FBI director to make statement today


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
looks like comey will make a statement today at 11am. More than likely announcing no charges against Hillary.
I'm sure Hillary stating that she'd like to potentially keep lynch as AG and her campaign shuttle on Air Force one today won't have any influence on the investigation at all
Well, didn't see that coming. Oh. Wait. Yes I did, along with everyone that has any sense.

No way a party administration (dem or repub) allows one of their own cabinet members to be charged with criminal acts related to their job duties, especially when said person is the nominee for another office/position. Another example of the system being circumvented by those in charge.
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Well, didn't see that coming. Oh. Wait. Yes I did, along with everyone that has any sense.

No way a party administration (dem or repub) allows one of their own cabinet members to be charged with criminal acts related to their job duties, especially when said person is the nominee for another office/position. Another example of the system being circumvented by those in charge.
Too big to jail.

I really want to read the transcript of that presser. He said some things that, if I heard right, are still extremely concerning.
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Next time I get pulled over for speeding in going to use the I didn't willfully know I was speeding. I'm sure that will get me out of a ticket
Really? Media matters?

read the direct quotes from gop leadership/pundits.

To big to jail.

I really want to read the transcript of that presser. He said some things that, if I heard right, are still extremely concerning.

absolutely, very concerning. too bad the republicans have nominated a fvckstick who has no chance to capitalize on this and beat hillary in the general.

edit: here is the transcript
A little hard to "capitalize" on this when the President, press, and DOJ are doing everything possible to wipe out her illegality and incompetence to save their candidate.

Obama wants this to go away too. An indictment of Hillary under his "leadership" makes him look like a bigger buffoon than he already is.
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A little hard to "capitalize" on this when the President, press, and DOJ are doing everything possible to wipe out her illegality and incompetence to save their candidate.

you're right, has nothing to do the republican party running the least favorable candidate ever.

trumpites still won't admit it, but if the republicans had nominated mitt, kasich, or hell even jeb, they'd be in the driver's seat for november. instead they're an incredible long shot to win the white house.
Trump needs to run on ending government corruption and go all Ross Perot with it, use simple charts, diagrams, etc. in half hour TV shows. Make it so simple even the average voter can understand it. Graphs on the flow of money to the Clinton Foundation from people who had business before the State Department, the speaking fees those people paid to Bill and Hillary, with the tagline "You want to know why the emails disappeared?". This was a woman who was so poor in 2000 that she and her husband stole furniture from the White House. Sixteen years later, even though neither has held a job during that time that pays more than a couple hundred thousand a year, they are worth hundreds of millions (if not billions if you knew the whole truth). How exactly does that happen and what did they give to get that wealth? What compromises did they make to become part of the ruling elite that they publically rail against?
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Uh, I could have told you when she said she'd accept the FBI's recommendations that she already knew what that would be. No way she says it otherwise. You are fooling yourself off you don't think this whole process is politically controlled.
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you're right, has nothing to do the republican party running the least favorable candidate ever.

trumpites still won't admit it, but if the republicans had nominated mitt, kasich, or hell even jeb, they'd be in the driver's seat for november. instead they're an incredible long shot to win the white house.
No Obama was the least likable candidate ever and he won 2 times
you're right, has nothing to do the republican party running the least favorable candidate ever.

trumpites still won't admit it, but if the republicans had nominated mitt, kasich, or hell even jeb, they'd be in the driver's seat for november. instead they're an incredible long shot to win the white house.

Yehh just like we were the last two times.

I be in my lifetime you bastards will start locking people like me up. Just like in Red Dawn. Well, I am not going down that easy.
Yehh just like we were the last two times.

I be in my lifetime you bastards will start locking people like me up. Just like in Red Dawn. Well, I am not going down that easy.

now that obama has taken your guns, they're definitely coming after you.
you're right, has nothing to do the republican party running the least favorable candidate ever.

trumpites still won't admit it, but if the republicans had nominated mitt, kasich, or hell even jeb, they'd be in the driver's seat for november. instead they're an incredible long shot to win the white house.

Not sure what specifically Trump has to do with DOJ or FBI investigating Hills. You clearly don't know either. But your rambling is humorous.

Mitt wasn't running, kasich didn't have a pulse (or a poll number), Jeb?? Yeah another "Bush" would have truly won voters over...lmao.
Not sure what specifically Trump has to do with DOJ or FBI investigating Hills. You clearly don't know either. But your rambling is humorous.

Mitt wasn't running, kasich didn't have a pulse (or a poll number), Jeb?? Yeah another "Bush" would have truly won voters over...lmao.

What? Because he is a negro? Which granted is still a negative for national office. You might not like the guy, but he is smart and charasmatic.

Charismatic? JZ is charismatic. Puff is charismatic. Johnny Cochran was charismatic.

Fvck...Al Sharpton is charismatic. I've always wondered how many people obummer actually put to sleep during his days of carrying around the bullhorn during community organizing efforts.

And for all the racist accusations made of his detractors, it would also be certain that his race is the only reason he actually got elected. Their is simply nothing charismatic about him.

You are late to the conversation. (Been discussed endlessly in another thread.) Just as worthless polls are months after candidates have dropped out. NBC? Who is that tweeting?

Polls....Also said Bernie would beat Hillary.....

Always find it funny when Libs tell us who our candidate should be. That worked so well during McCain and Romney.

Keep posting Herditt. Appreciate your effort.
Comey stated 110 emails were classified at the time the emails were sent. Eight were Top Secret.
Comey stated 110 emails were classified at the time the emails were sent. Eight were Top Secret.

Yes, but she didn't "intend" to do anything illegal....

The bar must always be lowered for liberals. They just are not competent to achieve a higher standard.
Yes, but she didn't "intend" to do anything illegal....

The bar must always be lowered for liberals. They just are not competent to achieve a higher standard.
I've read the transcript from Comey's presser a number of times now & I'm convinced now more than ever she should be indicted. He's obliterated almost every single excuse she's given publicly & further proven her to be a sociopath. Frankly I'm shocked they're not reviewing the emails she deleted (she deleted more emails than she turned over to the FBI.) Are they really just taking her word for it that they weren't work related? That's some Jedi mind trick shit right there.

Go back & read the State Department's IG report & then read Comey's transcript from today. He's cool with her acting in an "extremely careless in [her] handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" cause you know, she didn't really mean for it be harmful. What's a little gross negligence with top secret information between chums...
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I've read the transcript from Comey's presser a number of times now & I'm convinced now more than ever she should be indicted. He's obliterated almost every single excuse she's given publicly & further proven her to be a sociopath. Frankly I'm shocked they're not reviewing the emails she deleted (she deleted more emails than she turned over to the FBI.) Are they really just taking her word for it that they weren't work related? That's some Jedi mind trick shit right there.

Go back & read the State Department's IG report & then read Comey's transcript from today. He's cool with her acting in an "extremely careless in [her] handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" cause you know, she didn't really mean for it be harmful. What's a little gross negligence with top secret information between chums...

I totally agree with you. My prior post was pure sarcasm.
I've read the transcript from Comey's presser a number of times now & I'm convinced now more than ever she should be indicted. He's obliterated almost every single excuse she's given publicly & further proven her to be a sociopath. Frankly I'm shocked they're not reviewing the emails she deleted (she deleted more emails than she turned over to the FBI.) Are they really just taking her word for it that they weren't work related? That's some Jedi mind trick shit right there.

Go back & read the State Department's IG report & then read Comey's transcript from today. He's cool with her acting in an "extremely careless in [her] handling of very sensitive, highly classified information" cause you know, she didn't really mean for it be harmful. What's a little gross negligence with top secret information between chums...
I got the impression they did review her deleted emails. Hence adding to the number of classified documents she supposedly didn't know where classified.

Now the conspiracy theorist in me is coming out. It wouldn't shock me at all if someone leaked results of investigation early to the Clintons or some one. No way bill just a shows up on lynch's plane and no way Obama goes campaigning with Hillary if they don't know Hillary is all clear. Bill boards her plane a week ago and Obama announces this trip with Hillary middle of last week. That tells me hillarys interview was nothing more than smoke and mirrors to give impression of a complete and thorough investigation.

I think Comey knew that politically he was never going to get an indictment much less a conviction so he did the only thing he could do which is give as much info as possible and make Hillary look as incompetent as he could
No mention of emails deleted and why most her surrogates took the 5th.

No mention of how long she waited to be voluntary helpful in turning over the server as she explained it.

Only a person not being truthful to themselves would say she never violated the law. I just watched thousands cheering her and Obama in NC. Sad state---JMO
I've read the transcript from Comey's presser a number of times now & I'm convinced now more than ever she should be indicted. He's obliterated almost every single excuse she's given publicly & further proven her to be a sociopath.

That was a historic ass reaming and Comey basically wrote the talking points for her opposition for the next three months. 110 emails classified at the time. That's 110 lies she told in that famous "I did not send or receive..." sentence. The side by side comparison ads are going to be endless. But as you said, she's a sociopath, it won't bother her a bit.
Yes your honor, I know it was irresponsible to drink 12 beers and take 6 shots over a two hour period and then operate a motor vehicle. However, it was never my intent to run over all those kids at the bus stop.

Well, since you didn't mean to, get on out of here, but be more careful next time.

Okay, thanks judge.
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