Good riddance to the community organizer

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Can't wait until tomorrow. Can't wait until the community organizer, aka pot stirring commie want to be, leaves. This guy went out of his way to get back at America. For the first black President, he didn't do much to help racial tensions. He stirred that pot as a good community organizer does. He was an apologist for everything he thought American stood for. Releasing terrorist and traitors? Why? Just to slap America and the military and the country as a whole in the face.

He was ineffective at best. Turned healthcare into a bigger debacle. He had no spine.

He is the first politician that I can think of that I truly has a deep resentment of this country somewhere deep down inside. Honestly, I think part of his every day agenda was to smack America down in someway.

The one thing I thought he would do would bring the races together more. Nope. Failure there as well.

Good bye token hire.
The "experiment" did not work , wont see this happen again in my lifetime , well hopefully
Bye Bye!!! Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya! O----ver!!!!
It would have been a pretty good day even if the old hag was taking over for him. But now that she's not, it's a hell of a lot better.
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Funny stuff. The community organizer was a state and U S senator. The Cheetos in Chief is a silver spoon fed con man.
Funny stuff. The community organizer was a state and U S senator. The Cheetos in Chief is a silver spoon fed con man.

Yes he was. He left that state, particularly the largest city in that state (his hometown he organised) in what kind of shape? Oh, wait. Broke, Violent, Taxed to Death and Hopeless.
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Yes he was. He left that state, particularly the largest city in that state (his hometown he organised) in what kind of shape? Oh, wait. Broke, Violent, Taxed to Death and Hopeless.

Is that comparable to 911, 2 wars, Great Recession, and a measly 2 million jobs created in EIGHT years. Probably not.
Yes he was. He left that state, particularly the largest city in that state (his hometown he organised) in what kind of shape? Oh, wait. Broke, Violent, Taxed to Death and Hopeless.

And a murder rate higher than the combined number of New York City and Los Angeles
Never understood ( well I do ) but you have one of your former employees holding the position of mayor , you talk about all the great things you did in the Chicago area , but just stood by and watched Chicago kill itself , good thing he did not become involved with the Cubs , they never would have won the World Series.
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