The whole trial deal in New York is a crock of shit.

I didn't say you came up with the idea to demonize the Jew.

Imagine someone dumb enough to say someone whose family had to change their name to lay low during the rise of Euro antisemitism and Nazism isn't a real Jew. Now, if you want to see who that person could be, go look in the mirror.

Antisemitism isn't about who is observant. It's about blood.

Your stupidity and your liberal biases show through yet again. When you don't have anything intelligent to say you throw out the race or antisemitism card.

There is a reason Jews all over the world dislike Soros. And it could be the reason Soros and some of his family escaped while many others didn't...

His Jewish blood really runs deep doesn't it???

Maybe Soros is the one who needs to look in the mirror... And you to see that you really aren't the libertarian you think you are...

Now I truly understand why you use the word moron so much - it's because you are one...

I said elite....there's nothing elite about someone who the leaders of the world laugh at to his face.

We're Americans. We lead. We don't bow.


Your stupidity and your liberal biases show through yet again. When you don't have anything intelligent to say you throw out the race or antisemitism card.

There is a reason Jews all over the world dislike Soros. And it could be the reason Soros and some of his family escaped while many others didn't...

His Jewish blood really runs deep doesn't it???

Maybe Soros is the one who needs to look in the mirror... And you to see that you really aren't the libertarian you think you are...

Now I truly understand why you use the word moron so much - it's because you are one...

We're Americans. We lead. We don't bow.


You're an idiot.
When you don't have anything intelligent to say you throw out the race or antisemitism card.
When you morons say something racist or antisemitic you throw out this card.

His Jewish blood really runs deep doesn't it??
Deep enough to try to take over the world!

And you to see that you really aren't the libertarian you think you are...
I'm not sure what Soros supporting self-determination for Palestinians has to do with libertarianism....except that the right of self-determination is in the Big L platform, as is not engaging in foreign alliances or picking wonder I have never been a Big L Libertarian. But you keep on trotting out that line every time you get exposed.
seems like they fit in just fine on this forum . . .
I clearly said "your" (their) to them. Nobody wants to hear about their ("your") dicks, just like nobody wants to hear about Roseanne Barr's tits. Male or female, gay or straight, nobody cares to hear about Roseanne's tits. Male or female, gay or straight, everybody wants to hear about Margot Robbie's tits.

Likewise, male or female, gay or straight, everybody wants to hear about my crank. Want proof? You, a self-professed straight male, yet you just searched this website so you could go back and read a half-dozen descriptions of my dick again!
When you morons say something racist or antisemitic you throw out this card.

Jew in name only is really antisemitic isn't it? Especially when I qualify it with an opinion piece by a Jew stating that many Jews across the globe hate Soros...

Deep enough to try to take over the world!

I'm not sure what Soros supporting self-determination for Palestinians has to do with libertarianism....except that the right of self-determination is in the Big L platform, as is not engaging in foreign alliances or picking wonder I have never been a Big L Libertarian.

Hamas is the side that doesn't want a two-state solution. Hamas is the side that wants to eradicate the Jews. The Israeli border to Palestine is open, Egypt's is not. I could go on but one hopes you would be bright enough to see what has been going on for centuries in the Middle East.

But you keep on trotting out that line every time you get exposed.

The only thing that is exposed is you aren't a "libertarian", you are a liberal. Everyone but you seems to be able to see that...
In this context, absolutely.

Because a liberal like yourself says so? Got it...

Preaching to the choir there, Slappy...I'm a fan of scorched earth with the bastards.


Coming from someone whose team called Liz fvcking Cheney a liberal.
Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

You really are that stupid aren't you???

But since you think of yourself as a "libertarian" I can see how you'd be confused by Liz Cheney...
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Today's Republicans are like people who would rather die than have a foot riddled with gangrene removed.
F a bunch of Republicans and Democrats, although Democrats are clearly more corrupt.

Hatred leads you. Toe-the-party-line, bleater.
Today's Republicans are like people who would rather die than have a foot riddled with gangrene removed.
Today's Democrats are sheep, wear your mask, shut down, do what we say, and tokens of a corrupt government than no longer serves the people. These ****ers are going to walk themselves right into a European style country or worse, one like China.

I don't like a lof of Republicans either. They are nearly as bad.

Some of you guys are robots.
As soon as everyone that is old enough to have issues with Real ID is dead, I'm cool. I've explained this before....maybe half a dozen times, Gramps.

Funny how you can ignore issues with voter rolls, harvested ballots, no voter ID laws etc. but are somehow convinced that our elections are somehow beyond reproach, and if you do question them that person is an insurrectionist...

Got it. A little schizophrenic but I guess so is thinking you're a libertarian when you're really a liberal...
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voter rolls
A local issue.
harvested ballots
Actually legal in many states.
no voter ID laws
Don't blame me, my last three states require 'em.
somehow convinced that our elections are somehow beyond reproach
Only the ones that your team looses, right?
And what are today's Democrats???
Pretty much the same as they have always been, except Joe Biden doesn't play saxophone.
A local issue.

For federal elections???

Actually legal in many states.

So you are a proponent of states' rights now???

Don't blame me, my last three states require 'em.

And did those three states trend Republican? Because that seems to be the trend...

Only the ones that your team looses, right?

That is a rather "loose" take on what I said now isn't it??? And how many elections has your side (Democrat not "libertarian") said weren't legitimate???

Pretty much the same as they have always been, except Joe Biden doesn't play saxophone.

Hunter blows, Joe sniffs...

This is why you are laughed at (and not in a good way). The working class labor union bloc has moved to the Republicans because they were abandoned by the Democrats' dramatic shift to the left while becoming the party of special interest groups. That isn't even fodder for debate except here with your two looney leftist cohorts that think the Republican party is the one that has changed the most...
For federal elections???
When you go register to vote (placed on the voter rolls, as hillbillies might say), where do you do that? Is it at the federal building, or the county courthouse? Or maybe that federal DMV lol. Who maintains voter registrations? What do you mean for federal elections, did you fill out a separate registration for federal races? You think two sets of voter registration books are kept for federal vs state/local elections? My God, you really are a moron.
So you are a proponent of states' rights now???
I am a proponent of the Constitution. Perhaps you can dig up Bob Byrd's corpse, dig out his pocket copy, and check out Article 1, Section 4.
This is why you are laughed at
By imbeciles, including one who thinks there are two separate sets of voter registrations for federal and state/local elections.