G.O.P. Support of Senate Health Repeal Erodes During Break


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Republican lawmakers are increasingly aware that their seven-year promise to dismantle President Barack Obama’s largest policy achievement is deeply imperiled. .... following negative remarks from other senators with large poor and rural populations. That was the 10th defection.

In small counties, rural hospitals and other health care providers are often the largest employers, and after years of railing against Mr. Obama’s law, Republican senators are now grappling with the impact of its possible demise.

....the hospital is the biggest employer in town, with 180 employees, ..... It is unlikely that this community hospital could survive the cuts that are in the Senate bill.” ....the economic blow would be devastating because of the loss of so many good-paying jobs,” she continued. “I am not surprised that those of us who represent rural states that would be particularly hard hit by the Medicaid cuts tend to be particularly concerned” about the impact of the bill.

Many shied away from town hall-style meetings during the recess to avoid engaging with voters and on the issue.