Dems in Freak out mode- Politico

The Biden/Harris campaign stunt outside the courthouse was just bizarre to watch. Also, just gives fuel to the accusations that this is a political prosecution. I get Biden's behind in the polls with record low approval but is anyone pushing back on bad campaign ideas?
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The Biden/Harris campaign stunt outside the courthouse was just bizarre to watch. Also, just gives fuel to the accusations that this is a political prosecution. I get Biden's behind in the polls with record low approval but is anyone pushing back on bad campaign ideas?
Record low approval. Falling numbers amongst core democrat groups. Trump campaigning in blue states. The democrats are roiled.
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Greed will now tell us Politico is right wing and unreliable.

Pedo-Joe is an idiot and they know it. He couldn't lead Americans off a bridge, if they could go to either side. He isn't running our country. Crazy Bernie Sanders, crazier AOC and Lying, Lizzy Warren are.
“There’s still a path to win this, but they don’t look like a campaign that’s embarking on that path right now,” said Pete Giangreco, a longtime Democratic strategist who’s worked on multiple presidential campaigns. “If the frame of this race is, ‘What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,’ we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”
Don't vote until your vote is secure, and it's not so don't. That's what Trump's election attorneys said....the same ones that argue it's all rigged, same as you do.
They cheat in different ways. Last time involved elements of the govt using by using big tech, false narratives, false flags, and frankly phycological operations. The swamp isn't giving up that easy.

2020 was full of them.
“This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’”

Yeah, I'm not sure this freakout is all that flattering to your side either.

If Trump wins, you're going to need a second therapist.
Biden is about to get dumped…..
Just like your mother after I was done with her last night.

Nah. I'll just sit back, watch you rubes get the country you deserve, and laugh.
Low inflation, no wars, America first, employment for most everyone including minorities, protect our borders, stronger military for defense.

Thank you!
Low inflation, no wars, America first, employment for most everyone including minorities, protect our borders, stronger military for defense.
That sounds amazing when compared to inflation, wars, corruption and sending billions to Ukraine. how stupid are these morons?
All of which you would give up rights for. History repeats....or not, because the election is already rigged!
Give up rights for?

Oh and make those lifelong politicians and big dc govt swamp things nervous. The most corrupt 100 square miles on earth.
Joe Mush Brain Biden is the epitome of what is wrong with with our govt and politicians in this country. Life long govt politicians. Made millions somehow. Corrupt, never had a real job. Lifer who hangs out making disconnected bad decisions.
And you vote for the most corrupt man possible.

Oh wait, I remember, Trump is an imNot e
He is not even close to the most corrupt man in DC. Obama and Mush Brain rank way higher. There are probably even worse.

Right now there are about 5 major defense contractors narrowed down from hundreds. They are lining the pockets of the swamp. I make money in some areas with defense(not all my money by any stretch of the imagination) and I and others are calling it out. They own the Pentagon and Congress.

That is just part of it.

I hope every politician up there is nervous come election time.
He is not even close to the most corrupt man in DC. Obama and Mush Brain rank way higher. There are probably even worse.

Right now there are about 5 major defense contractors narrowed down from hundreds. They are lining the pockets of the swamp. I make money in some areas with defense(not all my money by any stretch of the imagination) and I and others are calling it out. They own the Pentagon and Congress.

That is just part of it.

I hope every politician up there is nervous come election time.
let's hear him out....after all most corrupt politicians work for free while donating salary and losing net worth. all to walk away from a lavish stress free lifestyle to be persecuted and prosecuted. these boys don't use much in the way of reasoning they just repeat like good puppets.
Your orange jesus is running for 2 reasons:

1. Ego

2. So he can shut down the court cases in which he's been indicted.
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Your orange jesus is running for 2 reasons:

1. Ego

2. So he can shut down the court cases in which he's been indicted.
Well he decided to run before they brought these election interference cases so......

If only the 1/6 fraud would have worked they wouldn't have waited to bring these ridiculous cases. Ronald Reagan was right about who would bring fascism to the US
Well he decided to run before they brought these election interference cases so......

If only the 1/6 fraud would have worked they wouldn't have waited to bring these ridiculous cases. Ronald Reagan was right about who would bring fascism to the US
Exactly. We now have a monarchial class within the govt. The representative republic is being forced out. We won't even have a form of constitutional republic if it continues. We will be lead by a ruling class of monarchs.
Stolen documents case: investigaton began March 2022

New York fraud case: investigation began in 2019

Georgia voter interference case: Feb 2021

Jack Smith case: early 2022

orange jesus announces presidential run: nov 16 2022

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