Climate change is definitely occurring, it is a natural occurrence that has existed for billions of years. The Man Made Climate Change religion is a cabal that exists to make some people rich (the green energy company investors) and to pacify the anti capitalist people who have one goal in life and that is to make sure every country in the world becomes a third world crap hole.
The fact that there are several things that occur naturally that can affect the climate way more than anything that man can do. I am way way way more worried about the uptick that is going on in volcanic activity around the globe as well as the crazy stuff that is going on with the sun than I am whether we burn coal or drive combustible engine cars. Those are things that can significantly alter the climate and kill millions of people of wipe out our electrical grids that would cause panics like we have never seen.
It really isn't surprising that they have to use data manipulation to "prove" their consensus.
The last reason that I do not worry about man made climate change is due to the fact that their is no panic in any of the people who champion the cause or Democrats who make speeches about it but follow up with no action.! Al Gore the champion of the climate wars for the left has massive mansions that run tons of electricity. He jets across the globe on private jets and travels in a SUV army when he's driving places. All of these things produce massive amounts of the things he is against. If man made global warming was a giant threat to humanity like we are lead to believe why wouldn't Al Gore completely change his life style. Never travel, do meetings and speeches by net meeting. Go only to events he can reach by bicycle. Completely do away with your carbon footprint and tell everybody else you need to follow me in doing this because the planet is in danger.
Left wing politicians offer zero solutions except raising taxes and putting out more EPA regulations. If we were heading to a world wide global disaster why wouldn't this be front and center the most daunting focus of anybody that is in office that believes the man made climate change story. I mean if the world is going to end as we know it, we are going to have states disappear off the earth. Why in the world does this not take front and center above everything else. Isis who cares we are about to unleash cataclysmic storms that will destroy the earth who cares about terrorism. Jobs and the economy, if as survivors of man made climate change apocalypse why should a president be concerned with jobs. There won't be any businesses we will either be dead or have nothing resembling a thriving work force in anything.
There are many things I worry about. The economy, China, Russia, terrorism would be the top 4. Man made climate change is number 500 on a list of 100 things I worry about.