Future of Political Campaigns in the Age of Social Media

But he stilled preyed on underaged minors and hung out at the mall hoping to score a date with minors. Ok nothing to see here.
Then you would know the article has nothing to do with Roy Moore's personal actions, but the actions in the election, which are a conduit to talk about social media and political campaigns.
So you’re saying Moore stilled preyed on underaged minors and hung out at the mall hoping to score a date with minors. Got it.
Why do you call out others for misspelling of words, when you can't even spell cock correctly?

CKOc, frontwords = cOKC cocksie?

Eh, it's just higher tech versions of shit that has been long done. Phony flyers, push polling, etc. And not nearly as bad as evangelicals spreading the rumor John McCain screwed a black woman and had a mixed baby...that may very well be the lowest point of American campaigning.

As I said a couple of weeks ago, the irony is the only news you can believe is now called FAKE NEWS by the President. Hell, people would be better to only believe Fox News, of all things. But people are predisposed to believe bullshit anyway, so it's too late now to go back.

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