Have Any Of You Old Farts Done A Spartan Race?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
Got talked into doing a Spartan race. The distance is only 5k but my shoulders aren't the greatest (injury, age, etc...) I know you can take a time penalty if you skip an obstacle but I want to avoid that at all costs if I can. I've got two months to strength train but it's honestly more about getting stronger to try & prevent injury climbing shit - I'm in my late 40's.

@riflearm2 , have you or anybody on here done one? If so, did you take a lot of wear & tear doing it?
I've never done one but would have to get paid a lot to do one and have a contract where nobody can take pictures to blackmail me later showing that I actually did one.

Why would I (or you) PAY to run around with a bunch of CrossFitters (awful on its own being around that type), get muddy to make yourself feel tough, and pretend to be a Marine all for something you could do (work out) on your own time, without a ton of annoying people, the way you want to do it, without getting mud all over you, and for free? Oh, that's right . . . the social media pics aren't as cool doing that.

I'm not worried about your shoulders. I am more worried about your ego needing this type of event. It's not too late. You can still back out.
This is 100% an invite. I don't do crossfit but I will do attractive, athletic chics who do.

The more I read up on this, the less I'm looking forward to it. There's only one or two on here I would suspect have done one these races. Feels like I'm just teeing up a shoulder injury.

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