fredo cuomo

WV-FAN is a dummy

1. Even Hannity has his back on this one. Sean fvckin' Hannity. C'mon man.

2. Trump is a hypocrite, with his cussing mouth, and a pussy that hides behind lawyers. Always was. Trump is the epitome of bitch...and you are a bitch for agreeing with him here.

3. Dipshit about got his ass wrecked by that wop. If he wants to run his cocksucker, he should expect to get hit in his cocksucker. You don't fvck with those New York wops, especially a jacked one like Cuomo...dude is gonna roid-rage on his bitch ass.
Donald Trump Jr. is a cocksucker. That's an ethnic word for a guy that sucks cocks.
so, because trump jr. is a cocksucker, that makes those fvckers non-hypocrites? got damn, you have some great rationale about ya.
got damn, raoul is a mess.
here, i'll give him another to cry about . . .

even though it was posted in the OP, in his blind rage he probly overlooked it. if not, it's still good for another fredo language laced tirade, i'm sure.
got damn, raoul is a mess.

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To be fair, Cuomo punked that dude out. No chance he thought "Fredo" was Cuomo's real name. If you're going to fvck with someone, at least be man enough to own it. That guy did not. He's a lying, punk-ass bitch.
Nah the guy calling him Fredo got exactly what he wanted. When a public figure loses his shit like that after being called Fredo, then threatens battery, then falsely connects Fredo to race/ethnicity ...... Fredo got plunked big time.

Not to mention in typical liberal fashion he talked shit in response and was scared to do something about it except make empty threats
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Fredo is like the n-word? He's insane. Hell, he's even said "Fredo" publicly. When's the last he said said "n***er" publicly?
Libs mock and insult individuals on a daily basis. Look what happens when the tables are turned.

With that said, kudos to Cuomo for not standing cowardly in the corner, taking pics with his phone, so that he could post them later and pretend to be tough guy on the internet (ala @countryroads89)
He knew he had security and body guards. He wasn't going to do shit other than hide behind them.
LOL! Look at all the pussies on here being tough guys. None of you would even dare f’uck with Chris Cuomo in person.