For clarification, my stat came from the CDC. Most of the projections the media is reporting come from legitimate sources, but what we know changes constantly as we learn more. The news is bad because the news is bad news, and we can shoot the messengers all we want to, its not going to change what it says on the message.
If I could criticize the news media for something, its spending too much time reporting and haggling and debating over the absurd shit the president says, while essentially giving his administration a pass on abdicating their leadership responsibility in managing a national crisis. People want to keep comparing this to WW2, so here's the comparison: it would be like the President going on TV and telling states "we know the Nazis are out there, we know they pose a threat, this is truly an existential crisis for our country, but its up to you as states to mobilize and fight them individually, and here's a helpful PowerPoint with tips on raising an army..."
My biggest fear of the states-go-it-alone approach is that without Federal intervention on behalf of rural states, the rebound will occur solely in the largest metros. We need the Federal government to bolster our states and keep us solvent, now that our economies have essentially been reduced to subsistence - providing goods and services to each other, locally, with limited to no exports. It will be one of the more unfortunate ironies of this situation, that the states who most support the President will suffer the most from this approach.