Don't know how you all can laugh at Trump or even Pat Roberston

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
when you have real nut cases running around claiming we have 10 to 12 years left on Earth. Even if it is true and not total hog wash, how do you think we will get it fixed? We don't even have a cure for the common cold? What can govt do that fast? Something of that magnitude?

I guess we are hosed. What a bunch of nut jobs. They are serious nut jobs.
I never figured yago would end up being one of these left wing kind of nuts. Big guy that claims to get a bunch of bush. I bet he wouild enjoy his life a lot better if he would stop pretending to be a celebrity. What he needs is to get himself a country girl and live out in the woods. I know a place you can get an acre of land for like $12,000. Park a trailer on it, and live life. I think yago is slowly dying inside. He wants to pretend to be a liberal from hollywood, but deep down, he's just a redneck like the rest of us.
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I never figured yago would end up being one of these left wing kind of nuts. Big guy that claims to get a bunch of bush. I bet he wouild enjoy his life a lot better if he would stop pretending to be a celebrity. What he needs is to get himself a country girl and live out in the woods. I know a place you can get an acre of land for like $12,000. Park a trailer on it, and live life. I think yago is slowly dying inside. He wants to pretend to be a liberal from hollywood, but deep down, he's just a redneck like the rest of us.
I think so as well. He us putting on a show trying to get above his raising. That fast paced lifestyle is going to catch up with him. Find a good girl that can cook and do a little fishing. That has to be better than playing grab ass with all those fruit cakes
when you have real nut cases running around claiming we have 10 to 12 years left on Earth. Even if it is true and not total hog wash, how do you think we will get it fixed? We don't even have a cure for the common cold? What can govt do that fast? Something of that magnitude?

I guess we are hosed. What a bunch of nut jobs. They are serious nut jobs.

Nobody ever made that claim. You deplorables are too poorly educated.

I never figured yago would end up being one of these left wing kind of nuts. Big guy that claims to get a bunch of bush. I bet he wouild enjoy his life a lot better if he would stop pretending to be a celebrity. What he needs is to get himself a country girl and live out in the woods. I know a place you can get an acre of land for like $12,000. Park a trailer on it, and live life. I think yago is slowly dying inside. He wants to pretend to be a liberal from hollywood, but deep down, he's just a redneck like the rest of us.

When you come to realize how embarrassing it is that you’ve spent two years obsessing over me on here, are you going to be pretend like you were drunk the entire time?
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Nobody ever made that claim. You deplorables are too poorly educated.

When you come to realize how embarrassing it is that you’ve spent two years obsessing over me on here, are you going to be pretend like you were drunk the entire time?
I went to the same university that you did.
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I went to the same university that you did.

Yup, and for those of us who had classes with student athletes, we all know how challenging it was for them (eyes rolling).

I'm sure Rifle took tests with his tutor (wink, wink). That is the explanation given to us when we would ask where they were on test day. If you're not intelligent enough to be in organic or biochem, then just don't take the class.
when you have real nut cases running around claiming we have 10 to 12 years left on Earth. Even if it is true and not total hog wash, how do you think we will get it fixed? We don't even have a cure for the common cold? What can govt do that fast? Something of that magnitude?

I guess we are hosed. What a bunch of nut jobs. They are serious nut jobs.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Beto said we have ten years to address the issue. That's quite a bit different than 10 years and poof we are gone. Why is it that everyone has to lie and distort these days? I don't even agree with the guy, but you just bullshitted enough that you require a reply.

And Pat Robertson? Dude claimed God made a hurricane because of the gays. Never mind that it killed more blacks than gays (maybe God really is a Republican). That's by far nuttier than anything Beto has ever said.
It’s always we have ten years to act or we face catastrophe. It was that way in the 80s it was that way with Gore and it’s that way now. I have not seen anyone respond to why now it really is 10 years this time around. Instead all we get is more fear mongering.
You guys just don't get it..... The climate can ONLY be saved, the potential end of times turned around (so all can go to college), (only) if you allow the govt to tax you more, tell you what to eat, tell you how to cook, tell you where to live, tell you when to turn the lights on, tell you what kind of lights you use, tell you when to run your HVAC, tell you what to drive, tell you when to travel, tell you how to travel, and...allow the govt to tax you more (again).
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I went to the same university that you did.

Oh, you have credits on your transcript from Cornell and Syracuse? You have an executive MBA from Georgetown and another Master's from another shitty school? I didn't realize that.

But my "poorly educated" didn't just refer to an undergraduate education. It also takes into account having been educated in one of the worst public education states in the country compared to having been educated in one of the best public education states. It takes into account intelligence to be able to watch a two minute video and fully comprehend what is being discussed without reaching an illogical, foolish conclusion that wasn't what was being stated.

Yup, and for those of us who had classes with student athletes, we all know how challenging it was for them (eyes rolling).

It was Marshall. There wasn't a single thing challenging about it. I've made numerous mentions over the years about how shocking it was to see just how uneducated, and frankly, stupid many classmates from West Virginia were. It wasn't their fault - it was the fault of their public education in that state.

It’s always we have ten years to act or we face catastrophe. It was that way in the 80s it was that way with Gore and it’s that way now. I have not seen anyone respond to why now it really is 10 years this time around. Instead all we get is more fear mongering.

So after being exposed for being a moron by not understanding what was actually said, you now double-down on your stupidity.

Climate change has already impacted the planet since the 80s. At no time was there a widespread consensus by scientists in the 80s saying that the planet was going to be destroyed unless we do a 180 within the next 10 years. Science did say that humans are impacting the planet in a negative way based on numerous actions, and that if it isn't slowed, it will have hurt the planet in the future. That has been the case. The longer we push off changing our destructive activities, the higher the impact goes.

Let me dumb this down for you:

Little Johnny comes to you with a sore back. He needs a back rub. It is some sort of muscle fatigue. If he stops what causes the fatigue, it will heal itself in a number of days. However, if he continues the activity that causes the fatigue and even increases that activity, the fatigue will get much worse resulting in a far longer recovery period. At the same time, that level of fatigue will cause him to walk differently, etc., which will also negatively impact other parts of his body.

So give Little Johnny his back rub. And don't forget the happy ending.
Not a Beto fan, and who knows how long we have to address this issue. 10-12 years sounds a bit aggressive, but I'm sure there's research somewhere that supports that view point. I'm a bit more likely to believe that horsecrap than the complete and total bullshit the right throws out stating there's no such thing as global warming.
It was Marshall. There wasn't a single thing challenging about it. I've made numerous mentions over the years about how shocking it was to see just how uneducated, and frankly, stupid many classmates from West Virginia were.
To be fair, you did mention that our forum marine from a Raleigh County holler was in at least one of your classes, so no need to judge the entire book over one stupid page.
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Oh, you have credits on your transcript from Cornell and Syracuse? You have an executive MBA from Georgetown and another Master's from another shitty school? I didn't realize that.

But my "poorly educated" didn't just refer to an undergraduate education. It also takes into account having been educated in one of the worst public education states in the country compared to having been educated in one of the best public education states. It takes into account intelligence to be able to watch a two minute video and fully comprehend what is being discussed without reaching an illogical, foolish conclusion that wasn't what was being stated.

It was Marshall. There wasn't a single thing challenging about it. I've made numerous mentions over the years about how shocking it was to see just how uneducated, and frankly, stupid many classmates from West Virginia were. It wasn't their fault - it was the fault of their public education in that state.

So after being exposed for being a moron by not understanding what was actually said, you now double-down on your stupidity.

Climate change has already impacted the planet since the 80s. At no time was there a widespread consensus by scientists in the 80s saying that the planet was going to be destroyed unless we do a 180 within the next 10 years. Science did say that humans are impacting the planet in a negative way based on numerous actions, and that if it isn't slowed, it will have hurt the planet in the future. That has been the case. The longer we push off changing our destructive activities, the higher the impact goes.

Let me dumb this down for you:

Little Johnny comes to you with a sore back. He needs a back rub. It is some sort of muscle fatigue. If he stops what causes the fatigue, it will heal itself in a number of days. However, if he continues the activity that causes the fatigue and even increases that activity, the fatigue will get much worse resulting in a far longer recovery period. At the same time, that level of fatigue will cause him to walk differently, etc., which will also negatively impact other parts of his body.

So give Little Johnny his back rub. And don't forget the happy ending.
You actually think I believe Beto said he world was going to end in 10 years. That’s the pathetic part.

Here is an article from 1989 saying we had 10 years to Avoid entire nations being swallowed up by rising sea levels. This has been going on for decades. There is nothin wrong with calling out wrong predications and questioning why they have been wrong.
I think that's what upsets him so much. He read a few articles online about law, and now thinks he's Perry Mason.
He went to school where a lot of us did. Where we rednecks went and the first generation college kids or one generation removed from poor hill folk. I think you are right. He is just a northern redneck. I've met a few of those NY rednecks. They are crazy.

You think he would be more grateful. We let him go to school there, play some ball, and bed a few of our women folks.
Oh, you have credits on your transcript from Cornell and Syracuse? You have an executive MBA from Georgetown and another Master's from another shitty school? I didn't realize that.

But my "poorly educated" didn't just refer to an undergraduate education. It also takes into account having been educated in one of the worst public education states in the country compared to having been educated in one of the best public education states. It takes into account intelligence to be able to watch a two minute video and fully comprehend what is being discussed without reaching an illogical, foolish conclusion that wasn't what was being stated.

It was Marshall. There wasn't a single thing challenging about it. I've made numerous mentions over the years about how shocking it was to see just how uneducated, and frankly, stupid many classmates from West Virginia were. It wasn't their fault - it was the fault of their public education in that state.

So after being exposed for being a moron by not understanding what was actually said, you now double-down on your stupidity.

Climate change has already impacted the planet since the 80s. At no time was there a widespread consensus by scientists in the 80s saying that the planet was going to be destroyed unless we do a 180 within the next 10 years. Science did say that humans are impacting the planet in a negative way based on numerous actions, and that if it isn't slowed, it will have hurt the planet in the future. That has been the case. The longer we push off changing our destructive activities, the higher the impact goes.

Let me dumb this down for you:

Little Johnny comes to you with a sore back. He needs a back rub. It is some sort of muscle fatigue. If he stops what causes the fatigue, it will heal itself in a number of days. However, if he continues the activity that causes the fatigue and even increases that activity, the fatigue will get much worse resulting in a far longer recovery period. At the same time, that level of fatigue will cause him to walk differently, etc., which will also negatively impact other parts of his body.

So give Little Johnny his back rub. And don't forget the happy ending.

I went to the same school that you played some ball at. So, you wouldn't not have been all Ivy League if not for us rednecks and hillbillies subsidizing it. Plus, I went to the school of Common Sense. I know bull shit when I see it.
"Don't know how you all can laugh at Trump or even Pat Roberston"

Where to begin, oh where to begin.
You actually think I believe Beto said he world was going to end in 10 years. That’s the pathetic part.

Yes, I do believe that, because I know you are a moron. The next part of your post proves that:

Here is an article from 1989 saying we had 10 years to Avoid entire nations being swallowed up by rising sea levels. This has been going on for decades. There is nothin wrong with calling out wrong predications and questioning why they have been wrong.

No, that is not what it says. It says that the scientist in the article claims that we had a ten year window that would allow us to change global warming before humans would be able to control it. He claimed that within the next ten years, humans had the opportunity to stabilize the change. And he has been proven partially correct already, as some things are beyond human control at this point. Hell, the article even says that the most CONSERVATIVE scientific estimate is that the temperature will rise between one to seven degrees in 30 years.

Stick to body rubs, stupid.
So, you wouldn't not have been all Ivy League

"Wouldn't not have been . . . "? I rest my case.

unless yagi chimed in and got another thread deleted.

I think it is greatly underappreciated how I am able to fvck threads up so badly that they disappear from the board. That takes talent. I am the unofficial leader of getting threads whacked, and I wear that crown with pride.
How to pass a Prove Your An Idiot Test...

"Wouldn't not have been . . . "? I rest my case.

I think it is greatly underappreciated how I am able to fvck threads up so badly that they disappear from the board. That takes talent. I am the unofficial leader of getting threads whacked, and I wear that crown with pride.
Typo. You know I can claim a typo.

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