Favorite Actors


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
There are a lot of living high-quality actors right now. Some of my favorites are Ethan Hawke, Jeff Bridges, Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Glenn Close, Daniel Day-Lewis, Sean Penn, Don Cheadle, Christian Bale.

But the best, by far, is Robert De Niro. Simply brilliant on and off of film:

AI will replace a lot of them in the long run. Not all but, Hollywood will turn on their own. Will be cheaper in the long run and will have no contracts or unions to deal with nor other fees and royalties. Voice actors will really be screwed.

DiNero is a good actor. Off camera he seems obssessed for some reason.
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He might be a Hollywood weirdo afraid of getting exposed. Wonder how big thst list is?
Oh, another conspiracy theory! Once you deplorables find out somebody else is extremely wealthy, you target them as the villain!
Robert De Niro has severe TDS.

Hell of an actor. Losing it in his old age.

Must suck to finish life, harboring so much hatred.
Robert De Niro has severe TDS.

Hell of an actor. Losing it in his old age.

Must suck to finish life, harboring so much hatred.
You're a Godless lying trumptard. That sucks at any time of life.
He's smart enough to be able to handle a half-billion dollars.
As I said, he’s a good actor and that pays very well, but it doesn’t make him in anyway qualified to render a valuable opinion on anything outside his area of expertise, which is pretending to be different people.
As I said, he’s a good actor and that pays very well, but it doesn’t make him in anyway qualified to render a valuable opinion on anything outside his area of expertise, which is pretending to be different people.

Bob, like rifle, isn't affected by the negatives of Democrat policies. If they were, they would be singing a completely different tune.

Democrat policies are killing the heart of America. The middle class.
Right no cue, the American treasure shows up outside of Trump's trial along with first-responders on 1/6:

What a sad old man.
This is pretty sad really. Talk about whining, sniveling, fear mongering. I don’t know what’s worse, the guys begging and pleading speech to vote for an invalid or the fact that he showed up, walking around outside in a mask 😷.

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