The dems have to abandon this & actually show America they have some ideas, right?
Pfft! Good luck with that. Imagine someone with the mentality of Greedtard or his brother Dtard coming up with ideas that made sense.
cutting funding for the social safety net, throwing people off health insurance,
Let us know when we actually take away your “welfare” healthcare subsidy.
You already tried it. Remember McCain !! idiot
The same McCain you couldn't say enough wonderful things about after he died and Trump said some things which were disrespectful?
McCain prevented the repeal, moron.
My point is you hated the guy
and it wasn't until he died that you were swinging from his dead nuts
Trump is despicable. I disagree with probably all of McCains political philosophy, but I feel that he is an honorable man. He was one of, if not the first republican to denounce the swiftboating of Kerry, and he publicly tamped down his own base's comments that Obama was an Arab, and stated that America has nothing to fear if Obama became president. Lot of class in those instances. Something totally void in Trumps person. That McCain is a hero can be argued, perhaps, but he like all other vets that behave themselves should be shown some respect. Trump deserves none.
Trump saying mean things about him
You already tried it. Remember McCain !! idiot
Ehhh. You’ll figure it out if you don’t have freebies. Your formal employees had to. You’re capable
the wealthy get more freebies than others.
You’re too stupid to realize they are the only ones actually paying for the “freebies”.
You're too stupid to realize the wealthy get more freebies than others. idiot
Give it up losers
Seriously, have you ever seen a more desperate bunch? Pathetic souls who keep stepping on a rake and getting smacked in the face every direction they turn.
My question for the Trump haters is “what is your end game?” You want Trump in jail? Impeached? What? We were told that we must accept the findings in the Mueller report, right? Well, here we are. He’s innocent. So, now, liberals want an innocent man to be jailed or thrown out of office for something he didn’t do. Is that their position? Is that justice?
My dislike of Trump is slowly ending because of the emotional damage he is doing to the likes of Greed and dtard.
My question for the Trump haters is “what is your end game?” You want Trump in jail? Impeached? What? We were told that we must accept the findings in the Mueller report, right? Well, here we are. He’s innocent. So, now, liberals want an innocent man to be jailed or thrown out of office for something he didn’t do. Is that their position? Is that justice?
I don't like the man. I wish he weren't or President. But the Russian narrative was clear and obvious bullsh*t from the onset. I said it from day one. Go back and look at my posts from that time period.
I say all that to say this: you want him gone? Great. Go out and get a decent fvcking candidate that middle America can get behind (not some half-baked socialist what had zero chance of winning an actual Presidential election). You don't keep posing false narratives, moving the goalposts, and just pushing crazy - which is the path libs have chosen.
It's stupid. A waste of resources. And totally not healthy for our country.
acceptance of lying, cheating, ignorance, and incompetence is growing exponentially. That is all
Why are you talking about your blind support of Hillary in this thread?
Why do you insist in proving your stupidity with every post you make when most of us are already convinced of
Why do you insist in proving your stupidity with every post you make when most of us are already convinced of it??
But the Russian narrative was clear and obvious bullsh*t from the onset.
Go out and get a decent fvcking candidate that middle America can get behind
and, might I add, easily beating "the most qualified candidate ever".Why? The GOP won 2016 without one.
and, might I add, easily beating "the most qualified candidate ever".
You must have read a different report that I did (who am I kidding, you haven't read it). The first half of the report is nothing but a documentation of Russia and Trump campaign actions. Bullshit (you can post that word here) implies zero shit, nada, nothing.
you've officially fallen completely to the depths of pure and complete trash liberal for pathetic and improper use of meme placement.
Please let us know when anyone on here has actually claimed that you’re NOT stupid.
Dtard might be the only one blind enough to think he isn't a complete idiot.