Do You Agree GK4Herd?

Just the way you like it, for everyone but yourself.

And they made more money, funny how you fail to mention that every time you bring up the commission, Mr. Couldn't Make It When Self Employed.
Would you rather own your own business or make a shit ton of money? serious question? I could have very ran my own business but, why would I want to say I owned my own business when I could make far, far more? You are just a hayseed.

No, I like everyone to have retirement and benefits. But, you did not offer so don't expect someone else to.

You still put them on commission and not a guaranteed wage. No union would go for that.
Would you rather own your own business or make a shit ton of money?

I would rather own my own business, that should be obvious. You think you're something for folding your business in order to depend on someone else for a job.

I could have very ran my own business

Hearsay, opinion.

You are just a hayseed.

You're a liar.

No, I like everyone to have retirement and benefits.

Another lie.

But, you did not offer so don't expect someone else to.

You didn't either, and you still couldn't make it on your own.

You still put them on commission and not a guaranteed wage. No union would go for that.

So, your pay doesn't involve commission as a sales person, amirite? AND you disagree with someone getting paid more money for the same work. Idiot.
I would rather own my own business, that should be obvious. You think you're something for folding your business in order to depend on someone else for a job.

Hearsay, opinion.

You're a liar.

Another lie.

You didn't either, and you still couldn't make it on your own.

So, your pay doesn't involve commission as a sales person, amirite? AND you disagree with someone getting paid more money for the same work. Idiot.
I am fairly confident, I make more than you ever did.

Anybody can go open a business. I could do that tomorrow. Hayseed.
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I am fairly confident, I make more than you ever did.

You may do so. The best I ever did was in 1983 when I was working as a union bricklayer. Adjusted for inflation I made $44.40 per hour. My next job was making minimum wage due to not being able to do hard physical work because of back problems. Pray that something similar never happens to you, moron.

Anybody can go open a business. I could do that tomorrow. Hayseed.

Yeah, but the trick is keeping it open. Liar.
You may do so. The best I ever did was in 1983 when I was working as a union bricklayer. Adjusted for inflation I made $44.40 per hour. My next job was making minimum wage due to not being able to do hard physical work because of back problems. Pray that something similar never happens to you, moron.

Yeah, but the trick is keeping it open. Liar.
Oh, i could keep it open. Just be a hayseed with a business license.

That's $92k a year being a bricklayer(assuming you work 40 hours a week all year, highly doubtful) . The Mexicans and Hondurans will do it for a third of that and they are a better and faster. They show up for work and don't sit around.
Oh, i could keep it open. Just be a hayseed with a business license.

Make sure that business license can pay $17,000 per year for the buildings you're working out of.

The Mexicans and Hondurans will do it for a third of that and they are a better and faster.

Walk out to one of them and ask them to design a gothic arch, then ask them how much camber in the metal lintel is required to keep brick from sagging over a garage door 8' wide....

Better? By what standards?
Faster? Maybe, maybe not.

They show up for work and don't sit around.

In other words, they don't get any breaks, amirite?
Make sure that business license can pay $17,000 per year for the buildings you're working out of.

Walk out to one of them and ask them to design a gothic arch, then ask them how much camber in the metal lintel is required to keep brick from sagging over a garage door 8' wide....

Better? By what standards?
Faster? Maybe, maybe not.

In other words, they don't get any breaks, amirite?
Are you saying the Latinos are not capable of doing those type of structures? You dont think they do complex structures now?

Of course they get breaks. They just work hard and a lot.

17k? Big deal
Are you saying the Latinos are not capable of doing those type of structures? You dont think they do complex structures now?

Just stop at any site you want where the latinos are doing all the work, and ask them to layout a gothic arch, and tell you the camber of the metal lintel as I asked....better yet, don't ask the supervisor or foreman, ask the guy that's been laying brick for 2 years or less.

Of course they get breaks. They just work hard and a lot.

They MIGHT work harder, but I doubt they got more done than the crew I worked with.

17k? Big deal

Will you business license pay that 17K?
Just stop at any site you want where the latinos are doing all the work, and ask them to layout a gothic arch, and tell you the camber of the metal lintel as I asked....better yet, don't ask the supervisor or foreman, ask the guy that's been laying brick for 2 years or less.

They MIGHT work harder, but I doubt they got more done than the crew I worked with.

Will you business license pay that 17K?

I pay far more than 17k in personal taxes. You brag owning a business and that is superior. I can go start one and brag too. Now it is the tax threshold.

I have seen the Mexicans and Hondurans work. I am not sure you want that challenge. I have seen workers back home. Not sure they want to go there.
I pay far more than 17k in personal taxes. You brag owning a business and that is superior. I can go start one and brag too.

Did your business license pay for that 17K in taxes ??
Well we've seen what happens to a business you start, and we haven't heard much bragging about it.

I have seen the Mexicans and Hondurans work. I am not sure you want that challenge.

But you haven't seen us work. There were 3 of us bricklayers and we had guys to mix mortar and keep us stocked up. I timed us once on a straight wall about 24' long. Starting on the footer, we laid 400 brick in 25 minutes.
On another job, the same 3 of us laid 1100 cinder block (12" wide x 16" long x 8" tall) in a 12 hour day. The 8' tall rectangular building had 2 large openings, one on each end, which means we had to cut 20 block in half with chisel and hammer, and included in that job was 2 partition walls of the same height. Your Mexicans and Hondurans might not have wanted to challenge us. The guy we did this work for argued he shouldn't have to pay what we charged because we got it done too fast, even though we priced it per block.
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Did your business license pay for that 17K in taxes ??
Well we've seen what happens to a business you start, and we haven't heard much bragging about it.

But you haven't seen us work. There were 3 of us bricklayers and we had guys to mix mortar and keep us stocked up. I timed us once on a straight wall about 24' long. Starting on the footer, we laid 400 brick in 25 minutes.
On another job, the same 3 of us laid 1100 cinder block (12" wide x 16" long x 8" tall) in a 12 hour day. The 8' tall rectangular building had 2 large openings, one on each end, which means we had to cut 20 block in half with chisel and hammer, and included in that job was 2 partition walls of the same height. Your Mexicans and Hondurans might not have wanted to challenge us. The guy we did this work for argued he shouldn't have to pay what we charged because we got it done too fast, even though we priced it per block.
17K in taxes? I don't remember exactly as that was years and years ago and an accountant did them. But, doing about a million in sales a year, I am guessing so. That was still pretty small potatoes.

If you were capable of that the Mexicans and Hondurans are very capable as well and probably more.

Did that union help you get some money out that injury? How about some workers comp or a good settlement? Disability?
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You may do so. The best I ever did was in 1983 when I was working as a union bricklayer. Adjusted for inflation I made $44.40 per hour. My next job was making minimum wage due to not being able to do hard physical work because of back problems. Pray that something similar never happens to you, moron.

Yeah, but the trick is keeping it open. Liar.

oh my goodness, the classic Wayne County "back problem". you old rednecks figured out the Xray can't verify or dispute the diagnosis. lazy ass
17K in taxes? I don't remember exactly as that was years and years ago and an accountant did them. But, doing about a million in sales a year, I am guessing so. That was still pretty small potatoes.

Did your business license, you know that thing anyone can get and brag about, pay that 17K ?? moron

If you were capable of that the Mexicans and Hondurans are very capable as well and probably more.

Tell us exactly why Mexicans and Hondurans are probably more capable....

Did that union help you get some money out that injury? How about some workers comp or a good settlement? Disability?

No. It was a pre-existing condition. Found out I had a scoliosis when I was about 16 years old when I dug a ditch across the driveway for my dad.
oh my goodness, the classic Wayne County "back problem". you old rednecks figured out the Xray can't verify or dispute the diagnosis. lazy ass

You're an idiot, and no one needs an xray to verify it.
Did your business license, you know that thing anyone can get and brag about, pay that 17K ?? moron

Tell us exactly why Mexicans and Hondurans are probably more capable....

No. It was a pre-existing condition. Found out I had a scoliosis when I was about 16 years old when I dug a ditch across the driveway for my dad.
I don't know what the hell you are talking about in regard to your big 17k in taxes. Whatever. Big tycoon paid 17k in taxes.

Have you ever seen the Mexicans and Hondurans work? You ever seen them frame a house? Paint? Block? I have seen the union and guys from back home work. I bet you could hire a painter from Wayne and he probably takes a week to paint the inside of 1500 square foot house. The Mexicans can do that in a day. Maybe 2. Same thing framing. Block laying? The are going to work so fast and long the union would throw a fit. Plus, there won't be two or three guys sitting around not doing jack. I am being honest they are just better and faster at it. Plus, more dependable.

Are you being racists?
I don't know what the hell you are talking about in regard to your big 17k in taxes. Whatever. Big tycoon paid 17k in taxes.

You're the one who brought up the 17K in taxes that YOU paid, moron.
You also said anyone could get a business license and start a business. I asked you if getting a business license would pay 17K annual expense for the buildings. Dimwit.

I have seen the union and guys from back home work.

You've seen SOME OF THEM.

Block laying? The are going to work so fast and long the union would throw a fit.

You're completely mentally challenged. You're not even smart enough to realize that union bricklayers don't work for the union, moron. Union bricklayers work for contractors who agree to union bylaws. Nowhere in the union by laws does it state that you can't lay a lot of masonry. And do you think the contractors fire someone for laying too much masonry since the contractors make more money if more brick/block are laid?
As for working longer, you're right about that, they would not have the option to work longer. Contractors are not going to pay time and a half to get the same number of brick laid those extra hours after 8 unless there's an emergency of some sort, moron.

Plus, there won't be two or three guys sitting around not doing jack. I am being honest they are just better and faster at it. Plus, more dependable.

That ^^^is nothing more than pure undiluted malarkey.

I'm still waiting on a reply to this question: "tell us exactly why Mexicans and Hondurans are probably more capable...."
Did your business license pay for that 17K in taxes ??
Well we've seen what happens to a business you start, and we haven't heard much bragging about it.

But you haven't seen us work. There were 3 of us bricklayers and we had guys to mix mortar and keep us stocked up. I timed us once on a straight wall about 24' long. Starting on the footer, we laid 400 brick in 25 minutes.
On another job, the same 3 of us laid 1100 cinder block (12" wide x 16" long x 8" tall) in a 12 hour day. The 8' tall rectangular building had 2 large openings, one on each end, which means we had to cut 20 block in half with chisel and hammer, and included in that job was 2 partition walls of the same height. Your Mexicans and Hondurans might not have wanted to challenge us. The guy we did this work for argued he shouldn't have to pay what we charged because we got it done too fast, even though we priced it per block.

Sounds like you're trying to insinuate that white people are superior to minorities.

Damn, I knew at some point that racist redneck deep inside of your bleeding heart exterior shell would eventually come out.
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You're the one who brought up the 17K in taxes that YOU paid, moron.
You also said anyone could get a business license and start a business. I asked you if getting a business license would pay 17K annual expense for the buildings. Dimwit.

You've seen SOME OF THEM.

You're completely mentally challenged. You're not even smart enough to realize that union bricklayers don't work for the union, moron. Union bricklayers work for contractors who agree to union bylaws. Nowhere in the union by laws does it state that you can't lay a lot of masonry. And do you think the contractors fire someone for laying too much masonry since the contractors make more money if more brick/block are laid?
As for working longer, you're right about that, they would not have the option to work longer. Contractors are not going to pay time and a half to get the same number of brick laid those extra hours after 8 unless there's an emergency of some sort, moron.

That ^^^is nothing more than pure undiluted malarkey.

I'm still waiting on a reply to this question: "tell us exactly why Mexicans and Hondurans are probably more capable...."

Because they work harder, longer, and are probably just plain better than the average union guy from WV. I have seen both. They are frankly, more productive. You don't know that you are better either. It actually pains me to say it, I think they would work circles around the average good old boy union. I have seen how long it takes to build a house in WV and I have seen how long it takes to build a house somewhere else. I am actually on your side, but those little fellas are fast and go at it like bees.

I detect a hint of racism in your comments. You think they are not capable. They are very capable people.

17K in taxes? I did? WTF are you talking about. I said, I paid for more taxes than 17K in personal taxes. You were bragging about your big 17k tax bill.
Because they work harder, longer, and are probably just plain better than the average union guy from WV. I have seen both. They are frankly, more productive.

They MAY work harder. Working HARDER is different than getting more done. You have seen SOME of both. You are offering an OPINION simply because you're anti union.

Here are the champions and runner ups of the world championship bricklayers contest for the last 10 years. How many mexicans and honduran names do you see?










They MAY work harder. Working HARDER is different than getting more done. You have seen SOME of both. You are offering an OPINION simply because you're anti union.

Here are the champions and runner ups of the world championship bricklayers contest for the last 10 years. How many mexicans and honduran names do you see?











I am guessing Chaves is Scot Irish. But, we are talking about working and getting jobs done. Not some competition. I see it everyday.
I am guessing Chaves is Scot Irish. But, we are talking about working and getting jobs done. Not some competition. I see it everyday.

Everyone of those I listed work as bricklayers in the construction industry, moron. You see what you WANT to see.
Around here the Hispanics work sunup to sundown. White people = lazy. Except for the Amish, they also go sunup to sundown.

We were talking about them compared to union labor.

He's from Norway, right?

Originally, I don't know. Canadian citizen if I remember correctly.
Around here the Hispanics work sunup to sundown. White people = lazy. Except for the Amish, they also go sunup to sundown.

He's from Norway, right?
That is true, the same here Raoul. Greed has no idea. He would not want to take on these people when it comes to work. I give them that. They are hard working people.