In before dshoe shows up telling everyone how wrong they are
Here's all I'll say about it............remember how many of you were so excited about the CSTV contract with CUSA, remember how many of you sounded the death march for ESPN when CBS bought CSTV, remember how many of you predicted the demise of ESPN when NBC launched NBCSports Net, remember how many of you jumped on the Fox Sports1 train as finally the real competition needed to bring ESPN down!?
Give it a rest and take a look back a couple of years from now. There is a major (perhaps cataclysmic) shift going on in the cable industry, that is for certain.........changes are coming, that is for sure, the new CUSA tv contract will be the first example of how the rights acquisition process and value is changing. Big Ten will likely be the second, they will fare OK but there will be teeth gnashing over the perceived value vs the actual value that will be discussed internally at every network...... you will see the beginnings of the end of the rights fee race.
All that said, ESPN will find a way to survive and very likely continue to lead the segment of the industry, but changes are coming, in fact, I'll be shocked if they don't eventually drop a business unit or two, unfortunately jobs will be lost and offerings will be narrowed as the focus turns to a new model always with an eye toward the stockholder and profit.
I have been suggesting struggles in the model both internally at ESPN and occasionally posts and discussions for the past 5 years or so. Like so many other "rocket ship businesses" those on board don't see the need to refuel occasionally.
Look for other companies to explore new models of sports programming delivery.........that is exactly what ASN/Sinclair is doing and others are exploring...... many will get it wrong and fail (CSTV, SportsChannel,
Prime Sports, etc.) but someone will emerge with a new model that challenges the old, and likely change the industry. That's how it works.