El Paso Shooter - Guess Who He Supports

if they don't support that language, then it goes without saying they support the opposite.


again, they'll eventually make an attempt to provide illegals the right to vote and when they do, will you oppose it?

Total assumption.

The GOP will eventually make an attempt to take away the vote of everyone but white people. When they do, will you oppose it?

Total assumption.

The GOP will eventually make an attempt to take away the vote of everyone but white people. When they do, will you oppose it?
yes, an assumption, but a pretty good one. and, yes, i would oppose your horrible assumption. now, answer my question.
yes, an assumption, but a pretty good one. and, yes, i would oppose your horrible assumption. now, answer my question.

Now that we've got your nonsense out of the way. Yes, I oppose illegal immigrants the right to vote, even in state and county elections. As I've said before, if you want illegal immigration to come to a near or full halt, make and enforce a law that punishes those who knowingly hire illegals by fining them $1 million dollars per illegal hired.
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Now that we've got your nonsense out of the way. Yes, I oppose illegal immigrants the right to vote, even in state and county elections. As I've said before, if you want illegal immigration to come to a near or full halt, make and enforce a law that punishes those who knowingly hire illegals by fining them $1 million dollars per illegal hired.
yore a liar and you know it! you would definitely support voting rights for illegals!
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Just for clarification, like the media, are we ignoring the fact that the El Paso shooter was also an environmental whack-job since that is typically a dem/leftist belief? Just wanted to know going forward.
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Just for clarification, like the media, are we ignoring the fact that the El Paso shooter was also an environmental whack-job since that is typically a dem/leftist belief? Just wanted to know going forward.
Sister Of El Paso Victim Calls Dems Pure Evil For Snubbing Trump Today

“I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda.”

“I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda.”

“The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil.”

“My brother’s body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this.”

“Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. ”
Sister Of El Paso Victim Calls Dems Pure Evil For Snubbing Trump Today

“I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda.”

“I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda.”

“The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil.”

“My brother’s body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this.”

“Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. ”

and there it is...……… honest commentary on the democrats.