DOGE: Pentagon Edition

Did you vote for Biden - cause I've got some news for you about his actual legislative history & you would never support that, right? What's your opinion of people who voted for Robert Byrd?
Robert Byrd did a lot for coal miners which they have forgotten and he was for the working man not the fat cats like Magats are.
I did not vote when Byrd was in office and Biden is so prejudice that he selected Kamala Harris as his Vice President. You Magats are the prejudice ones and it is so very obvious.
Are you one of those dumb democrats that believes Kamala is black?? 😂 😂

Quit lying about your Byrd support hypocrite.
YOU will be next if you don't shape up. If we have a fascist government, then you can't speak out against them. If you continue to do so, then you don't really believe that they are fascist. You can't have it both ways.
You're an idiot.

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