Democrats Still Can't Get Over Loss

Electorial college saves us from the perverts from california and new york picking our president. That bunch would put a tranny in the office
Electorial college saves us from the perverts from california and new york picking our president. That bunch would put a tranny in the office

It didn't save us from the conservative perverts when it elected the liar in chief.
Electorial college saves us from the perverts from california and new york picking our president. That bunch would put a tranny in the office
Just be thankful you can now own more than six Texas, your mouth might not be thrilled.
It didn't save us from the conservative perverts when it elected the liar in chief.
Im talking about thousands of perverts from california and new york against one or two republicans. Republican party really doesnt want gays in the party if truth known.
Im talking about thousands of perverts from california and new york against one or two republicans. Republican party really doesnt want gays in the party if truth known.

I'm talking about degenerates (every single person that voted for Cheetos).
I know a Dr a dentist and a county judge who voted for trump. For you to call everyone of them degenerates is childish EG. Like me calling all that voted for Hillary as homosexuals. Alot of people voted knowing nothing but the hated Hillary. Face it the democrats beat themselves. You ran the most hated candidate in the history of your Marty. Miley Cyrus and her kind on your side. That doesnt seem right. Trump's big mouth tweeted this investigation where they say they wont release until monday proves he is totally innocent. How did he get that information? Is he making that Up? Msnbc had a man on there that started this plan to impeach Trump. America made a mistake thinking they wanted a president that was on the outside of the political machine in washington. Like hiring a economics teacher to led men into battle. You have to understand all things presidential. Trump falls way short on that
You ran the most hated candidate in the history of your Marty.

Weird. She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.
Alot voted for the democratic party and not Hillary. Some voted for the party not Trump. The party with the most people doesnt always win. Talk about a myth is you acting like. Why I never heard anything about people hating Hillary. She will end up in prison before the Trumpster gets impeached. Swamp gettin smaller. Lol lol
She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.
She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.
And just think of when would have gotten a couple hundred thousand more and visited Wisconsin or Michigan she’d be potus. But no she was to smug and got burned by our actual system of electing a president.
And just think of when would have gotten a couple hundred thousand more and visited Wisconsin or Michigan she’d be potus. But no she was to smug and got burned by our actual system of electing a president.

That has absolutely nothing to do with the "most hated democrat presidential candidate."

This nation got burned when cheetos was elected. You can't blame hillary for your poor choice of presidents.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the "most hated democrat presidential candidate."

This nation got burned when cheetos was elected. You can't blame hillary for your poor choice of presidents.

That show's you how bad she was. There is no reason Trump should have won. She was in the same party as the incumbent President and was the chose one.

She was awful.
That show's you how bad she was. There is no reason Trump should have won. She was in the same party as the incumbent President and was the chose one.

She was awful.

She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.
That's what I said. There is enough degenerates to elect cheetos.

You and dherd are playing the victim of the very people you disparaged pre-election. It's hilarious.

You know what's stupid? People like you who think only white supremacists voted for trump. Like that's your only rationale. It proves how limited you people think, how one-concepted your strategy was. Hillary is still pushing this (along with sexism), and its moronic.

Trump is an idiot but that doesn't mean all conservatives are. Keep pushing that narrative, it's worked so well the last two cycles.
She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.

Minus California and New York, what was the count?

Eager to see what the turnout rate in major metropolitan areas were in NY and California were compared to rest of country.

Also, how many "illegals" were signed up and allowed to vote?[/QUOTE]
She got almost exactly the same number of votes as Obama in the previous election and 3 million more than cheetos. You're dealing with a myth, again.
There is no myth. She lost. Bamster did not. You have to win the right states. She didn't.

Terrible candidate.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the "most hated democrat presidential candidate."

This nation got burned when cheetos was elected. You can't blame hillary for your poor choice of presidents.
I didn’t vote for him in primary or general so he’s not my choice.
You and dherd are playing the victim of the very people you disparaged pre-election. It's hilarious.

You know what's stupid? People like you who think only white supremacists voted for trump. Like that's your only rationale. It proves how limited you people think, how one-concepted your strategy was. Hillary is still pushing this (along with sexism), and its moronic.

Trump is an idiot but that doesn't mean all conservatives are. Keep pushing that narrative, it's worked so well the last two cycles.

I'll repeat so people like you might, just might understand. I'm not talking about any particular set of people except those who voted for cheetos. In order to vote for the liar in chief, you had to ignore his constant lying, his admitted sexual harassment of women, his degradation of women in general, his degradation of the upper echelon of the military, his disregard for international agreements, his calling people names, his many failures in business, his religious "conversion" on the campaign trail, and his total lack of any governing experience. So yeah, if you voted for cheetos, you're a degenerate.
There is no myth. She lost. Bamster did not. You have to win the right states. She didn't.

Terrible candidate.

It is a myth that hillary was a terrible candidate. The truth is that enough of the electorate made a terrible choice. You DO NOT get to blame hillary for that terrible choice.
It is a myth that hillary was a terrible candidate. The truth is that enough of the electorate made a terrible choice. You DO NOT get to blame hillary for that terrible choice.
Trump ran a better campaign. even many in her own party said she was terrible
Trump ran a better campaign. even many in her own party said she was terrible

No, he most certainly did not run a better campaign. The electorate made a terrible choice. That is the ONLY reason he is in the oval office. Nothing else.
Maybe the Democrats should have put up a candidate that could have beat him.

I tell you again. It wasn't the democrat candidate that was the problem, it was the degenerates that voted for a lying, cheating, abusive, abrasive, inexperienced, and unknowledgeable buffoon. You don't need to take my word for it, it's playing out on the stage as we speak.
I'll repeat so people like you might, just might understand. I'm not talking about any particular set of people except those who voted for cheetos. In order to vote for the liar in chief, you had to ignore his constant lying, his admitted sexual harassment of women, his degradation of women in general, his degradation of the upper echelon of the military, his disregard for international agreements, his calling people names, his many failures in business, his religious "conversion" on the campaign trail, and his total lack of any governing experience. So yeah, if you voted for cheetos, you're a degenerate.

If you replaced "his" with 'hers' you're argument would still remain true. Funny that.
Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. It is what it is.

Blindly defending her without acknowledging her many faults is just as bad as the folks on here that will defend anything Trump says or does.
You're going with the alternative facts. I expect nothing more from you.

I'm not arguing you, I'm arguing history. Hillary is guilty of nearly every accusation you mentioned. Why would you ever defend a person like that?
Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. It is what it is.

Blindly defending her without acknowledging her many faults is just as bad as the folks on here that will defend anything Trump says or does.

Wrong. As I said, she received almost exactly the same number of votes that obama did in the previous election and won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, even after being investigated by republicans nearly right up to election day. Politifact has hillary's statements rated at 74% at half true or better while cheetos is rated at 32% at half true or better. She had 8 years of experience as a U S senator and 4 years as Sec of State, cheetos experience none. She gave obama a tough run in 2008 in the primaries with the vote within 1%. So no, I will continue to defend her as a capable candidate and I will continue to declare that the problem was the degenerate voters who voted for the liar in chief. No one gets to blame hillary for their voting for cheetos.