GK, another climate change thread

Hahahahaha hahahahaha.

I’ll trust climatologists and climate scientists, the world leading ones at that, over a software engineer.
Hahahahaha hahahahaha.

I’ll trust climatologists and climate scientists, the world leading ones at that, over a software engineer.

The irony is the climatologists and scientists rely on software engineers to program their computer models for programming the upcoming environmental apocalypse.
I haven’t read the article yet but the first thing I did was take the source to American Thinker is an extreme right blog with a history of...

“...extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

This has come up before. It has been thoroughly responded to over the years. Skeptical Science, which gets highest rating (Very High) for accuracy and fact based reporting...

“These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence based through the use of credible scientific sourcing. Legitimate science follows the scientific method, is unbiased and does not use emotional words. These sources also respect the consensus of experts in the given scientific field and strive to publish peer reviewed science. “

...had this to say about climategate...

The author of your linked article, Marc Sheppard, is affiliated with Frontiers of Freedom, a right wing conservative think tank designed to influence policy decision is heavily funded by Exxon Mobil and several tobacco companies.

I’ll dig deeper into the article later.
I am meeting with some of these scientists today.

Hope to close a deal. They get some $$$ .

You know what I will start off with?

You cant bullshit a bullshitter
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resorting instead to the same worn out tactics of the pre-Climategate era: false claims of a "consensus" and demonization of dissenting opinions and facts.

thought i was reading something on libs . . . doh!
Additionally, the last two years set a record low for the number of tornadoes in this country

This is true. And it's odd that someone would claim a change as proof there is no change, but a deeper dive into what happened produces some interesting facts.

We saw some anomalies with weather patterns, especially in what is traditionally called Tornado Alley. 2018 was abnormally cold in April in Texas and Oklahoma, then abnormally hot in May (May is usually the big month for that region). It's like spring never happened. There was a way above average of days in that region with dominant high pressure, and the jet stream stayed way to the north. No jet stream meant no racing lows into the region, and no shear to produce tornadoes when small storm systems did manage to form. But the northern jet did cause tornadoes, in weird places. Wyoming, North Dakota, and Idaho (!) had above-average years. Kansas had a below average total, but a much higher total of stronger TORs (2nd highest since 1950). When the jet did manage to dip south, Dixie Alley got nailed. But overall EF-4 & 5's were non-existent...not surprising, since in any given year the majority are in Texas and Oklahoma. They need the unique conditions that are most often present there in spring.

2017 was actually a "good" year for the number of TORs (above average), but again there was weird stuff...Kansas had their second highest total since 1950.

So 2018 was the big anomaly. I guess the writer thought it to be more favorable to say "two years" when only one year was out of whack. Maybe he should have cherry picked 202-2014, all below average totals....but then someone would have pointed out those years produced some of the strongest TORs on record, including the 2013 El Reno event that is by far the most insane thing ever recorded.* So this one claim in his article really proves nothing about climate, and I judge it to be full of shit as it relates to his agenda.

* If you look up El Reno, you will see it as an official EF-3. This is because the EF scale is based on damage. It didn't hit anything while at its strongest, so no damage judgement that was accurate to wind speed, which was measured by OU's Doppler on Wheels (DOW). 185 mph for the "main" tornado (it was really the entire wall cloud setting on the ground spinning), and 295 mph in one of the dozens of super-intense sub-vortices dancing around in it (which were moving at over 100 mph, that's just stupid) Yeah, insane. Lay that beast over Oklahoma City, and you have thousands dead.