That the team that shows the most improvement between games one and two is usually successful! Obviously we went the other direction at Ohio and that is not surprising considering Doc's record in Athens. What is truly disappointing to me was the appearant lack of preparation for that game. Consider that both teams won their opening games and had the same amount of time to prepare. Moreover OU had to fly home from half way across the country and two time zones to prepare. We had an hour and twenty minute bus ride to Athens! I realize it was only the second game but sitting in Peden once again watching Marshall which - offensively, looked like a team going into the first. Yes, Ohio did not exactly sit the world on fire either. Does anyone know (Woody please answer) what the Marshall record for penalties and penalty yardage for a single game is? Last night had to be a record breaker. And someone in a previous post talked about giving Litton a shot in the Norfolk State game. Might not be a bad idea. Just my opinion.