Democrats Say Mostly Yes to Impeachment

^^^^says the guy who wanted more sequestration in 2013. Why are you not calling for sequestration now? And since when did the national debt cease to be as great a threat as any country? moron.

I don't remember saying that I had changed my opinion on those matters. Where in the hell did you come up with the thought that I had changed positions? It's just like you to change the discussion when you are being shown to be the board punching bag.
We must have read different reports. The one I read said there was no credible evidence that Trump or persons in his campaign worked with Russia to influence the election. But, hey. If you got that from the report, then more power to you.


Funny, looks like you have now backtracked from "bullshit." As has your Great Leader, who once said "He (Putin) said he absolutely did not meddle in our election...I really believe that when he tells me that, that he means it." Now, it's all "NO COLLUSION"...which actually means, as you have been so kind to post for me, that it could not be established. And if you believe that to mean nothing happened, when Trump himself lied about it, I have a bridge to sell you.

You are an know what "did not establish" means it could not be proven, but yeah we know what happened.

I told you all a long time ago there would be no smoking gun (Trump is mobbed up, he knows better than to take fvcking notes), which is why Trump and his whores began hugging that "NO COLLUSION" phrase.

Lots of stuff with money laundering that has a 10 year statute of limitations...I bet Trump prays to God he is re-elected (probably the only time in his life he has prayed).
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Funny, looks like you have now backtracked from "bullshit." As has your Great Leader, who once said "He (Putin) said he absolutely did not meddle in our election...I really believe that when he tells me that, that he means it." Now, it's all "NO COLLUSION"...which actually means, as you have been so kind to post for me, that it could not be established. And if you believe that to mean nothing happened, when Trump himself lied about it, I have a bridge to sell you.

You are an know what "did not establish" means it could not be proven, but yeah we know what happened.

I told you all a long time ago there would be no smoking gun (Trump is mobbed up, he knows better than to take fvcking notes), which is why Trump and his whores began hugging that "NO COLLUSION" phrase.

Lots of stuff with money laundering that has a 10 year statute of limitations...I bet Trump prays to God he is re-elected (probably the only time in his life he has prayed).

What are you talking about? What have I "backtracked' on? The Russian thing is bullshit. It was always bullshit. Now we know there is no evidence to support it.

Want more? Here you go:




The investigation didn't identify any evidence that any u.s. persons or persons associated with Trump worked with Russia. Stop being so dense. You're better than that.
What are you talking about? What have I "backtracked' on? The Russian thing is bullshit. It was always bullshit. Now we know there is no evidence to support it.

Want more? Here you go:




The investigation didn't identify any evidence that any u.s. persons or persons associated with Trump worked with Russia. Stop being so dense. You're better than that.

You quoted did not find evidence sufficient....that's a little different than "no evidence", totally fvcking exonerated...which is the Trump talking point (I'm glad to see you keeping it between the lines, even if Trump didn't when he starting shit posting Thursday night). You stop being so dense. I'm amazed an attorney would believe a bunch of people lied left and right about nothing.
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Did you even read the first two quotes?

It was bullshit. It's always been bullshit. It's not like it was even close on the collussion issue. $25 million dollars, an army of agents and prosecutors, thousands of subpoenas, and hundreds of witnesses, and nothing, nothing to charge? If that doesn't establish it was bullshit, I don't know what to tell you.
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Winning on 80k flipped votes is easily winning? Couldn't swing the popular vote? Again, I think you have misused that word. It wasn't exactly FDR in 1936.
Ahhhh, yet another trait of the intellectually inept liberal, holding onto the popular vote moral victory. Count up the electorates, retard, the tally that actually mattered. Yes, easily won, especially given that he had no chance in hell just the day before.

You and your liberal fag buddies hold onto your 3 county popular vote win, doe. Let me know how that works out for yas.
I don't remember saying that I had changed my opinion on those matters. Where in the hell did you come up with the thought that I had changed positions? It's just like you to change the discussion when you are being shown to be the board punching bag.

I didn't say you'd changed your mind, moron. But I haven't heard a peep from you or your conservative ilk since cheetos ballooned the deficit in the middle of a good economy.
If you were not a hillbilly flunky, you would know something about history...and know that my mention of FDR 36 might have something to do with the electoral college.
and, if you were not a full fledge mentally deranged liberal faggit, you would know that i couldn't give a shit less about your FDR reference. what i do care about (not really) is your reference to "couldn't swing the popular vote", which stevie wonder read my reply to, and said it was pretty fvcking straight forward.
you would know that i couldn't give a shit less about your FDR reference.

Because you are lacking the education level required to participate in an intelligent discussion on US Presidential Election history. That's not my fault, Bubba. But it would behoove you to refrain from making assertions ("easily won") that invite comparisons to past incidents of the same event.
I didn't say you'd changed your mind, moron. But I haven't heard a peep from you or your conservative ilk since cheetos ballooned the deficit in the middle of a good economy.

So, you ar
I didn't say you'd changed your mind, moron. But I haven't heard a peep from you or your conservative ilk since cheetos ballooned the deficit in the middle of a good economy.

You can't keep up with the bullshit you spew from a post you previously made in the same thread. And, you are too stupid to back down, so you will just continue posting crap to make yourself feel better.
So, you ar

You can't keep up with the bullshit you spew from a post you previously made in the same thread. And, you are too stupid to back down, so you will just continue posting crap to make yourself feel better.

I don't have to "keep up" to know you're an idiot.
Because you are lacking the education level required to participate in an intelligent discussion on US Presidential Election history. That's not my fault, Bubba. But it would behoove you to refrain from making assertions ("easily won") that invite comparisons to past incidents of the same event.
lol, ok mr. poly scientist.
Hey, if I tell your hillbilly ass Dale Earnhardt easily beat Ernie Irvin at Talladega in 1993, I fully expect you to use your hillbilly knowledge to correct me.

And you are a Super Hillbilly if you know who flipped over the wall in that race.
sorry, not a clue without looking, disappointed i won't be taking super hillbilly status. last nascawr race i went to, 2007, i ran into a ~25 y.o. kid with a $300K RV (he said his grandfather bought it for him) in the parking lot with 3 tv's and 3 different college football games rolling. i went into the race when i ran out of beer and stole a beer or 2 from each of my buddies' coolers and went back to said kid's RV and watched football until race was over then met my buddies back at my truck and about died. i got back to truck before they did and passed out in back seat. when i woke they had put burgers on the small portable grille we had taken along. problem was, the charcoal was matchlight and they didn't wait any at all after lighting the charcoal to put the burgers on. i didn't know it until i bit into one and it tasted like lighter fluid. i swallowed part of the bite and spit the rest out. a couple others wasn't as fortunate and ate like half of a burger and got pretty damn sick from it. seemed like we were stopping every 20 miles for someone to puke, and every time i lit up a marlboro light coming up the road, it seemed like i was going to explode in flames.

that topped the day off after watching WVU kick marshall's ass at a BW3's in short pump and being asked to leave there. guess it's kind of frowned on to ask a girl in a marshall shirt if she'd ever been hillbilly fukt.

ahhhh, yes, the good ole days of red neckin'.
Hey, if I tell your hillbilly ass Dale Earnhardt easily beat Ernie Irvin at Talladega in 1993, I fully expect you to use your hillbilly knowledge to correct me.

And you are a Super Hillbilly if you know who flipped over the wall in that race.
Doesn’t everyone know it was jimmy Horton?
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Doesn’t everyone know it was jimmy Horton?

Craziest damn thing I've seen. Jimmy said he knew it was a bad wreck when the first person to walk up to his car had a beer in his hand.

That wreck is also infamous because Stanley Smith suffered a basilar skull fracture...and lived. Same hit/angle and high speed as Dale when he got killed. Same scene, the first worker walked up and saw blood everywhere.
Craziest damn thing I've seen. Jimmy said he knew it was a bad wreck when the first person to walk up to his car had a beer in his hand.

That wreck is also infamous because Stanley Smith suffered a basilar skull fracture...and lived. Same hit/angle and high speed as Dale when he got killed. Same scene, the first worker walked up and saw blood everywhere.
That’s when racin was racin!!
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