Poor man never gave me a job
You've never been fired or laid off by one either.
Poor man never gave me a job
Poor man never gave me a job
Everyone knows, everything you read on Facebook is true..........
Articles like this are part of the problem......How about verifying the source. How about providing actual statistics and context.
Everyone with an open mind knows that ACA is experiencing problems and needs actual solutions.
I think this article is a much better view of the issues with ACA:
Something needs to be done.....But all we keep hearing is, "Repeal it".........How about bringing together all of the groups involved. (Doctors, Lawyers, Health Insurance Companies, (God Forbid) even politicians, etc) Involve economists and healthcare experts to actually analyze what's good and bad about other countries healthcare programs.......Let's actually come up with some proposals!!
All I know is, it's ridiculous that a country like ours doesn't have comprehensive health insurance (especially for our children) but I don't claim to have the answer......This issue is bigger than one person, one industry, or one Party.
But it was lousy care and preventative care was nonexistent.
That is a completely inaccurate statement.
That is a completely inaccurate statement.
The only problem is creates
That is completely correct. Go to your local hospital and tell them you have no healthcare and see the type of care you get
Having been involved in the healthcare industry for 17 years.......that is completely inaccurate. You and Cocky are showing once again what you really don't know. You pass off innuendo as fact. I've been in some of the most rural impoverished parts of several states. I've seen the free "preventative" healthcare provided to those that take the time to go. I've worked in big mega health center systems.......I've seen the "free" healthcare provided. Standing in a surgical intensive care unit, you will never know who is....or isn't covered.
You guys believe a lot of myth.
I'm sure you've "seen" it...........There are many services for the uninsured through public hospitals and free clinics, like Planned Parenthood and many others. (And thank goodness for them) But the fact remains, the uninsured receive subpar care. Not to mention that it bankrupts the system.
Yes, most states. NY isn't one of those states
Well the NYS Department of Financial Services is highly thought of and most states actually come to NY to model their Insurance department after the NYS system
I'm sure you've "seen" it...........There are many services for the uninsured through public hospitals and free clinics, like Planned Parenthood and many others. (And thank goodness for them) But the fact remains, the uninsured receive subpar care. Not to mention that it bankrupts the system.
Again, a very myopic view of how the system actually works in healthcare specifically. Its usually why people that actually don't have experience in this business give simple, but inaccurate analogies of hotel chains (pricing service) vs. hospital systems (pricing service). We could be so lucky if the system actually operated like the hotel model. A true market system would thrive, actually driving competition and providing more affordable options of care across the board. Sadly I admit...."no one" wants that to occur for reasons time and space do not permit to list in this thread.
I've been in public hospitals, private hospitals, free clinics, non "free clinics, For profit and Non profit systems.........as a whole, as a SOP.......everyone gets the care. EVERYONE. The care that is delivered is exceptional to everyone. Whether its drug companies delivering free, heavily discounted medication, Docs waiving charges or fees in their offices or clinics, Medical equipment companies donating products or services, Hospital systems writing off losses, Foundations funding procedures........Healthcare is given abundantly in virtually every case.....regardless of one's ability to pay in this country. A person with the best insurance plan will likely sit in an emergency room just as long as a non insured person in most cases....that is a fact.......no matter what the media claims or what someone heard from their best friends second cousin twice removed.
The true reality is what usually sends the naysayers of US healthcare spinning: The reality is that in more cases than not...under the current structure and reimbursement process of healthcare....the "indigent" patient may actually receive BETTER care options in the major centers than someone on a specific health plan going to the same facility; this is simply due to coverage and contract pricing agreements to products and services between the insured patients plan provider and the healthcare facility/system they are using. Due to how the business of healthcare operates, the non covered patients cost can easily be written off or covered by other private or Govt. means. There simply is no incentive NOT to care for uninsured patients that some blindly suggest. The proof in this statement lies with those same naysayers that embrace the overly broad, blind political dogma of "insuring everyone will lower the cost". Insurance coverage or Single payer care for all simply does not translate into lower cost/priced care with more service options. This again is due to the reduced competition by the "fixing" of prices and services between providers that results from such coverage plans.
Rural, indigent care faces a slightly different issue; with overall limited options and access, combined with personal decision to not obtain the free "preventative" care opportunity that is provided in some of their communities.(This will only worsen as these clinics/docs are forced back into the bigger centers as the business changes due to the effects of the obamacare law) Obummercare has worsened the challenges facing the current and future patients in these rural places solely due to their locality and sometimes immobility to travel.... much less to do with ones ability to pay for the service.
Actually i have vastly more experience in the biz than a pharm rep. Or a manager. I don't have someone sign my checks. I sign my own (for the last 10). You sound pissed. Like most liberals. Get over yourself. Don't wait on someone else to sign your checks for you. Make something happen for yourself. Pharmaceuticals are dead. Medical equipment...not far behind. It's the next target. The fact you think I'm being a smart ass when no intent of being smart ass shows just how Shut off you are. It's business not personal. Worked extensively with physicians and hospital administrations on how the system works as well as being apart of boards which guide the process.Well done.......Very properly plagiarized from the Company newsletter.
Let me see......I'm guessing Pharmaceutical Rep or Manager? Maybe Medical Equipment.......Maybe even hospital administration but I don't think so.
17 years, huh? Well I was where you are 13 years ago......Blindly following the company line. I get it, they sign your checks. Give it time, you'll come around......And that's not liberal thinking. It's just reality.
Hey, I still love and support the company I work with, I've been very lucky......But I realize nobody gets it right 100% of the time.
And just for the record smart-ass.......I try to keep things simple on here. I don't need to quote from the Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, Fox News or the latest economics forecast to prove how smart I am....If this is the place that makes you feel smart, you've got a low bar.