democrats Come Out Of the Closet With Their Plans


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
Honestly, the left would accuse any member of the GOP, Trump or not, of being a Hitler-like dictator. They like to pretend Trump didn't already get four years OR those four years he was just biding his time before getting a second term to do everything they thought he would in the first four.

This is beyond troubling but anything can be justified if your TDS is bad enough...

History is full of fascists who suggested they were protecting the common man while they ended up being the dictators/dictatorships.

Interesting reading this article as NBC is basically suggesting the need for a military coup. Who are the fascists?
Honestly, the left would accuse any member of the GOP, Trump or not, of being a Hitler-like dictator. They like to pretend Trump didn't already get four years OR those four years he was just biding his time before getting a second term to do everything they thought he would in the first four.

This is beyond troubling but anything can be justified if your TDS is bad enough...

That is crazy and dangerous. Period. The military is non political entity, set forth by the Constitution with a clear mandate and what they are calling for is not it. This is absurd.
Everybody knows your orange jesus wouldn't do anything illegal or contrary to the Constitution. Idiots.
Told you all these left winger(not even real libs anymore) will do anything! Anything to maintain power.

The US military follows the constitution, not left wing think tanks or some doofus group or some lame left wing idiot in congress. A military officer's oath is to the Constitution, period!
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Obviously, you're not a miltary officer. oath breaking scumbag magat.
What's obvious is you are a coward who knows nothing about service to the country. You would never say that herdman or any other veteran on here that are a oath breaking scumbag to their face.

We are lucky to have veterans like herdman, jartard, mlblack, and any others on here. They are true Americans and Patriots.
What's obvious is you are a coward who knows nothing about service to the country. You would never say that herdman or any other veteran on here that are a oath breaking scumbag to their face.

We are lucky to have veterans like herdman, jartard, mlblack, and any others on here. They are true Americans and Patriots.
Indeed. He would flee faster than he left a walmart shopping cart.
What's obvious is you are a coward who knows nothing about service to the country. You would never say that herdman or any other veteran on here that are a oath breaking scumbag to their face.

We are lucky to have veterans like herdman, jartard, mlblack, and any others on here. They are true Americans and Patriots.
Obviously, you're not a miltary officer. oath breaking scumbag magat.
What oath did I break? I have always defended the constitution and followed the orders of my superiors.

Unlike you I believe in country before party.
You're a liar, Bubba. oath breaking scumbag magat.

You're a liar, Bubba. oath breaking scumbag magat.

You are funny little guy. If I had broke the oath I would no longer be entitled to my retirement. Fell free to call someone and tell them I broke the oath see how far that gets you.

Hell we can go to the Dept. Of V.A. together and you can tell them in person. Just let me know when you are free to go.
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You are funny little guy. If I had broke the oath I would no longer be entitled to my retirement. Fell free to call someone and tell them I broke the oath see how far that gets you.

Hell we can go to the Dept. Of V.A. together and you can tell them in person. Just let me know when you are free to go.
You're a liar, Bubba. oath breaking scumbag magat.

comedic irony that greed is using puppets from dunham's act when there's a stark resemblance between him and one of dunham's main puppets. coincidentally, or not, greed carries the same persona of walter. like walter, greed also has a stick shoved up his ass.
You are funny little guy. If I had broke the oath I would no longer be entitled to my retirement. Fell free to call someone and tell them I broke the oath see how far that gets you.

Hell we can go to the Dept. Of V.A. together and you can tell them in person. Just let me know when you are free to go.
Yeah, if I'm an oath breaker, how the fvck did I manage to use VA loans for buying both properties I've owned? How did I receive the GI Bill plus the Army College Fund while attending Marshall?

I know Greed's draft dodging ass never has and never will be eligible for Veteran's benefits.
Yeah, if I'm an oath breaker, how the fvck did I manage to use VA loans for buying both properties I've owned? How did I receive the GI Bill plus the Army College Fund while attending Marshall?

I know Greed's draft dodging ass never has and never will be eligible for Veteran's benefits.
When did you ever know greed to let facts get in his way?
comedic irony that greed is using puppets from dunham's act when there's a stark resemblance between him and one of dunham's main puppets. coincidentally, or not, greed carries the same persona of walter. like walter, greed also has a stick shoved up his ass.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
Yeah, if I'm an oath breaker, how the fvck did I manage to use VA loans for buying both properties I've owned? How did I receive the GI Bill plus the Army College Fund while attending Marshall?

I know Greed's draft dodging ass never has and never will be eligible for Veteran's benefits.
The same way the orange jesus is able to run for president. NO ACCOUNTABILITY. You ignorant liar.