Economy Grounds to a Halt in 1st Quarter....Grows .2%


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Muswell Hillbilly
Not good

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy skidded to a near halt in the first three months of the year, suffering from a triple whammy of harsh weather, plunging exports and sharp cutbacks in oil and gas drilling.

The Commerce Department says the overall economy grew at a barely discernible annual rate of 0.2 percent in the January-March quarter. That is the poorest showing in a year and down from 2.2 percent growth in the fourth quarter.

Plummeting exports pulled growth down by nearly a full percentage point. Investments in oil and gas exploration drilling plunged 48.7 percent. Consumer spending slowed sharply as a severe winter kept shoppers home.

The tiny increase was much worse than economists had expected, but analysts are still looking for a solid rebound for the rest of the year.
I always LOL at the "weather" excuse. If its possible to dumb down economic intelligence anymore, the media and the govt bureaucrats that tabulate this data will eagerly use "weather" as an excuse for slower economy over truly evaluating the reasons for slower economic activity.

Specifically in the case of "consumer spending". Intentionally ignoring cost increases passed on to the avg family and biz owners by recent govt action is the reality they choose to gloss over. We were also told the gasoline price drop would improve consumer spending. The only time "weather" seems to be a plausible excuse is when an economically incompetent Dem is in the white house. It wasn't but a couple years ago we were told "weather" was the cause of a slower JULY. "Unseasonably cool" was the mantra. Laughable.

Markets are fixin' to bust again according to the typical 7-10 year pattern. Probably happen again this summer. Stocks are way overvalued and the dollar is way overvalued as well...

Was watching Bloomberg the other day and they had a 20-something year old pimple-faced financial whiz-kiddie on there that had the audacity to jawbone and posit that " profits are now secondary " when it comes to equities. Dude has obviously never seen a market correction. When you hear that kinda babble you just know its time to get the hell out.

I have had my money parked in Treasury Direct since 2008. Have also picked up some silver and gold lately at these firesale prices...( physical bullion, not paper ). Sure, I missed the big runup since 2009 but I didn't risk my life's savings ( and part of my retirement ) either.

Its gonna hurt this time; and the Fed won't be able to do a damned thing about it. Just hope I can semi-retire before it all goes down.

Good luck out there, Herd People and try to get yourselves as debt-free as you can...its fixin' to get real bad this time. Maybe the biggest correction ever.

We'll see. My guess is that we will see a big whompin' ass market crash in Q3 or Q4 of this year.


Markets are fixin' to bust again according to the typical 7-10 year pattern. Probably happen again this summer. Stocks are way overvalued and the dollar is way overvalued as well...

Was watching Bloomberg the other day and they had a 20-something year old pimple-faced financial whiz-kiddie on there that had the audacity to jawbone and posit that " profits are now secondary " when it comes to equities. Dude has obviously never seen a market correction. When you hear that kinda babble you just know its time to get the hell out.

I have had my money parked in Treasury Direct since 2008. Have also picked up some silver and gold lately at these firesale prices...( physical bullion, not paper ). Sure, I missed the big runup since 2009 but I didn't risk my life's savings ( and part of my retirement ) either.

Its gonna hurt this time; and the Fed won't be able to do a damned thing about it. Just hope I can semi-retire before it all goes down.

Good luck out there, Herd People and try to get yourselves as debt-free as you can...its fixin' to get real bad this time. Maybe the biggest correction ever.

We'll see. My guess is that we will see a big whompin' ass market crash in Q3 or Q4 of this year.


How many times over the course of the last few years have you posted this same damn thing?
How many times over the course of the last few years have you posted this same damn thing?

The last time I posted any predictions like this was back in 2007; when the yield curve went flat and presaged the last crash.

And I was right then, and I will be right now.

Sorry, but you can't show me anywhere where I have posted such a thing since 2007-08. I hardly post on this board as it is.

Go ahead and buy some stocks then. I don't care if you lose your ass.

The last time I posted any predictions like this was back in 2007; when the yield curve went flat and presaged the last crash.

And I was right then, and I will be right now.

Sorry, but you can't show me anywhere where I have posted such a thing since 2007-08. I hardly post on this board as it is.

Go ahead and buy some stocks then. I don't care if you lose your ass.


No, you have posted the same type of predictions on here several times since 2010.
Rufus, what do you know about winter weather? You pussies where you live shit bricks at snow flurries.

I have no doubt a brutal winter can slow the economy in certain areas. But I figure the temporary energy bust has more of an affect. The big issue is stagnant wages and no good jobs being created.
Rufus, what do you know about winter weather? You pussies where you live shit bricks at snow flurries.

I have no doubt a brutal winter can slow the economy in certain areas. But I figure the temporary energy bust has more of an affect. The big issue is stagnant wages and no good jobs being created.

Well the fact that I actually own a business in the south makes me a little more informed than someone who gets their insight from NBC's weather channel................

Just wondering how cold weather can be the cause of a economic slowdown while at the same time being told we are melting because of warming. (sarcasm) Nevertheless. Apparently you don't know much about the weather here or our reactions to it outside the weather channel. Part of the issue was the fact this area had very little snow removal equipment to begin with over the years. That's improved greatly. The second is the type of winter precipitation we actually receive.......usually ICE vs. typical snow. Ice is something that simply cant be handled by a plow truck.

I keep hearing about stagnant wages from people who expect to be paid more from someone else. You want paid more? Start a biz and compete with the someone else who has stagnated you and drive wages higher by competing in the game. The bellyaching of the downtrodden victim worker is cliché and tiring. You want a better life......create it. You want higher wages......create it.
I would expect by the end of summer/early fall will be a fine time to buy some long term holdings in the market again. If it all collapses the way Chem and MU have continued to predict over the years; gold, silver, and treasuries wont mean shit. We will all be trading aluminum cans.
LMAO. Why in the hell would I watch TWC? TWC is a joke these days. No one in the Wx community much respects it these days....although Dr Forbes is still a genius.

Snow removal is for the pussies. My goal in any snowstorm is to hit the roads before the plows. Seriously. It is the one thing that makes cold weather worth it. Ice is great, too. Fvxk it, YOLO, something like that.

Bitching? I am fine. I figured you would be happy someone else recognizes the Negro President's false recovery for what it is. Fvxk off, I hope Bernie Sanders wins and sends you to the gallows.
. I figured you would be happy someone else recognizes the Negro President's false recovery for what it is. Fvxk off, I hope Bernie Sanders wins and sends you to the gallows.

Why would I be happy about a shitty recovery/economy? Contrary to popular liberal/independent comprehension, people in business want a stronger economy and a successful optimistic outlook no matter who gets in office. Unfortunately the statist philosophy is contradictory to real success for anyone outside of the political elite.

I am never surprised a growing, more intrusive govt is grinding things to a crawl. Its what always happens when a feel good, cheap suit, political hack administration attempts to make things "fair" for everyone. Ends up making more people miserable, angry and dependent. (which is their ultimate goal). Its what some of us predicted would happen when he got elected the first time.

Need to be selective on which energy stocks are picked to buy. Wouldn't be surprised to see Oil back up big in the next few years. The price war will eventually play itself out and good energy stocks will be climbing once again.
by competing in the game

Yep, if most of these people would take the time to think about all that goes into winning, they would conclude that minimum wage is the way to go.

The average normal person just can't do much outside of grocery bagging really. If you aren't able to get a degree that most people can't or don't get, then you're stuck peddling garbage and looking stupid. Best just wear a frock and put bread in a bag.

Grocery bagging and fast food are fun jobs. People need to learn to live on a pittance. That's what I'd be doing if more people were able to compete in the game. For whatever reason, they just can't.
Republican politicians wanted the negro to strike out.

So what you are suggesting is that Republicans allowed the President to get and do everything he's wanted to do, so that he could then go out and brag about his "false recovery"? Simply because he was a negro??

And I actually thought Walden spoke pointless nonsense???o_O
Is opening up a business the only way to make it in this country today? The Republican way is never going to sell if that's the message.
So what you are suggesting is that Republicans allowed the President to get and do everything he's wanted to do, so that he could then go out and brag about his "false recovery"? Simply because he was a negro??

1. You must be watching a different nation's politics. Of Obama's agenda, nothing even remotely radically different than conservatives would approve of has passed since the 2010 elections significantly changed the makeup of Congress. The only progressive really getting traction has been in the courts with gay marriage (inevitable), and tougher environmental regs that favor NG over coal (an inevitable market change anyway).

2. Not because he is a negro. He is a negro. Although I am convinced about a third of Republicans do not care much for blacks, I am fairly sure the GOP Congressional leadership is not driven by racism.

3. That said, I sincerely believe Congress is now so politically driven that GOP leadership would rather the economy tank under a Democratic president than do well. And I believe the Dem leadership is no different.

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