Free abortions in the name of reproductive rights

Just like always, they are trying to stir up trouble and create divide, which is what they think is a means to bring about change.

When we are at each other's throats, we are too busy to pay attention to what the regime is doing. It's an old strategy.
Some Democrats are countering this by raising money to provide diapers to families in need.

What a clown show
If North Korea shoots a missile I hope it hits right in the middle of the dnc and the blast takes out monkey woman Goldberg and every abortion doctor there and Tom cruise you know that sick fuk is there. The leader of the cult of scientology gets ass raped and his balls cut off and stuffed where dems like balls. In his mouth. Travokta be doing the raping
All women are crazy, but white liberal women are FVCKING NUTS.

It would not surprise me one bit if any of those getting the complimentary abortion intentionally got pregnant just so they could participate and feel like their life finally held some meaning.
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‘Abortion-palooza’ at DNC could force pro-life Democrats to ditch party: ‘It's just absolutely disgusting’

Safe, legal, and rare. That's how it should be.

Abortion should not be a form of birth control.


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‘Abortion-palooza’ at DNC could force pro-life Democrats to ditch party: ‘It's just absolutely disgusting’

Pete Buttigieg pretty much told her to go fvck herself when she asked him a question during one of the debates.

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