing, water boarding, and anally rehydrating detainees doesn't make you a "man"!

I'm not happy that this report was released to the public but it's an embarrassment and heads should role.
If you and your feminine cohorts could get on here and sell me that your way of life is superior, then I'd be obliged to join it.

A life where you feel sorry for our enemies, sorry for bums, sorry for idiots. Smiling at everyone with love and trying to lift them up. Showing mercy and pity. It all sounds great, doesn't it? And sweet.

It sucks. You develop this helpless victim personality. It turns you weak and old quicker. Afraid of everything. I hate it. I've been suckered in to way too much of it already. I'm not going the rest of the way and feeling sorry for shit that aims to tear down our country.
Torture is wrong and ineffective.

It doesn't make you a man, it just makes you a sadist.
Yeah, I wouldn't have the patience for it myself. I'd offer them a few extra days to live if they told me something. If they wouldn't, bam. Just blow their damn head off. No use in wasting money and resources keeping them fed and housed if they're of no use.
I'm all for, get what you can out of them. Then if they were involved in the planning and/or execution of a terrorist activity, give them a quick military trial and then a sentence. In a terrorist action resulting in death.....Then death.
Have to admit though I kind of admire these torturers. I couldn't do what they do. I don't have the patience for it and I'm too weak and wimpy to apply and witness that kind of suffering. But if we've got people tough enough to do it, why not let them?

Let them and laud them. They're tougher bastards than I am. I'm glad we've got them. They're like great football players. We pay and laud people who are more athletic than us, so why not do the same for these tough sons of bitches who are willing to do all this to help us out?

War is hell. Pitying our enemies is a step in the direction of defeat.
So, we are 100% confident that every single detainee is a terrorist? What if a detainee is mistakenly an innocent Amercian citizen? Your relative?
The only thing I care about is effectiveness. I have no sympathy for terrorists. I do, however, draw a distinction between "insurgents" and terrorists. A lot of the on-the-ground people in AQ and now ISIS joined for a paycheck, crazy as that sounds. KSM and his ilk? Electrocute their nuts for all I care.
Here is the problem, you could have this entire board confess to the JFK assasination with enough torture. And we are more than happy to electrocute someones nutsack and kill them, yet be appaled when they behave the same way.
No government official can do anything right in your eyes. You want absolutely no laws, no regulations, no order, no anything. Just a collection of savages marking with charcoal on cave walls, except now you've gone sissy so you would starve in a day.

In order to live off the land, you'd have to knock your supper in the head with a rock. Looks like you would be too concerned with the animals' feelings to do that. You would starve. Probably be afraid to chop a weed and eat it. What if it hurts the poor weed when you chop it?
Originally posted by CockyHerd:
Beating, torturing, water boarding, and anally rehydrating detainees doesn't make you a "man"!

I'm not happy that this report was released to the public but it's an embarrassment and heads should role.
It sure as hell don't make you Rachel Maddow.

I say we torture them in any means possible. What the hell is all this, we have to set an example for the rest of the world mean? The rest of the world hates our fvcking guts, outside of a few select countries, and even most of their citizens probably don't care for us.

That shit is mild to what would happen to you, if you were to go up Laurel Creek holler and fvck with the Wilson boys. After they were finished with you, you would wish the CIA had your ass in some cave pumping hummus up your crack.

But you're right about releasing it. Some hag on her way out of the chairman's position has to make that final stand. Let's announce on TV to the world just how big of pvssies we all are. Meanwhile, the enemy laughs at guys just like you.
The fact is that you can get anyone to say anything you want via torture. It doesnt matter if it is true or false, they ultimately will say whatever it is that they think you want to hear.

When you get into torturing innocent people that have done nothing that is a huge problem.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
Originally posted by mu21503:

When you get into torturing innocent people that have done nothing that is a huge problem.
You mean like an aid worker, who happens to get his fvcking head chopped off?
So because the terrorists harm innocent people, it's ok for us too, as long as they're swarthy enough? I don't see your logic.

Listen, I have no problem with doing pretty much anything to the ACTUAL bad guys. But the report shows somewhere around 25% of the people detained and tortured were cases of mistaken identity. That's not a very good batting average when you're talking human rights violations.
What report, the one a bunch of sissy libs put together? Mistaken identity, hell it's a bunch of towel heads. I can't tell them apart. .750 is pretty damn good for that. People will eventually have to understand it's either them or us.

"But but innocent lives." Yeah, which ones would you rather lose? Theirs or ours? And I don't even value my own life that much, but more than some damn sand dune people. If I lived how they show them on the news, I'd be begging to be nuked.

America's way too soft.
Originally posted by HRHF:

Listen, I have no problem with doing pretty much anything to the ACTUAL bad guys. But the report shows somewhere around 25% of the people detained and tortured were cases of mistaken identity. That's not a very good batting average when you're talking human rights violations.
Who says they're innocent? What the hell are they doing out there on the battle field? PIcking up old shell casings for keepsake purposes or what? What report is this, the Colbert Report, or the one that hag read on national TV? I put the same stock in both reports, which is basically zilch. If accurate, I'm okay with a 25% miss rate. That means 3 out of 4 of them bastards are taking it up the ass.
It is hard to believe that some people feel sorry for these animals. When you have to clean the gutter out you are going to get dirty.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

It is hard to believe that some people feel sorry for these animals. When you have to clean the gutter out you are going to get dirty.
I don't feel sorry for animals, but I don't believe we should become what they hate.

What is worse? Torture or death from above on innocent people.

We have become the very thing we hate. All because we are scared pansies.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
Originally posted by HRHF:

Listen, I have no problem with doing pretty much anything to the ACTUAL bad guys. But the report shows somewhere around 25% of the people detained and tortured were cases of mistaken identity. That's not a very good batting average when you're talking human rights violations.
Who says they're innocent? What the hell are they doing out there on the battle field? PIcking up old shell casings for keepsake purposes or what? What report is this, the Colbert Report, or the one that hag read on national TV? I put the same stock in both reports, which is basically zilch. If accurate, I'm okay with a 25% miss rate. That means 3 out of 4 of them bastards are taking it up the ass.
So the 25% miss rate is ok even when your the one right? You will gladly be tortured even when it's wrong and you will tell them the percentages work right?
Is he planning a trip to the sand dunes and huts? Wow, talk about a shitty Christmas.

But you never come up with any solutions for anything. Your position is just anti-everything. If you want out of civilization, go live in a cave.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
No government official can do anything right in your eyes. You want absolutely no laws, no regulations, no order, no anything. Just a collection of savages marking with charcoal on cave walls, except now you've gone sissy so you would starve in a day.

In order to live off the land, you'd have to knock your supper in the head with a rock. Looks like you would be too concerned with the animals' feelings to do that. You would starve. Probably be afraid to chop a weed and eat it. What if it hurts the poor weed when you chop it?
Are you on crack? No laws, no order, no anything? I have never said that.
survive a day? I take down my own food on a regular basis depending on the season. I field dress, butcher etc. I hunt with just about everything imaginable. You can believe what you want, your opinion is proven meaningless

The he problem is we live in a world of a bunch of pansies like you, more than like likely your have never seen hell, let alone hand to hand combat. You bitch and complain that they act like animals, yet you are a firm advocate of us acting like animals as you sit in the drive through line at mcdonalds, willing to talk a big game as long as others do it.

Pansies like you are fine with the 25% that's wrong! but your never been one of that 25%. You have never even seen that part of it, your a recliner cowboy more than willing to send others to do the job you are to pussy to do.
You want to talk about making it a day, once Tudors closes your done.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

It is hard to believe that some people feel sorry for these animals. When you have to clean the gutter out you are going to get dirty.
If more people would admit to the second half of this without trying to make themselves feel better about it with the first half we would at least be a lot more honest with ourselves.
Good thing the country didn't have as many flower children back in WW2. We would be speaking Jap or German.

We carpet bombed the hell out of Germany. It was total war. Nothing less than victory. The bleeding hearts now would have a fit. Or how about dropping the big one, twice, on Japan.

WW2 vets shot Germans or Japs in many cases. There was no surrender.
Originally posted by mu21503:
Pansies like you are fine with the 25% that's wrong!
LOL, you call me a pansy and then whine about the 25% in the same sentence? Make up your damn mind for a change. What is it that you want? You would get on here and bitch about whatever happens. At least my bitching has a damn point to it.

In order to be an effective bitcher, you have to have a Way Things Should Be. You don't. You never have anything. It's all just aimless bitching and you don't offer up how you would deal with the issue.

Failure to offer up your own alternative means you're the damn pansy. Too afraid that either you don't have the answer or that your answer is stupid as hell.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Good thing the country didn't have as many flower children back in WW2. We would be speaking Jap or German.

We carpet bombed the hell out of Germany. It was total war. Nothing less than victory. The bleeding hearts now would have a fit. Or how about dropping the big one, twice, on Japan.

WW2 vets shot Germans or Japs in many cases. There was no surrender.
I have less of a problem with the carpet bombing than I do shoving food up a guys ass. That's just sadistic and unnecessary.
Man, Cheney is freaking out over this report. He's trying his best to prevent going down in history as a war criminal.

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Good thing the country didn't have as many flower children back in WW2. We would be speaking Jap or German.

We carpet bombed the hell out of Germany. It was total war. Nothing less than victory. The bleeding hearts now would have a fit. Or how about dropping the big one, twice, on Japan.

WW2 vets shot Germans or Japs in many cases. There was no surrender.
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Did you take any WW II history classes? Ever talk to a WW II vet? Hell, even watch the History Channel? Your comparison is ignorant.

American soldiers killing POWs in WW II was rare and torture was certainly not condoned. Were combatants killed on the battlefield instead of being taken prisoner? Yes. However, we are talking about two totally different situations. That was war.....This is imprisoned detainees. (15-25% innocent)

You do know that hundreds of Germans and Japanese were executed for doing some of the same things we have done.

It's also been proven to be totally ineffective. They basically admitted that they got more from good treatment of KSM vs almost 200 water boarding sessions. Treat'em good for a week, get what you can, give them a quick military trial and then carry out the sentence.

If you want to talk about bombing, we could have a discussion about drone strikes.

But this is about torture......Not war, not bombing, not even killing or executing soldiers.

Hell, we arrested KSM in 2003.....Why is he still alive?
We weren't even the most prolific at city bombing, but at least those acts had strategic value. Shoving food up a guys ass has negative strategic value because they (if they get released) or their families go around saying "The US shoved food up my ass and they'd do it to you too so start killing Americans."
I just cannot believe there's actually Americans in this country that bow down to these savages.

This is why we're losing. Losing big, and it's not even close.

Too many Berkeley types running the show, and meat heads willing to listen to them and walk along hand in hand.

I guess it's too late to turn this back around now. The big bad USA can't even crush Lithuania in basketball any longer. I wish I could have seen all of this coming sooner, like three decades ago. I would have foregone all that college bullshit. Should have joined the rest of the smart ones way back then. I could be making six figures up in the Dakotas drilling, drinking beer, and screwing lot lizards. But here I am, miserable in the Corporate world wasting away reading up on how pansy girls want to ease up on the rag heads.
Money's not even worth making. Should have just stayed in the hills and beat the shit out of my relatives after my night shift at Wal Mart stacking cakes and eating half of them.