Enjoyed Gruber's fake apology

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Yeah, I know he's laughing all the way to the bank. He's nothing but a big sellout though and a disgrace to the academic community. He could advance this country if he would just stand by his initial comments. All this phony apologizing business is going to keep us stuck in the ass kisser age. The "be afraid of what you really think" age. The bullshit age.

So Gruber passed up a chance to be great. He's just another fraud now. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. His initial comments were genuine. Today's act was garbage and should get his credentials revoked. Kick him out of school and make him go sell used cars, the lying bastard.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
Yeah, I know he's laughing all the way to the bank. He's nothing but a big sellout though and a disgrace to the academic community. He could advance this country if he would just stand by his initial comments. All this phony apologizing business is going to keep us stuck in the ass kisser age. The "be afraid of what you really think" age. The bullshit age.

So Gruber passed up a chance to be great. He's just another fraud now. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. His initial comments were genuine. Today's act was garbage and should get his credentials revoked. Kick him out of school and make him go sell used cars, the lying bastard.
Liked the senator from Ohio who was trying to seriously light Gruber up..then when the senator yield's the chairman basically told Gruber to answer the question.

More of the same with this administration.