Economy Worsens, President's Son Hardest Hit

When the choice comes down to buying a finger painting or buying food, I can see why the poor guy is worried about his future income.
I'm seriously curious why the left acts like Hunter barely exists. If he didn't film himself, you'd swear the truth was all 4chan nonsense. It's amazing. How the left can look at the totality that is Hunter & somehow think "yeah, but I'm sure all his business dealings are on the up & up"
I'm seriously curious why the left acts like Hunter barely exists. If he didn't film himself, you'd swear the truth was all 4chan nonsense. It's amazing. How the left can look at the totality that is Hunter & somehow think "yeah, but I'm sure all his business dealings are on the up & up"
They are protecting Joe. The media is just part of the Democrat Party.
If the media really started digging into Hunter….it would be apparent just how involved Mush is. Remember when the media accused Trump of quid pro quo??? Yeah. that was the Biden’s main means of getting wealthy.
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Washington Post reporting the Feds have stated they have enough information to charge Hunter Biden with tax & gun crimes.
If the media really started digging into Hunter….it would be apparent just how involved Mush is. Remember when the media accused Trump of quid pro quo??? Yeah. that was the Biden’s main means of getting wealthy.
They can't dig into Hunter's activities without outing Crazy Uncle Joe's crimes. The Bidens are exactly what the dems and media hoped and prayed the Trumps would be.
Just remember folks. They accused Trump of wanting to start a nuclear war. Guess who is in charge now?
There's no way Biden doesn't pardon his only remaining son. And it will stain his already beleaguered presidency.
Well, to be honest, and not a Biden fan, any father that is a president whose son is convicted of a crime would pardon their son. Don't care what political party he is from. anyone who thinks different and would use it a political issue is a type of person who the names I might call them would be inappropriate for me to use on this site.
Well, to be honest, and not a Biden fan, any father that is a president whose son is convicted of a crime would pardon their son. Don't care what political party he is from. anyone who thinks different and would use it a political issue is a type of person who the names I might call them would be inappropriate for me to use on this site.
You think Jeffrey dahmers dad would pardon him?
Well, to be honest, and not a Biden fan, any father that is a president whose son is convicted of a crime would pardon their son. Don't care what political party he is from. anyone who thinks different and would use it a political issue is a type of person who the names I might call them would be inappropriate for me to use on this site.
How is it not a political issue? Seriously, how is it not a political issue? That's ignoring quite a bit to imply politics had nothing to do with enabling or shielding Hunter from his own actions.
Remember when the press was all over the bush white house for supposedly covering up his girls underage drinking. i guess if they had video, e mails and texts messages they could have just called it Russian disinformation.
Well, to be honest, and not a Biden fan, any father that is a president whose son is convicted of a crime would pardon their son. Don't care what political party he is from. anyone who thinks different and would use it a political issue is a type of person who the names I might call them would be inappropriate for me to use on this site.
You might have a point, but it is becoming pretty clear the Bidens were basically running an organized crime racket and money laundering scheme for years.

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Ukraine is now getting billions and is in the middle of a war and that we could be heading downthe road to a bigger conflict? The Bidens were in the thick of that mess over there in terms of laundering money and receiving kickbacks.

They were also doing it with China. He is a compromised president.

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