Geek Question


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Anybody downloaded Windows 10 yet?

Just wondering if it's worth doing so, since I get a free download. I figure it's going to be similar to Windows 7, but not 100% sure.
I just downloaded it with a free upgrade. I haven't played around with everything yet but its pretty similar to Windows 8. The start tab is huge and has links to email, browser, calendar, stuff like that. It, and the home screen remind me of an apps menu on an android, so it takes an extra few clicks to access your files, Office, Control Panel... I'll get used to it but its kinda a pain right now. I'm not a fan of the web browser at all, I'll probably download a different one soon. It seems like it's geared more toward gaming, web surfing and entertainment than it is for work applications.
I went against my better judgement & downloaded it day one. I liked Windows 7 enough to switch back from a Mac. For as much hatred as 8 received, I don't have any real complaints about 8 so far. Works with all my existing software, printer & apps.

I did experience some issues early on with my laptop connecting to my wireless network but after some minimal tinkering all is well. I have an Xbox One that I use primarily as a media extender & the upgrade brought some nice features. For a free update, I don't have any major complaints.
I sort of disliked 8 (no I don't want to switch to the damn tile screen, ever) and 10 took away the thing I didn't like, so I guess it's a pretty good OS. I haven't had any problems with it.
I've had it now for a couple days. It's not too bad, once you figure out how to navigate it. I figure it's great for those that use a bunch of aps and play games.