Dont be fooled. They are still going to cheat and do anything to stay in power.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I mean anything. Even Mush Brain himself said during his debacle wait until the vote count.

I mean anything. The walls are closing innon the establishment. DC is being exposed. They know it.

Don't be fooled. They are planning right now. They will do anything. By They, not just dems. Just think about it.

Very dangerous times. Things could escalate quickly. I told you to pay attention to 2024. In particular late summer into early fall. We are close.
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I mean anything. Even Mush Brain himself said during his debacle wait until the vote count.

I mean anything. The walls are closing innon the establishment. DC is being exposed. They know it.

Don't be fooled. They are planning right now. They will do anything. By They, not just dems. Just think about it.

Very dangerous times. Things could escalate quickly. I told you to pay attention to 2024. In particular late summer into early fall. We are close.
You told us that Russia would have everything it wanted from Ukraine in 30 days.

You stupid lying Godless trumpchum sucking oath breaker.
Yeah, might as well not even vote
If that fvcking vegetable somehow manages to still get elected, then you will know there's been foul play.

You can pretend there are enough beta males like you who would vote for Dementia Jesus simply because Trump is just a big ol' meanie, but that's not the case. Biden has done so poorly in the areas that matter that even black men are supporting Trump in record numbers.

Get your head out of your ass, think about the future of this country, and vote with your brain and not your mangina that's been wrecked by Trump's mean words.
You told us that Russia would have everything it wanted from Ukraine in 30 days.

You stupid lying Godless trumpchum sucking oath breaker.
They have what they want now moron. Ukriane has lose the war. All they are doing is dying. Putin has whar he wants. No No NATO ans the eastern territory. Ukriane has no ability to kick Russia out. Russia has 750,000 more men in reserve to attack if needed. Ukriane can't Pentwater their defense and has no chance or removing them. 600,000 Ukrainians have died . More are dying because of the nitwit in DC ans NATO. It is a slaughter.

Ukriane has lost. All they are doing is dying because of politicians. Cnn is not a good source of what is happening there.

Putin doesn't want west of the river. Ukriane can't remove them... it is over.

The question is how does nato save face and how does our country screw Ukriane over and get out. Done.
If that fvcking vegetable somehow manages to still get elected, then you will know there's been foul play.

You can pretend there are enough beta males like you who would vote for Dementia Jesus simply because Trump is just a big ol' meanie, but that's not the case. Biden has done so poorly in the areas that matter that even black men are supporting Trump in record numbers.

Get your head out of your ass, think about the future of this country, and vote with your brain and not your mangina that's been wrecked by Trump's mean words.
How’d all that work out for you last time?
How’d all that work out for you last time?
Was Dementia Jesus anywhere near as bad off cognitively last time? Was inflation burying the middle and lower classes last time? What was the cost of gas in 2020? What was the interest rate for loans (home, auto, etc)?

I think your best bet now is for Big Mike Obama to replace Biden.

But then again, I'm trying to rationalize with a beta cuck who watches pornography with his children.
Was Dementia Jesus anywhere near as bad off cognitively last time? Was inflation burying the middle and lower classes last time? What was the cost of gas in 2020? What was the interest rate for loans (home, auto, etc)?

I think your best bet now is for Big Mike Obama to replace Biden.

But then again, I'm trying to rationalize with a beta cuck who watches pornography with his children.
Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
Was inflation burying the middle and lower classes last time? What was the cost of gas in 2020? .
Do this: List the normal expenses that inflation is impacting the middle and lower classes. Look at how much they spend on those things per month. List the amount (both percentage and monetary) of inflation for those things.

Then, compare that to average wage increase for middle/lower classes over the past four years.

What you'll see is 1) After accounting for the difference between current inflation vs. expected/historical inflation over the past four years, the amount those classes are paying per month is very low 2) after taking into consideration wage increases, #1 is wiped out.

It's really not that hard to do if you want to look at reality instead of just listening to bullshit. The problem is that middle/lower classes tend to be full of lower education/stupid people who don't understand these things and just jump on the bandwagon to blame somebody for any issues they have.
Do this: List the normal expenses that inflation is impacting the middle and lower classes. Look at how much they spend on those things per month. List the amount (both percentage and monetary) of inflation for those things.

Then, compare that to average wage increase for middle/lower classes over the past four years.

What you'll see is 1) After accounting for the difference between current inflation vs. expected/historical inflation over the past four years, the amount those classes are paying per month is very low 2) after taking into consideration wage increases, #1 is wiped out.

It's really not that hard to do if you want to look at reality instead of just listening to bullshit. The problem is that middle/lower classes tend to be full of lower education/stupid people who don't understand these things and just jump on the bandwagon to blame somebody for any issues they have.
What's your education level?
Do this: List the normal expenses that inflation is impacting the middle and lower classes. Look at how much they spend on those things per month. List the amount (both percentage and monetary) of inflation for those things.

Then, compare that to average wage increase for middle/lower classes over the past four years.

What you'll see is 1) After accounting for the difference between current inflation vs. expected/historical inflation over the past four years, the amount those classes are paying per month is very low 2) after taking into consideration wage increases, #1 is wiped out.

It's really not that hard to do if you want to look at reality instead of just listening to bullshit. The problem is that middle/lower classes tend to be full of lower education/stupid people who don't understand these things and just jump on the bandwagon to blame somebody for any issues they have.
The argument presented is overly simplistic and naive, failing to grasp the reality of inflation's impact on the middle and lower classes.

Inflation affects essential expenses such as housing, groceries, utilities, healthcare, transportation, and childcare. Over the past few years, rent has increased by an average of 3-5% per year, with some areas experiencing even higher rates. Food prices have jumped by around 5-7% annually. Utility bills, including electricity, gas, and water, have risen by about 3-4% per year. Healthcare costs, including insurance premiums, medications, and medical services, have increased by approximately 5-6% annually. Gasoline prices and public transportation costs have also surged, averaging around 4-5% per year. Childcare costs have gone up by about 3-5% per year.

Now, let’s talk about wage increases for the middle and lower classes over the past four years. On average, wage growth has been a meager 2-3% per year, which is laughably inadequate compared to the inflation rates for key expenses. When you pit these dismal wage increases against the rising costs of living, it becomes painfully obvious that the middle and lower classes are losing purchasing power. The assertion that the increased costs due to inflation are "very low" after accounting for wage increases is not only misleading but borders on delusional. In reality, many families are barely managing to stay afloat as their expenses outpace their incomes.

The suggestion that the middle and lower classes are "full of lower education/stupid people" who can't comprehend these issues is as offensive as it is ignorant. Many individuals in these classes are acutely aware of their financial situations and understand the harsh realities of economic changes far better than armchair analysts spouting condescending drivel. Blaming individuals for their circumstances while ignoring systemic issues is not only lazy but intellectually dishonest.

While it’s true that wage increases have occurred, they have not kept pace with the soaring costs of essential expenses. This growing disparity has placed significant financial strain on the middle and lower classes, making it increasingly difficult for them to cover basic needs. Dismissing their concerns as a lack of understanding is not only unfair but reveals a profound ignorance of the broader economic challenges faced by these groups. So, before you lecture others on "reality," maybe try grasping it yourself first.
What's your education level?
I have a master's in transformative leadership and an executive MBA. Both were free for me, but then again, due to my athletic and academic prowess, so was much of my Bachelor's. Why do you ask?
I have a master's in transformative leadership and an executive MBA. Both were free for me, but then again, due to my athletic and academic prowess, so was much of my Bachelor's. Why do you ask?
Just wondering why you have all that education and you are acting like greed.
You are right everyone is imagining not having more money.

You're the idiot, you stupid Godless trumpchum sucking oath breaker.

Measuring from before the pandemic to the present, inflation-adjusted wages and incomes have slightly increased.
Inflation affects essential expenses such as housing, groceries, utilities, healthcare, transportation, and childcare.

Let's pretend that all of your numbers are accurate and use the average of the estimates you provided from basic Google searches of 2020 prices. Using available data from January 2020:

1) Average 2 bedroom rent: $1093 (but let's give you a huge benefit of the doubt and say that it was $1500 for a two bedroom apartment in 2020):
4% increase = $60 x 4 = $240 (and yes, I realize that you simply can't mulitple by 4, but considering I bumped the actual average substantially, it actually overestimates the increase): $240

2) Family of 4 monthly grocery expense: $610 (but let's give you a huge benefit of the doubt and say that the average family of four was spending $900 per month on groceries): $54 x 4 = $216

3) Average utility costs for a family of four in 2020 was $469. So a 4% increase would mean an increase of $18 per month. But again, let's give you a huge benefit of the doubt and say the actual average was $600. $600 x .04 = $24, x 4 = $96

Healthcare costs: tough to determine due to so many employers subsidizing substantial parts.

Gas/transportation costs rising by 5% annually. Let's pretend that both parents are big drivers and has to fill up every week. $3.40/gallon x 15 gallons x 4 x 2 parents = $408 x .05 = $20.4 x 4 = $82

Childcare increasing by 3% (using the lower number since I used the higher number on the last two): Again, tough to quantify due to so many children being in school and not needing childcare, parents working from home, etc.

So that means an increase in these monthly bills of $634 + healthcare costs and childcare increases. And remember, I have given HUGE increases to what Google claims was the average amount spent by a family of four on these expenses, let alone middle/lower class.

Now, let's take into consideration your claimed average of annual wage increases of 2.5% since 2020. Let's say that in 2020, both parents earned $35k. I think we both can agree that an adult making $35k, no matter where in the country, is either lower class income (based on where they live) or lower-middle class even in low cost-of-living areas.

Again, assume both parents earned $35k per year in 2020. A 2.5% increase would yield them $1750 annually. X 4 (again, it would be more than just multiplying the $1750 by four when compounding, but for the sake of simplicity) = $7000. Deduct taxes, and that leaves $4900 per month additional. Divide by 12, and you're at $408.

In other words, the difference is about $225. And that's after giving HUGE increases to the Googled numbers, rounding up when it helps your argument and down when it helps my argument. And again, that doesn't include healthcare costs/childcare increases.

So all of your side's complaining is over about $200 even after I gave drastically large increases for your argument then reality.

So, please, explain just how brutal this inflation has been on them.

If you can't, then by all means, you google the data and use numbers you can support.

The suggestion that the middle and lower classes are "full of lower education/stupid people" who can't comprehend these issues is as offensive as it is ignorant.
Clearly, it's also something that you can't comprehend as well. By all means, show us the math. Use Google to give realistic numbers. Note: I greatly inflated many of them to help your argument as much as I could.

This growing disparity has placed significant financial strain on the middle and lower classes, making it increasingly difficult for them to cover basic needs.
Again, use legitimate data to prove it. You simply can't.

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