Tampon Tim calls for elimination of Electoral College at California fundraiser, says 'it needs to go'

You're an idiot. The conservative party now turned magat have only recently went pure stupid and unAmerican. Bunch of insurrection approving sore losers willing to sell their souls to a spoiled brat thug convicted felon.

***Notice there's ^^ no "maybe" in the above statement.

Sign of a low IQ simpleton
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Sign of a low IQ simpleton
And you still haven't understood it. Dimwit. Try again...

You're an idiot. The conservative party now turned magat have only recently went pure stupid and unAmerican. Bunch of insurrection approving sore losers willing to sell their souls to a spoiled brat thug convicted felon.

***Notice there's ^^ no "maybe" in the above statement.
I think the stunt of saying that Obama couldn’t possibly seat a judge with an election pending due to history or whatever and then letting Trump do it crashed down any historical qualms there might be about playing games with SCOTUS seats.
Don't forget, elections have consequences.
Don't forget, elections have consequences.
Yep, dem wins presidential election, the consequences are that there's an insurrection incited by the losing con and he attempts to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election.
What does the Constitution say about the number of SCOTUS justices?

Has there always been nine justices?

Personally I think there should be 13, with random selection of nine to hear a case. This would be more interesting than knowing how a decision will go even before they hear it. But I also think it would lead to less bellyaching about decisions.

I also think we should do away with lifetime appointment, and this would take changing the Constitution. I simply don't believe anyone should be a for-life anything, especially when people routinely live longer now than in the 1700's.
People don't live longer now. The change in life expectancy is all about the survival of infants and toddlers. Jefferson was 83 when he died, John Adams was 90.
Show me where there has been an outcry to change it from 9 in recent years?
You seem to think you know the answer, why ask me?

There have been numerous proposals to change the number of justices. This goes back to our early history as a nation. I assume most were because someone wasn't happy with something. This is how our government works, not all proposals are approved but people keep on making them.
People don't live longer now. The change in life expectancy is all about the survival of infants and toddlers. Jefferson was 83 when he died, John Adams was 90.
It's also about modern medicine, antibiotics, and vaccines.

Healthy people have always had longevity.

How many times was RGB treated for cancer? She should have been dead 20 years earlier if not for modern medicine.
You seem to think you know the answer, why ask me?

There have been numerous proposals to change the number of justices. This goes back to our early history as a nation. I assume most were because someone wasn't happy with something. This is how our government works, not all proposals are approved but people keep on making them.
I’m simply illustrating that the idea of packing the court isn’t something that is brought up or considered often. It happens when the left doesn’t get their way and like always…looks to change the rules.

Again, when was the last time prior to the most important event meltdown that packing the court was proposed?
I’m simply illustrating that the idea of packing the court isn’t something that is brought up or considered often.
Neither does the Senate Majority Leader flat-out refusing to even consider any nomimee, while making up some bullshit reason that he later reverses course on when the President is from his party, but hey here we are.

It's almost like for every action there's a reaction.
Neither does the Senate Majority Leader flat-out refusing to even consider any nomimee, while making up some bullshit reason that he later reverses course on when the President is from his party, but hey here we are.

It's almost like for every action there's a reaction.
Right on time with the whataboutism’s.

Politics sir. I see you’re still refusing to answer the question…
Right on time with the whataboutism’s.

Politics sir.
It's like you don't understand how politics works.
I see you’re still refusing to answer the question…
Technically what I mentioned is court packing. It's throwing the norms out the window to get the desired make-up of the Court.

This caused a reaction via a few people proposing expanding the Court. Obviously, the side you want to demonize didn't end up doing this. Why didn't they? IMO Biden is old and believes in a more traditional and dignified government, but I don't think it really ever existed.
It's like you don't understand how politics works.

Technically what I mentioned is court packing. It's throwing the norms out the window to get the desired make-up of the Court.

This caused a reaction via a few people proposing expanding the Court. Obviously, the side you want to demonize didn't end up doing this. Why didn't they? IMO Biden is old and believes in a more traditional and dignified government, but I don't think it really ever existed.
Hahahahaha. He’s old. You got that part right
If Tampon Tim is so right, @extragreen, then why do you support the person who says it's wrong? Be honest. You really don't give a damn, do you?

Tampon Tim silent on support for eliminating Electoral College after Commie-Toe camp says it doesn't back banning it



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks

The real question is: since you know that your source is not real news but entertainment, why do continue to use it for a news source? Another important question is...why do you lie about what was said? Did Walz say it was an official campaign policy position? Did Harris say she was against what Walz stated?

You stupid lying idiot.
**** states. One person one vote.
Fine, but you'll need to do away with "states."
Fvck California and the cucks who live there

Why do Pennsylvania and Arizona get to decide?
Because each state has its own government and has equal say in things that will affect them. And they don't "decide" anymore than California or New York.

We all know why you're in favor of eliminating the electoral college. You can stop pretending it has anything else to do with it other than power over EVERYTHING for your party.
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Neither does the Senate Majority Leader flat-out refusing to even consider any nomimee, while making up some bullshit reason that he later reverses course on when the President is from his party, but hey here we are.

It's like you don't understand how politics works.
The same person unironically made these posts back-to-back 🤣🤣🤣


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks

The real question is: since you know that your source is not real news but entertainment, why do continue to use it for a news source? Another important question is...why do you lie about what was said? Did Walz say it was an official campaign policy position? Did Harris say she was against what Walz stated?

You stupid lying idiot.

So in other words, you don’t know what you're talking about. Pretty sad accusation by you when you consider all news sources say the same thing.

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Fine, but you'll need to do away with "states."
You're a stupid liar. If that ^^ held true, why hasn't the popular vote in states for state senators and representatives not done away with county governments, and why hasn't the popular vote for officials in county governments not done away with city governments?
As of now, 10 combined red states can have the same number of electoral votes as the single state of California, but the electoral votes of those 10 red states represent 16 million LESS voters.
We both know why you don't want the popular vote. It has nothing to do with states having a say in matters. It has to do with your conservative politicians not having to run on a platform that the majority of Americans agree with to win elections.
That will never pass and if it did that is line in the sand. Waltz is full of shit.

The electoral college unified the country and keeps a few big states from taking control, exactly what the founders knew would happen.

We live in a representative country. Taking away the electoral college would destroy that.
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So in other words, you don’t know what you're talking about. Pretty sad accusation by you when you consider all news sources say the same thing.
Wrong, you lying trumptard idiot. Again...
"why do you lie about what was said? Did Walz say it was an official campaign policy position? Did Harris say she was against what Walz stated?"
That is not the way it works.
That's because you like and want minority rule.
Put up lowering taxes to a popular vote and see what happens.
If we put a bunch of separate items to vote on, you'd lose your mind. Such as:

Tax the rich more.
Women's rights.
Increase social security.
Strengthen labor unions.
The federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.
Vouchers for private schools.
Continue supporting Ukraine.
NATO approval.
That's because you like and want minority rule.

If we put a bunch of separate items to vote on, you'd lose your mind. Such as:

Tax the rich more.
Women's rights.
Increase social security.
Strengthen labor unions.
The federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.
Vouchers for private schools.
Continue supporting Ukraine.
NATO approval.
Tax the rich more.
Women's rights.
Don’t you mean murdering babies.
Increase social security.
Increase to what? For whom? The burned out dope heads like yourself that haven’t paid into it?
Strengthen labor unions.
For what? So they can get paid more to do less? Strike and shut down the economy? Continue a long history of corruption?
The federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.
Socialism…what did Obama care do?
Vouchers for private schools.
More socialism?
Continue supporting Ukraine.
War monger..true to the Democratic Party of loving war and death.
NATO approval.
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That's because you like and want minority rule.

If we put a bunch of separate items to vote on, you'd lose your mind. Such as:

Tax the rich more.
Women's rights.
Increase social security.
Strengthen labor unions.
The federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.
Vouchers for private schools.
Continue supporting Ukraine.
NATO approval.
That is why we have a representative republic. IF we just voted on everything it would turn to shit.
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Tax the rich more.
Women's rights.
Don’t you mean murdering babies.
Increase social security.
Increase to what? For whom? The burned out dope heads like yourself that haven’t paid into it?
Strengthen labor unions.
For what? So they can get paid more to do less? Strike and shut down the economy? Continue a long history of corruption?
The federal government should ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.
Socialism…what did Obama care do?
Vouchers for private schools.
More socialism?
Continue supporting Ukraine.
War monger..true to the Democratic Party of loving war and death.
NATO approval.
Hypocrite ^^^ also loves minority rule.
Told ya, "If we put a bunch of separate items to vote on, you'd lose your mind."

You mean like ?...
New Zealand
^hypocrite that hates America^
Buy a one way ticket and move there then. Moron.