

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
1) Each time I get on Facebook, the "You may know this person" portion pops up requesting me to add them, and it is always the assholes in this picture. Listen, I don't know these assholes. I used to think their profile picture was just an Olan Mills advertisement. I don't know them - leave me alone!

2) If you really want to see how dumb society is, and if you're sick of seeing it by reading posts from deplorables on here, just post something for sale on Facebook Marketplace. My god, we have a lot of morons in this world. I posted a car for sale last week. Within 2.5 hours, I had over 90 messages. Even though I was very specific about why I was selling it and any known issues with it, I still received constant "why are you selling it" questions. I clearly mentioned that the price was so low because of the known issues, yet people constantly asked if the price listed was just the deposit amount and if i I expected monthly payments after that. I had people begging to send me a deposit and wanting me to hold it until the next morning so they could come after work. You get asked questions about the most trivial things, but then the person who actually shows up and buys it spends 14 seconds looking at it, doesn't even want to take it on a test drive, takes an Uber down from North Hollywood, and doesn't care that you've taken the tags off of it and haven't had it registered in many years.
1) Each time I get on Facebook, the "You may know this person" portion pops up requesting me to add them, and it is always the assholes in this picture. Listen, I don't know these assholes. I used to think their profile picture was just an Olan Mills advertisement. I don't know them - leave me alone!

In case you didn't know it, this isn't Facebook's customer complaint department. Take it up with Zuckerberg.
In case you didn't know it, this isn't Facebook's customer complaint department. Take it up with Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg with giant ears is still one of the best lines of the year.

Oh, and your toughguy attempts are a bad look for you. We all know you are 5'8 and cry to Rivals corporate.
1) Each time I get on Facebook, the "You may know this person" portion pops up requesting me to add them, and it is always the assholes in this picture. Listen, I don't know these assholes. I used to think their profile picture was just an Olan Mills advertisement. I don't know them - leave me alone!

2) If you really want to see how dumb society is, and if you're sick of seeing it by reading posts from deplorables on here, just post something for sale on Facebook Marketplace. My god, we have a lot of morons in this world. I posted a car for sale last week. Within 2.5 hours, I had over 90 messages. Even though I was very specific about why I was selling it and any known issues with it, I still received constant "why are you selling it" questions. I clearly mentioned that the price was so low because of the known issues, yet people constantly asked if the price listed was just the deposit amount and if i I expected monthly payments after that. I had people begging to send me a deposit and wanting me to hold it until the next morning so they could come after work. You get asked questions about the most trivial things, but then the person who actually shows up and buys it spends 14 seconds looking at it, doesn't even want to take it on a test drive, takes an Uber down from North Hollywood, and doesn't care that you've taken the tags off of it and haven't had it registered in many years.
False on both accounts. Keep trying though.

Not false, liar.

You cried to corporate. You went to this board’s former owner crying multiple times, as well.

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As I already mentioned, you are absolutely wrong on both accounts. Whatever you want to think, I truly don't give a shit. Seriously.

You pussy.
Are you saying you didn't complain to Rivals corporate? Are you saying you didn't complain to the former board owner? You're a liar.

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