Democrats in a real pickle


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2008
TITM Combat Veteran
Sun downer Joe is a real handicap to Dem Senators running for reelection in swing states like Virginia and Wisconsin but yet they don’t have time to put a new candidate on ballots (let alone in time to deal with the firestorm of trying to remove Kamala with a white candidate)
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Anyone who believes Newsome is an effective chief executive and an alternative for President is as mistaken as those who once thought Biden was "sharp as a tack" in meetings. Several national store brands have withdrawn from the state due to rising crime rates. Newsome himself was sufficiently embarrassed by San Francisco's severe homelessness crisis that he directed city officials to clean up before a Xi from China could witness the extent of the problem.
Anyone who believes Newsome is
Anyone who listens to a moron talk about things he can't even spell correctly is also a moron.

Several national store brands have withdrawn from the state due to rising crime rates.
No, moron. They haven't withdrawn from the state due to "rising crime rates." Companies ("national brands" as you called them) have "withdrawn" from the state due to corporate tax rates. It's why more about 75% have made Texas their home. It's no different than why individuals leave California: they aren't successful nor intelligent enough to earn money to be able to live in heaven, so they move to shitholes like Idaho.

Still no.
Anyone who listens to a moron talk about things he can't even spell correctly is also a moron.

No, moron. They haven't withdrawn from the state due to "rising crime rates." Companies ("national brands" as you called them) have "withdrawn" from the state due to corporate tax rates. It's why more about 75% have made Texas their home. It's no different than why individuals leave California: they aren't successful nor intelligent enough to earn money to be able to live in heaven, so they move to shitholes like Idaho.

Still no.
So fun watching you defend california. Really, so fun. Entertaining. Pure entertainment. At the end of the day, you might be correct in your defense but America, i.e. most everybody outside of California, is saying California is a shithole. You might not like it but you better learn to deal with it because your state that you defend is developing a reputation that the rest of the nation sees as negative. Not just a little negative, but overboard way ****ed up negative. Go ahead and convince the rest of your dumbass liberal friends the rest of America is wrong. See how that works out for you.

Hell, better yet, get Gavin newsom to run for president. See how that works out for you. Joe Biden stands a better chance.
So fun watching you defend california. Really, so fun. Entertaining. Pure entertainment. At the end of the day, you might be correct in your defense but America, i.e. most everybody outside of California, is saying California is a shithole. You might not like it but you better learn to deal with it because your state that you defend is developing a reputation that the rest of the nation sees as negative. Not just a little negative, but overboard way ****ed up negative. Go ahead and convince the rest of your dumbass liberal friends the rest of America is wrong. See how that works out for you.

Hell, better yet, get Gavin newsom to run for president. See how that works out for you. Joe Biden stands a better chance.
Yes, it seems like a paradise where you need an app just to navigate literal human shit Nusome's liberal utopia.

Yes, it seems like a paradise where you need an app just to navigate literal human shit Nusome's liberal utopia.
You must have forgotten that I was in Pittsburgh last June, which is understandable, considering all of my world travels.

Other than the green rolling hills of that area, I can't recall one redeeming quality of that entire city. It was so fvcking bland. Nothing. The downtown area? Atrocious. Hell, the nicest hotel in all of Pittsburgh (Fairmont) is a very pedestrian hotel in any other decent sized city. The hotel was so bad during my stay that the GM couldn't even answer nor explain the issues and wiped out my two-night, $800 charge. I was on the elevator twice with Ron Darling and Todd Zeile, and they both said that Pittsburgh is notorious for being the worst city for away teams to go to in all of MLB, and the lack of quality hotels is just the start of it. Darling said that during his playing days, they'd draw straws before the away games in Pittsburgh. The winner would be able to claim the flu and not have to travel to those games.

Even their big-money seats were abysmal. I think I mentioned this last year, but I have sat in the very best seats in 2/3 of all MLB stadiums. By far, Pittsburgh has the worst. Their pre-game dining was really, really bad.

Truly, is there anything redeeming about Pittsburgh? It has absolutely nothing. St. Louis' downtown has even less activity, but there are at least touristy things to do there. Philadelphia is a shithole but has a million more things to do. Pittsburgh is just so fvcking bland.

So fun watching you defend california. Really, so fun. Entertaining. Pure entertainment. At the end of the day, you might be correct in your defense but America, i.e. most everybody outside of California, is saying California is a shithole. You might not like it but you better learn to deal with it because your state that you defend is developing a reputation that the rest of the nation sees as negative.

No, not the "rest of the nation." It's why more people moved into CA than moved out over the past 12 months. Everybody, assuming they can afford it, wants to be here. Who believes it? Deplorables who believe that trump is an honest guy and who believe the type of videos of Biden posted on here that I quickly disproved. Who else? Poors who never go outside of their town and only know what they see in the media.

Want what most people do - warm weather with sun? The best in the nation for it. One of the minority who wants snow? We have plenty. Want ocean? Some of the best in the country. Mountains? Again, some of the best in the country. Natural beauty? Same. Entertainment of all kinds? Best in the nation. Want outdoors activities? Skiing, biking, surfing, hunting? Again, some of the best in the country. Want national parks? Yep, a lot of those and some of the best in the country.

If California was what you morons who have never been here think, why would the cost of living be so high here? Remember supply-and-demand? Doh!

Let's look at my last 48 hours: Met up with Cardi B on Friday who is in town for the BET awards. Who went with me? An actress who just about everybody on this board would recognize and was an A-lister 20 years ago. You jerked off to her numerous times as a teenager after you got done milking the cows for your neighbor.

Saturday, I went to the beach in the day and then walked to the green in my neighborhood for live bands along with a dozen food trucks and a laser light and drone show to celebrate the 4th. About 2000 people were there from my community. There were numerous shuttles for free for those who didn't want to walk. Who went with me? The girl who won/was chosen on The Bachelor. It's great going to those things in my community, because it's just highly educated, highly successful people that know how to act. And everything is so quality and pretty here, unlike all of the shitholes around the country. Really, can you all name a single place where you can go that everybody you meet - even the help - are from successful and educated families? That's how it is here. Ran into Rod Carew who was talking to my neighbor who just retired from MLB this year . . . because they both live in the neighborhood.

Today, I woke up and went on a nature hike in an area that is closed to the public. It's a trail that is 3.8 miles long each way and has thousands of undeveloped acres of land yet is a 15 minute drive to the ocean and a 10 minute drive to a major California freeway. Not a single person within miles of me, no cars allowed. 80 degrees yet no humidity. Yet I can get to three different MLB stadiums, Disney, Sea World, LegoLand, casinos, world-class dining, etc. all within an hour. I'm getting ready to walk to the open-air gym for crippled cardio which overlooks a beautiful pool and the ocean in the distance. It will be warm but extremely comfortable due to not humidity. And the walk there? Full of beautiful flowers, palm trees, fruit trees, and well kept greenery.

You simply don't get so many things that are either the best in the country or near the best in the country in one area other than California. But since so many people want that, you have to pay for that, and human nature pushes people to make themselves feel better by not acknowledging their shortcomings and trying to find excuses for why they don't want to live here instead of can't live here.

You must have forgotten that I was in Pittsburgh last June, which is understandable, considering all of my world travels.
No, I recall last year's analogous novella replete with name-dropping and a condescending, discontented tone, unmistakably reminiscent of Maddox.

No, I recall last year's analogous novella replete with name-dropping and a condescending, discontented tone, unmistakably reminiscent of Maddox.
Amazing that my stories are still consistent even with the details, huh? In other words, my stories are accurate, and your city is terrible. We all now know where "terrible towel" comes from.

People still wear Hugo boss shirts?
He was a 21 year old from Venezuela when that picture was taken. He barely spoke English last year. At one game, I scared the hell out of him when he was standing in the dugout. He had blocked two pitches in the dirt the previous inning, and I yelled "Cisco, that a boy! Keep working back there! Keep working!" Since I was fired up, he thought I was angrily yelling at him, and I could tell by his eyes, he had no idea why. I've seen him three or four times since then, and each time, he always seems a little intimidated by me since he remembers me as the mean guy who yells at him. I've heard he spent a lot of time learning English over the last year.
Anyone who listens to a moron talk about things he can't even spell correctly is also a moron.

Are you actually shitting me? So he added an 'e' to the end of Newsom? That's pretty pathetic. Politics definitely isn't your game. Stick to sports, jock or see if they'll create a grammar forum for you. You were probably dumb enough to vote for the idiot.

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