From President Gilbert


Gold Buffalo
Sep 29, 2010
From the Marshall President today (Monday 4/27:
With this in mind, I have already put the following actions into motion:

  • I have asked Chief Financial Officer Mark Robinson to convene a budget work group made up of representatives of the student body, the faculty and the staff. The group will begin meeting virtually on Tuesday to help identify ways to make significant reductions to the university budget for the coming year. I am sorry to say that these cuts will be deep and they will be painful. I have charged the group with identifying savings of $15-25 million. Nothing is off the table, so if you have ideas, I urge you to complete our online form. All submissions will be forwarded to the university’s leadership team for consideration.

  • We have put a hard freeze on all hiring of faculty and staff until further notice. Senior leadership is reviewing positions currently posted to decide which are critical to university operations and which can wait.

  • We have placed a hold on all state-funded travel for the next year.

  • Athletics leadership is planning for significant budget reductions next year. There is considerable uncertainty right now about the future of intercollegiate athletics at all levels, so they will need to be proactive about managing their budget, too. Reorganization and reductions will be necessary in Athletics just as they will be in the rest of the university’s operations.

  • Beginning June 1 and extending for up to one year, Provost Taylor and I are taking voluntary pay cuts of 10% and 15%, respectively. Everyone at Marshall will have to make sacrifices in the coming months and, as two of the university’s highest-paid administrators, we wanted the savings to start with us.

Marshall University has been through even tougher times than this, and we have a history of perseverance. Although the short term may be challenging, I am certain we will come out much stronger for the future.

Please stay safe and healthy. I look forward to when we can all be together again.


Jerome A. Gilbert, Ph.D.

Beginning June 1 and extending for up to one year, Provost Taylor and I are taking voluntary pay cuts of 10% and 15%

That's it? Tell me they cannot afford to take higher pay cut for one year? After reading that I disregarded everything above it. If your making 200k+ and only take a 10% cut while slashing athletics and having a hiring freeze for critical staff. FU!

EDIT: According to this article he makes $430k a year! Bitch you better take a 50-75% pay cut for the year! If your goofy looking ass really cared about the University. I'm sure you can manage without the extra pay to help the student experience.
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That's it? Tell me they cannot afford to take higher pay cut for one year? After reading that I disregarded everything above it. If your making 200k+ and only take a 10% cut while slashing athletics and having a hiring freeze for critical staff. FU!

EDIT: According to this article he makes $430k a year! Bitch you better take a 50-75% pay cut for the year! If your goofy looking ass really cared about the University. I'm sure you can manage without the extra pay to help the student experience.

Doc and Hamrick are the number 1 and 3 paid persons at Marshall. They need to take a hefty cut as well.
johns i am neither a scientist or a doctor but I accept what they say regarding vaccines. No university President in this country is going to forsake the health and welfare of students just so they can play fall sports. Not just Marshall but everywhere.
Not will there be a traditional summer freshman

Marshall University’s New Student Orientation will be offered online this summer. Each of the virtual, interactive sessions are available to all incoming first-time freshmen and transfer students. The orientation sessions serve as the formal introduction to the #MarshallUFamily and provide information about all things Marshall. Students can expect an exciting and engaging online experience that will include group sessions, live Q&A, academic college meetings with deans and academic advisors, student life and housing information, additional resource information and the opportunity for one-on-one contact with members of the Marshall community—all focused on preparing new students to become Sons and Daughters of Marshall. Once students participate in their scheduled program, they will maintain access to sessions where they can revisit information and recordings and continue to interact with Marshall staff and their future brothers and sisters of Marshall throughout the summer.

All new students, including freshmen and transfers, are expected to participate in an orientation session. Students who have already received a confirmation for orientation will maintain their original date. Students who have not yet registered may reserve a date by completing our orientation registration form There are at least 10 online orientation sessions available across June, July and August.

To participate in orientation, a student must have paid their $100 deposit or have been approved for an enrollment deposit waiver. The deposit is applied to their first semester tuition bill and can be paid online at] or by phone at 304-696-6620.

Students with new and previously confirmed registrations should watch for additional information about logging in to the virtual, online Marshall experience. Details will be mailed as we get closer to the scheduled date.

Questions may be directed to the Office of New Student Orientation at 304-696-2354
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does anyone think we could end up in the Southern Conference again? Serious question.
johns i am neither a scientist or a doctor but I accept what they say regarding vaccines. No university President in this country is going to forsake the health and welfare of students just so they can play fall sports. Not just Marshall but everywhere.

I agree, now with that said. If you are not going to have fall sports, why have the kids on campus in the first place? You can catch the virus at a sporting event, but you cannot catch it in class? If the University is open, they will be sports.
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Well, this plus potential planned moves by CUSA re: potential more "regional' scheduling means that MU needs to be looking at more "close by", 3-4 hours or so OOC games in basketball. Time to call VMI, Radford, Ohio U., Kent, JMU, maybe ETSU, and renegotiate continuing the series with EKU. Failing that, travel lims/restrictions due to $$$ problems could lead to return of a slew of games against the Rio Grandes, Pikevilles, Kentucky Christians, and Mountain East foes that we saw in the Donnie Jones era ("We call him DJ")!
Well, this plus potential planned moves by CUSA re: potential more "regional' scheduling means that MU needs to be looking at more "close by", 3-4 hours or so OOC games in basketball. Time to call VMI, Radford, Ohio U., Kent, JMU, maybe ETSU, and renegotiate continuing the series with EKU. Failing that, travel lims/restrictions due to $$$ problems could lead to return of a slew of games against the Rio Grandes, Pikevilles, Kentucky Christians, and Mountain East foes that we saw in the Donnie Jones era ("We call him DJ")!
There will always be driveable money games against the likes of WVU (I know that one is complicated), Ohio State, UK, Louisville, UT, UC and Xavier. We should always play two or three of those a year.
johns1124 nothing has been said yet as to how classes will be conducted in the fall. If this continues the classes will be like they currently are - online only and no face to face so no student contact on campus.
That's it? Tell me they cannot afford to take higher pay cut for one year? After reading that I disregarded everything above it. If your making 200k+ and only take a 10% cut while slashing athletics and having a hiring freeze for critical staff. FU!

EDIT: According to this article he makes $430k a year! Bitch you better take a 50-75% pay cut for the year! If your goofy looking ass really cared about the University. I'm sure you can manage without the extra pay to help the student experience.
This is a little much, my man. You may want to step away from the keyboard and take a deep breath.
johns1124 said:

That's it? Tell me they cannot afford to take higher pay cut for one year? After reading that I disregarded everything above it. If your making 200k+ and only take a 10% cut while slashing athletics and having a hiring freeze for critical staff. FU!

EDIT: According to this article he makes $430k a year! Bitch you better take a 50-75% pay cut for the year! If your goofy looking ass really cared about the University. I'm sure you can manage without the extra pay to help the student experience.

This is a little much, my man. You may want to step away from the keyboard and take a deep breath.
I read yesterday that Marshall is tentatively planning on having classes on campus in the fall. East Carolina as well. Clemson has canceled all summer sports and academic camps, but I saw no mention of the fall in that article. I could see the season getting messy. Look at the travel restrictions other governors placed on North Carolina a few years ago over the trans bathroom ban. I’m thinking we have football in some form or fashion this season, but possibly with some last minute schedule changes.
cottrel I teach on campus. Where on earth did you read/see/hear that and please post.

WV Metronews reported it yesterday.
Stated MU officials are planning for on campus fall classes with modifications to accommodate issues like social distancing etc.

Sorry for jumping cottrel’s lane.
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There will always be driveable money games against the likes of WVU (I know that one is complicated), Ohio State, UK, Louisville, UT, UC and Xavier. We should always play two or three of those a year.
Those games are nice paydays...but tough to win but I agree with the concept of playing a couple of those yearly! Can't see WVU ever playing us unless it's in Morgantown with their Board of Regents calling the game...which we can cannot ever concede to as a matter of honor!
I hate to tell y'all this but West Virginia is majorly f---ed. Justice took Trump at his word that the stimulus funds could be used to cover budget shortfalls, and has held off on cuts, but McConnell baked a restriction into the law to keep states from doing so. Justice thinks Trump is going to wave his hand and make everything better (and with Trump there's always a 1% he'll do anything, no matter how crazy) but so far all we've seen is a bunch of covfefe.

WV is on its own trying to figure out how to cover that lost budget, and lots of things you used to have in this state, you're not going to have again for a while, if ever at all. It's crazy to me that we're on the verge of a Great Depression and people are worried about Athletic Directors and conference affiliations. Y'all better be worried about bread. Like the kind you eat. As in having it.
I hate to tell y'all this but West Virginia is majorly f---ed. Justice took Trump at his word that the stimulus funds could be used to cover budget shortfalls, and has held off on cuts, but McConnell baked a restriction into the law to keep states from doing so. Justice thinks Trump is going to wave his hand and make everything better (and with Trump there's always a 1% he'll do anything, no matter how crazy) but so far all we've seen is a bunch of covfefe.

WV is on its own trying to figure out how to cover that lost budget, and lots of things you used to have in this state, you're not going to have again for a while, if ever at all. It's crazy to me that we're on the verge of a Great Depression and people are worried about Athletic Directors and conference affiliations. Y'all better be worried about bread. Like the kind you eat. As in having it.

It looks like several states, WV included, are in for some serious budget reckoning... Having a federal government that you can't trust, and certainly can't plan on/with, paired with a governor that appears to be in way over his very wealthy head gets you "majorly f---ed."

This pandemic is going to further widen the gap between the "have" states and the "have not" states... And I'm pretty sure we all know what side of that ledger WV is on.
If all the coursework is online, how are labs that require hands-on going to be conducted?
Vaccine - I blame the space program for instilling in Americans a false idea of what science is. "If they can put a man on the moon, then ...". The blind faith idea that if you toss enough money and enough time at anything, it can be done. Nope. Science is the discovery of what is true, not making true whatever you wish was. Some things are simply impossible. MAYBE there is a vaccine discovered at 4:30 this afternoon. MAYBE it is not ever going to be done. MAYBE said vaccine, like some, provides long term or lifetime immunity, MAYBE, like others, not. Don't know. Can't know.

The goal - The UK has done a much better job of explaining what the goal is here. Some Americans seem to think the goal here is to hunker down in some sort of cave until this miracle cure is discovered. Nope. The goal is to "flatten the curve". To avoid everyone getting sick all at once and overwhelming the health care infrastructure. So, IMHO, will there be school, sports, movies, and everything else in the fall? Yep. And some people will get sick, and, with the curve flattened, they will get treated. It is entirely possible that the same number of people (which is still fractions of a %) get this in any event. Just spread out over a year or more, rather than a couple months.

Monday Morning QB - From either direction (too soon, too late) those who are not trusted to make these decisions will have an opinion about the decisions of those that do. Opinions are like, well you know the rest of the saying.

Lower level sports - I love how everyone thinks this or that level is just automatically going to be there for MU to move down to. Umm, why? If this is "worldwide" then the likelihood of something like the SoCon or the MEC having a shot at survival is far lower than ours.

Finance - Be it governmental, corporate, or personal, at the end of the day, the one sentence summary of 2020 in finance terms is "it did not happen". The governments (note the plural, worldwide) are just going to push the big reset button. Yes, lots of people are going to be 6 months behind on their car payments, etc. And it will no matter a bit legally. And, the money will be printed to cover all of this. And, long term, printing money means inflation, something we have not seen since Carter, and inflation is the enemy of people who make wise finance choices, like savings and investment.

How much Gilbert makes - Welcome to the dark secret of how colleges work. Some professor, who like most PhDs "knows a whole lot about very little" is paid 1% wages. Not picking on Gilbert, but generally nationwide, what other government agency would be run this way? Why shouldn't the CEO of a college have a degree (a BS or MS, not a PhD) in government administration, non-profit management, business management, or human relations ? What does having a degree in bio-chemistry qualify a person to manage anything?
There will always be driveable money games against the likes of WVU (I know that one is complicated), Ohio State, UK, Louisville, UT, UC and Xavier. We should always play two or three of those a year.

Except for the fact that Herd can't get any of these to come to H-town, I would agree. Add Dayton to the list. Heck, Huggy has even nixed playing MU in Charleston, even though the prior series there was stacked in the EERS favor. MU needs to try and approach more of the relatively "close" A-10 teams to see about home and home deals like the Duquesne series: Richmond, George Mason, George Washington, etc.

Would even approach the "Majors" with a possible home deal to include our game at the renovated Charleston Arena. I know that this causes those much too many stuck in the 1950s types in Huntington to foam at the mouth like they had rabies, but, guys, this is 2020!

MU needs to upgrade its OOC schedule overall and at the same time try to get more attractive opponents at home. Even if one of those "home":games is occasionally in Charleston!!
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Vaccine - I blame the space program for instilling in Americans a false idea of what science is. "If they can put a man on the moon, then ...". The blind faith idea that if you toss enough money and enough time at anything, it can be done. Nope. Science is the discovery of what is true, not making true whatever you wish was. Some things are simply impossible. MAYBE there is a vaccine discovered at 4:30 this afternoon. MAYBE it is not ever going to be done. MAYBE said vaccine, like some, provides long term or lifetime immunity, MAYBE, like others, not. Don't know. Can't know.

The goal - The UK has done a much better job of explaining what the goal is here. Some Americans seem to think the goal here is to hunker down in some sort of cave until this miracle cure is discovered. Nope. The goal is to "flatten the curve". To avoid everyone getting sick all at once and overwhelming the health care infrastructure. So, IMHO, will there be school, sports, movies, and everything else in the fall? Yep. And some people will get sick, and, with the curve flattened, they will get treated. It is entirely possible that the same number of people (which is still fractions of a %) get this in any event. Just spread out over a year or more, rather than a couple months.

Monday Morning QB - From either direction (too soon, too late) those who are not trusted to make these decisions will have an opinion about the decisions of those that do. Opinions are like, well you know the rest of the saying.

Lower level sports - I love how everyone thinks this or that level is just automatically going to be there for MU to move down to. Umm, why? If this is "worldwide" then the likelihood of something like the SoCon or the MEC having a shot at survival is far lower than ours.

Finance - Be it governmental, corporate, or personal, at the end of the day, the one sentence summary of 2020 in finance terms is "it did not happen". The governments (note the plural, worldwide) are just going to push the big reset button. Yes, lots of people are going to be 6 months behind on their car payments, etc. And it will no matter a bit legally. And, the money will be printed to cover all of this. And, long term, printing money means inflation, something we have not seen since Carter, and inflation is the enemy of people who make wise finance choices, like savings and investment.

How much Gilbert makes - Welcome to the dark secret of how colleges work. Some professor, who like most PhDs "knows a whole lot about very little" is paid 1% wages. Not picking on Gilbert, but generally nationwide, what other government agency would be run this way? Why shouldn't the CEO of a college have a degree (a BS or MS, not a PhD) in government administration, non-profit management, business management, or human relations ? What does having a degree in bio-chemistry qualify a person to manage anything?
I don't believe Gilbert's PhD in bio- chemistry is what necessarily qualifies him for the job as president of MU. But he is a learned man. Look at where he has studied. But most importantly, look at where he has served and in what positions he has served. That's what qualifies him for the job, imo.
This is a little much, my man. You may want to step away from the keyboard and take a deep breath.

I was going to make another more scaring follow-up post but didn't. Tell you, when you make more money they the President and some CEO's, clearly in the upper 2% and all you are willing to do is but 10-15%? Granted, I no nothing about Gilbert's finances, but I'm sure forgoing 200k+ won't kill him. Instead of watching intramural and travels go by the way thus, diminishing a college experience for hundreds of students.
Greenduke, meister, cottrell, er al here is what Dr Gilbert sent to the faculty:
Fall 2020 Semester

We know our students and their families place great value on the personal approach we offer at Marshall, and we are working steadily toward safely and responsibly providing an on-campus academic experience for our students in the fall.Given the trends and projections available to us today, we believe that modifications to the fall semester—such as creative class scheduling and other social distancing strategies—can make that possible.

Provost Jaime Taylor is coordinating with the deans and our campus health/safety experts to develop academic and student life plans for the fall. We will be sharing more information as their plans are finalized, but I wanted you to know that at this time, we are committed to having as close to a normal fall semester for our students as we possibly can.

He said “as close to normal”. We shall see. Yes there is time but gentlemen if this continues into the fall it will become increasingly more difficult for every college/university President to hold on campus classes.
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I was going to make another more scaring follow-up post but didn't. Tell you, when you make more money they the President and some CEO's, clearly in the upper 2% and all you are willing to do is but 10-15%? Granted, I no nothing about Gilbert's finances, but I'm sure forgoing 200k+ won't kill him. Instead of watching intramural and travels go by the way thus, diminishing a college experience for hundreds of students.

I don't know what you make, or your overall financial situation, whether you work your ass off to pull in $35K or do very little for $300k... But if someone came to you and said, "You know, I think you can give up half your salary, which was agreed to by you and your employer, because I arbitrarily feel you are overpaid and right now times are tough." – Would you do that?... Of course you wouldn't... That's not how the world works.

At the end of the day we all get paid based on a number of factors - education, experience, previous career successes, replaceability, etc... Gilbert makes a salary comparable to others in similar positions with similar education and experience. We can debate whether that is fair all day long, but asking him to take a 50% pay cut and keep doing his job to the same standard is certainly not. Him volunteering to take 15% cut is a nice gesture (he's essentially giving back $60k).
I don't know what you make, or your overall financial situation, whether you work your ass off to pull in $35K or do very little for $300k... But if someone came to you and said, "You know, I think you can give up half your salary, which was agreed to by you and your employer, because I arbitrarily feel you are overpaid and right now times are tough." – Would you do that?... Of course you wouldn't... That's not how the world works.

At the end of the day we all get paid based on a number of factors - education, experience, previous career successes, replaceability, etc... Gilbert makes a salary comparable to others in similar positions with similar education and experience. We can debate whether that is fair all day long, but asking him to take a 50% pay cut and keep doing his job to the same standard is certainly not. Him volunteering to take 15% cut is a nice gesture (he's essentially giving back $60k).

I'm not in the upper 2%. If I was, with all honesty. I may do it. Especially, if I was financially set and cared about the University.
And oldeherd no one goes to any game in Charleston except when we played WVU. We need the games to be in Huntington period. Even any series with WVU simply needs to be home and home line other rivals in other states.
Except for the fact that Herd can't get any of these to come to H-town, I would agree. Add Dayton to the list. Heck, Huggy has even nixed playing MU in Charleston, even though the prior series there was stacked in the EERS favor. MU needs to try and approach more of the relatively "close" A-10 teams to see about home and home deals like the Duquesne series: Richmond, George Mason, George Washington, etc.

Would even approach the "Majors" with a possible home deal to include our game at the renovated Charleston Arena. I know that this causes those much too many stuck in the 1950s types in Huntington to foam at the mouth like they had rabies, but, guys, this is 2020!

MU needs to upgrade its OOC schedule overall and at the same time try to get more attractive opponents at home. Even if one of those "home":games is occasionally in Charleston!!
when we played both Oregon and Cincinnati in Charleston, our crowds were terrible. Heck, we haven't even that great with wvu. About 75/25
Which is why we need to open back up. Covid 19 is not what we expected which is good. We flattened the curve get back to work.
The high-end estimates are that about 15% of the population has contacted with Covid 19 at this point, leaving about 85%, or 285 million people still waiting their turn. The curve has been flattened so far.