Harris' Plan

Nominated: one of the most pathetic threads ever posted on this board. I'm just glad I get to be the first to post in the thread that wasn't Opie.

deer lawd, u suck.
Here's the list:
  • Up to $25,000 in down-payment support for first-time homebuyers. - Does not help the problem at all, probably makes it worse as it increases demand
  • To provide a $10,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers. - Does not help the problem at all, probably makes it worse as it increases demand
  • Tax incentives for builders that build starter homes sold to first-time buyers. - Does help the problem
  • An expansion of a tax incentive for building affordable rental housing. - Does help the problem
  • A new $40 billion innovation fund to spur innovative housing construction. - What? No. Spend $40B on building new houses
  • To repurpose some federal land for affordable housing. - Might help a little but generally the problem isn't not having land. Locale specific
  • A ban on algorithm-driven price-setting tools for landlords to set rents. - Part of a much bigger question but sure
  • To remove tax benefits for investors who buy large numbers of single-family rental homes. - Also part of a much bigger problem but sure.

HAAA!!!! That guy was reading my mind when I heard her speech. I thought I was listening to some kid running for Junior High Class President that was trying to explain something she knew absolutely nothing about. She didn’t even catch herself when she read the teleprompter wrong and said she was going to stop “price gauging” instead of price gouging.

The housing give aways, in conjunction with her government regulated price controls on goods and services, will absolutely devastate our economy.

That had to be the absolutely DUMBEST “economic” speech I’ve ever heard. Even Obama’s former economic advisors and the Liberal Press think she’s bat sh!t crazy.

She’s treating every uneducated Lib that will blindly vote for her as an oblivious, brain dead, dim witted fool.
Weird how those policies the black woman is talking about curbed inflation in WW2.
Crispy Lips -

Stop ruining the board by posting Fox News threads and start doing your job at The Chemours Company. You're stealing from them while on the clock!