BTW, what "bill is coming"?
A friend of mine described last night's game as "the silver out". AKA the sea of empty seats.

Reality is that MU doesn't "have" to be in I-A. None of the SBC, nor many of the entire Group of 6, really "have" to be. There are many dozens of other schools that COULD, if they applied themselves, advance their selves to our level. But they never have.

We are where we are because two generations of people stepped up and made it so. Fandom, giving, political capital, demanding better. Others did not. We did.

And now we have an inept coach who is right on pace for 6-6, again. And an AD who either doesn't care, or, if he does care, doesn't have a clue. And the fans are figuring it out.

Now the mega sized commuter schools, like the directional Georgias and Floridas, and hyphenated Texas-here and Texas-theres, and such; as well as the large midwestern MACers and such can just soak the students for an athletic fee to entitle them to go to games they have no interest in, all to say they are playing at "the top level".

We cannot. MU sports only works if the fans, and the students, perceive that it is truly a special part of life here and attending here. A rum-dum 6-6 and try again next time, simply won't work here. We are a fairly small university in a small state, city, and region, with a declining population; named for neither a state nor a city (and thus, thankfully, deprived of all the Wal-Mart non-alumni fans); with a state government, present governor being THE exception, that has historically been indifferent at best and hostile at worst.

We have to win.

And CH and CS are not the men to get that done. That simple.

Otherwise drop back to I-AA or drop football, try to get basketball in something like the A10 or CAA, and learn the nuances of soccer.


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