Gravity released bench for bench pressing alone

That is a great idea. I am just curious if someone will be able to kick the lever when they are going into panic mode because our bodies tend to constrict, not extend.
If you full on panic you may be screwed, but if you just hit the point where you can't push the bar up (been there) you should have enough wits about you to hit the lever.
If you full on panic you may be screwed, but if you just hit the point where you can't push the bar up (been there) you should have enough wits about you to hit the lever.
True, I am just thinking about those who do not bench (such as myself), as they have never been in then "oh shit" situation.
The person who failed on a rep and got the weight stuck on his neck was scary. It didn't look staged. I wonder if he got out from under that.
Didn't that happen to the USC football player a few years ago and he crushed his windpipe?
I believe so. Can't remember the school but it definitely happened to some football player. Benching without a spotter is a terrible idea. You never know when your shoulder will go out or you'll just reach your physical limit.

When I was a stupid teenager I went to the gym by myself one day but decided I wanted to try a regular bench press. I did about two reps and felt something in my shoulder give and just couldn't get the bar back up on that side. Luckily the weight caught on the frame of the bench so I was able to yell for help from the guy that worked there (who gave me a very well deserved yelling at afterward.) I'm pretty sure that if I knew there was a lever I'd have had the presence of mind to activate it.

I would still not recommend doing solo bench presses though, even with this. This is a great safety mechanism for heavy bench pressing with a spotter who isn't 100% up to spotting you, but it's just a bad idea to be all alone and pushing a heavy bar over your chest and potentially (if you screw up) neck.
I use my squat rack safety bar while benching. I can adjust them where when I expand my chest and arch the back a little (butt still on bench) to lift I can cleanly touch my chest without hitting the safety bar on the bottom of the lift. However, if I get stuck I just simply relax and the bar rest comfortably on the safety bar and I can crawl out from under it. I practiced this bar only. After about a month of lifting I haven't got the bar stuck yet, but I have been decent at guessing what rep has me close to failure. I also don't do one rep maxes.

The safety bar in the video was either poorly designed or failed. If you take the precautions and have the proper equipment I think you can get away with working without a spotter.