Yeah, really just demoralized me so much that I’ve changed my mind about voting blue this election and will now circle in the bubble for Trump.Well hopefully that's enough of that. I think you guys sliced up his comments pretty well.
At this point in the discussion it looks like herdfbl has nothing left in his playbook but to call you all racist and move on.
As an independent, I consciously try and remain objective.
Yeah, really just demoralized me so much that I’ve changed my mind about voting blue this election and will now circle in the bubble for Trump.
I fully acknowledge that Covid was a factor. I even credited Trump for his gains. It’s just that you missed that by not reading the entire thread. That’s why I didn’t respond to the bulk of your posts because we had already addressed your points.Well yeah, you didn't fool anyone about being "objective"... Heck, you can't even acknowledge the effect Covid-19 had on manufacturing output and related job losses...
And for what it’s worth, I am 100% an independent and have history of voting for both parties but just so we’re clear I will vote straight blue until the Republican Party regains some dignity and moves on from Trump. I’m not anti Republican but I’m damn sure anti Trump.Well yeah, you didn't fool anyone about being "objective"... Heck, you can't even acknowledge the effect Covid-19 had on manufacturing output and related job losses...
And for what it’s worth, I am 100% an independent and have history of voting for both parties but just so we’re clear I will vote straight blue until the Republican Party regains some dignity and moves on from Trump. I’m not anti Republican but I’m damn sure anti Trump.
I fully acknowledge that Covid was a factor. I even credited Trump for his gains. It’s just that you missed that by not reading the entire thread. That’s why I didn’t respond to the bulk of your posts because we had already addressed your points.
Of course Covid hurt manufacturing jobs, but so did the real estate collapse. So my contention is you can’t ignore the real estate collapse when calculating job losses and gains under Obama but then turn around and consider Covid under Trump.
Trump did have some nice job growth pre-Covid but manufacturing jobs had also already started to drop before March of 2020. Additionally, Obama made impressive gains from 2010-2016 and although 2024 isn’t as dramatic,
Biden has demonstrated decent manufacturing job growth to date. One argument was that Biden’s grown related only to Covid but that isn’t necessarily true because manufacturing jobs under Biden have exceeded the highest point pre-Covid under Trump.
And for what it’s worth, I am 100% an independent and have history of voting for both parties but just so we’re clear I will vote straight blue until the Republican Party regains some dignity and moves on from Trump. I’m not anti Republican but I’m damn sure anti Trump.
You're a White Guy For Harris and just outed yourself 🤣And for what it’s worth, I am 100% an independent and have history of voting for both parties but just so we’re clear I will vote straight blue until the Republican Party regains some dignity and moves on from Trump. I’m not anti Republican but I’m damn sure anti Trump.
Me being objective doesn’t mean I support Trump. Integrity matter. Ha has none.Well so much for your "objectivity" you claimed to bring to this thread when in fact you just admitted you are 100% against Trump and intend to vote 100% blue.
Interesting you said both parties don't have our best interests at hand but now you are voting exclusively for one of those two parties.
Interesting that the one person that has proven himself to think independently of party lines you are 100% against.
Interesting that you say illegal immigration is a significant problem yet you are voting 100% for the party that is failing to address it and it actively working to increase the number of illegal immigrants.
Interesting that you say the Republican Party lacks dignity but you are voting 100% for the party that routinely calls their political opponents deplorables, fascists, racists, Nazi's, anti-democracy, etc...
Okay? What does me being a white guy have to do with anything?You're a White Guy For Harris and just outed yourself 🤣
Okay? What does me being a white guy have to do with anything?
Me being objective doesn’t mean I support Trump. Integrity matter. Ha has none.
Until the Republican Party grows a set and moves on from Trump, I’ll continue to vote blue.
And as long as you are supporting Trump, stop with the whining about name calling. You’ve normalized him and his supporters, being vile and immature, while expecting the opposition to be perfect. It’s a double standard. The man stands in front of a microphone calling people names daily and has for years.
Dude, you're not objective you're deranged.
The Republicans finally find a candidate with a set and you've lost your mind to TDS...
Whining??? You've got to be kidding me. Your side has shouted down conservatives speakers and universities for as long as I can remember and now that you're getting a little dose of your own medicine you can't handle it.
Objective??? 🤣🤣🤣
Well that took a turn. Have a good night.
Here is a question you deplorables never seem to be able to answer.The only turn it took was calling you out on your "objectivity" as you dismiss the issues and focus only on Trump's personality.
BTW speaking of vile and immature personalities...
Ex-Kamala Harris staffers have bad memories of a toxic culture in her past offices and are texting each other about it
Ex-aides to Kamala Harris say she's often led offices with low morale. They see similarities in news reports about internal VP staff
As if we ever had a doubt.I will vote straight blue
As if we ever had a doubt.
Until the Republican Party grows a set and moves on from Trump, I’ll continue to vote blue, country be damned.
Having zero faith in Trump’s honesty and ability to implement isn’t hate. I believe the man throws out as much sh*t as possible in hopes of grabbing votes while having no structured plans or intent of implementing one. Hell, we’re still waiting on his healthcare plan.Finished it for you.
It's pretty sad that there are so many voters who would rather our country suffer than choose policy over hate.
Having zero faith in Trump’s honesty and ability to implement isn’t hate. I believe the man throws out as much sh*t as possible in hopes of grabbing votes while having no structured plans or intent of implementing one. Hell, we’re still waiting on his healthcare plan.
I also think character matters because it’s reflected in your decision making.
Anytime someone points out Trump’s countless flaws, the default response is the media is out to get him, the courts were used against him, the entire world hates him, etc. Virtually his entire cabinet from his first terms says he’s unfit yet his you claim that they are all wrong and only Trump is right. In fact, you believe anyone and everyone that doesn’t support him is a liar and an idiot.
Even Republicans that you once adored and supported are attacked if they speak out against Trump. Quite frankly it’s bizarre.
In fact, you believe anyone and everyone that doesn’t support him is a liar and an idiot.
Virtually his entire cabinet from his first terms says he’s unfit yet his you claim that they are all wrong and only Trump is right.
Even Republicans that you once adored and supported are attacked if they speak out against Trump. Quite frankly it’s bizarre.
I support, and respect your right to have that opinion regardless of whether I agree with you.Trump and his administration did a far better job than the current administration, when it comes to policy.
There's no question.
I'm an Independent and I don't "adore" anyone in government. I vote policies, period. What's best for our country, not what's best for our adversaries and illegal foreign nationals.
I'm tired of "America-and-its-citizens-last" policies, lawlessness and "weak-on-crime" policies.
So you are claiming that the Trump supporters on this board don’t reciprocate and participate in the name calling? If so, that’s willful ignorance. Scroll through this thread alone.Are you sure you frequent this board as much as you claim? We're the ones that are repeatedly being called liars and idiots...
Virtually all??? Yeah, you're real objective... You keep repeating media lies so that seems to suggest you are lying...
Even Rachel Maddow doesn't buy the NBC lie you are trying to sell here...
Half of Trump’s former Cabinet secretaries haven’t backed his 2024 bid
During Donald Trump’s term, 42 people served in his Cabinet. Nearly half of them haven’t endorsed his 2024 candidacy. There’s no precedent for
Adored??? Like Liz Cheney??? You really are objective...
Last thing I'm going to say about this - you've wasted a lot of your time and ours as well trying to "objectively" convince yourself, and us, that CNN is wrong about Trump's pre-Covid manufacturing gains.
Let me repeat that - you are trying to disprove what CNN said when they accurately fact checked Tim Waltz that went against his, and your, narrative. Wow... Just wow...
Sounds like Tim Waltz tells bigger lies than Trump...
How delusional can you be? trump is the one who has a huge number of his own staff speaking out against him . . . people who worked with him, who he repeatedly promised were the "best and brightest." trump is the one with dozens of top economists speaking out about the dangers of his 7th grade class president promises. trump is the one with dozens of admirals and generals speaking out against him. trump is the one with multiple juries convicting him. Yet with every single one of those incidents, you claim he is right and all of the others are being dishonest for some random reason.Are you sure you frequent this board as much as you claim? We're the ones that are repeatedly being called liars and idiots...
So you are claiming that the Trump supporters on this board don’t reciprocate and participate in the name calling? If so, that’s willful ignorance. Scroll through this thread alone.
For every article you post claiming “half”, there’s another saying “90%” but even if it’s half, I wouldn’t be bragging. The list of cabinet members refusing to endorse him is long and unprecedented.
Now you are whining about me wasting your time? Stop replying and keep scrolling. It’s a message board and it’s America.
You seem hung up on my objectivity but I assume if I came here, drank the Kool-Aid, and followed the herd, you’d be good with me posting?
I think our exchange has run its course. We’ve reached the point of unproductive and I feel like I’m talking to David Koresh.Have I called you a name in this thread other than saying your not as objective as you think you are? Have I been called any names in this thread? That's not reciprocity in my dictionary...
Well half would be objective. Virtually all is not objective as you say you are. Thanks for proving my point.
It's America but yet you just told me what to do? How objective of you...
No. You are the one hung up on your objectivity. I just like pointing out that you're not as objective as you think you are.
Objectively speaking it's really Flavor Aid.
You can post whatever you want. Just be better prepared to back up what you post and don't whine when someone exposes your biases...
I think our exchange has run its course. We’ve reached the point of unproductive and I feel like I’m talking to David Koresh.
And for what it’s worth, I am 100% an independent and have history of voting for both parties but just so we’re clear I will vote straight blue until the Republican Party regains some dignity and moves on from Trump. I’m not anti Republican but I’m damn sure anti Trump.