ha ha Hillary's education scandal!

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones I say! Her attempt to attack Trump over his Trump U is a ploy to divert from her own bigger fleecing of poor students in Latin America. I guess it's alright DHERD since she is a Democrat right?

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back

Clinton is crooked !

By the way Trump University has a 98% approval rating by the students who went there
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The scams they manage through their foundation are endless. Her SOS position helped to hide the international fraud and $$ laundering. These are why she is hiding her emails.
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People who live in glass houses should not throw stones I say! Her attempt to attack Trump over his Trump U is a ploy to divert from her own bigger fleecing of poor students in Latin America.
Politicians use diversion tactics? In other news, college students like to drink alcohol and have sex.
yes it is true she funneled money into their foundation and yes she is a crook. Why defend her you are voting for Bernie anyway.

Provide credible links showing hillary is a crook.
Provide credible links showing trump u has a 98% favorabiltiy rating.
No, Breitbart is not a credible link.
Are you disputing that Bill Clinton got $16MM from the school, that the state department pumped $55MM in to it, or that the owner of the school was a Clinton foundation donor?
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I was going to look up links to verify, but it says right in the story that Bloomberg already did that. Do you not trust Bloomberg either?
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Are you disputing that Bill Clinton got $16MM from the school, that the state department pumped $55MM in to it, or that the owner of the school was a Clinton foundation donor?

I couldn't find a reputable source for the "clinton university" data.

I am disputing that hillary is a criminal.

I am disputing that trump u has a 98% favorabliity rating.
Provide credible links showing hillary is a crook.
Provide credible links showing trump u has a 98% favorabiltiy rating.
No, Breitbart is not a credible link.
sorry EG we have been down this road before. None of us left you in charge so you don't get to decide what is a credible link. ( says the guy who references Snopes). You think all you have to do is say it is a bad source and the truth will go away. Not working Bloomberg said it so hows that?
I couldn't find a reputable source for the "clinton university" data.

I am disputing that hillary is a criminal.

I am disputing that trump u has a 98% favorabliity rating.
As the Washington Post reports, “Laureate has stirred controversy throughout Latin America, where it derives two-thirds of its revenue.” During Bill Clinton’s tenure as Laureate’s chancellor, the school spent over $200 million a year on aggressive telemarketing, flashy Internet banner ads, and billboards designed to lure often unprepared students from impoverished countries to enroll in its for-profit classes. The goal: get as many students, regardless of skill level, signed up and paying tuition.
sorry EG we have been down this road before. None of us left you in charge so you don't get to decide what is a credible link. ( says the guy who references Snopes). You think all you have to do is say it is a bad source and the truth will go away. Not working Bloomberg said it so hows that?

Neither do you. Which is why I said it's not true. You hack site says Bill Clinton was FORCED to resign. Let's have a credible link to that.
Neither do you. Which is why I said it's not true. You hack site says Bill Clinton was FORCED to resign. Let's have a credible link to that.
Dont try to change the subject she did all that was listed in the article. PS I like my sources yours are nothing but bush league hows that?
Dont try to change the subject she did all that was listed in the article. PS I like my sources yours are nothing but bush league hows that?

No problem. Get used to me telling you it's not true, or asking for credible links. And it's easy to see why you wouldn't appreciate any fact checking site.
No problem. Get used to me telling you it's not true, or asking for credible links. And it's easy to see why you wouldn't appreciate any fact checking site.

dalai lama 2--You're one ignorant individual. Do you get help in wiping your ass after a dump? I bet so.
" Trump is going to win this election."


If someone can't connect the very obvious dots with the Clintons using their political influence to make millions from huge international corporations, they're dumb. According to Bernie Sanders, anyway.
What is it that you call people who do things like this that you agree with? Oh yeah, patriots.

That is not a patriot. Those people are thugs. Difference. I would not want anyone doing this at a Crooked Hillary or Bernie rally.
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That is not a patriot. Those people are thugs. Difference. I would not want anyone doing this at a Crooked Hillary or Bernie rally.

You said nothing as trumpenstein instigated violence at his rallies. trump is a thug. And you're an idiot.
Let's cut through it. Have either of the clintons been found guilty in a court of law?

Yeah, because conviction is an accurate litmus test for determining whether or not someone is engaged in criminal activity.

Hey, eg, what about all those investment bankers and wall street types that continue to fleece the system? Those guys on the up-and-up, or are they criminal assholes that haven't been caught or charged?
Yeah, because conviction is an accurate litmus test for determining whether or not someone is engaged in criminal activity.

Hey, eg, what about all those investment bankers and wall street types that continue to fleece the system? Those guys on the up-and-up, or are they criminal assholes that haven't been caught or charged?

So, people are guilty because you say so?

I can't call the financial institutions criminal until they've been convicted. I can say I fully believe them to be very unethical.
So, people are guilty because you say so?

I can't call the financial institutions criminal until they've been convicted. I can say I fully believe them to be very unethical.
Extra never drives over the speed limit
Looks like you cons have run out of content (not that you ever had any).
hard to hold a discussion when the Libs IQ is so low they can never understand the point.