Lol no.
In response to fevers all but lost hope in humanity in this country I thought I'd share a story of three guys from completely different backgrounds who were able to forge a friendship that still remains in tact to this day. The three of us met in 1995 and we were all checking in to the Admin clerk at the same time, so we were forced to room together as a result. At first it was odd, I'd never seen a real life Mexican, I wasn't all that fond of blacks at the time either. I grew up in Beckley and if you ask some 40 year olds who still remember me they can explain why, (I fought a lot, rest is for a different time)
But Marcus Delrey, Mario Gonzalez, and myself eventually got comfortable with each other, so much in fact that no topic was off limits, no words could be said that we couldn't take back and we would cover any and every topic that came about at the time. We all agreed to spend time at each other's home so for 10 days I was in Brownsville, and Compton and was able to experience a culture I otherwise would've never known. (Yes they came to Beckley, we ate at Rio Grande and I took them to a bar named the Roadhouse neither were impressed but the shock value on their face was fvcking hilarious). What I found were decent people who have their own struggles that aren't really much different then my own families. I was able to befriend many members of their own families and they did mine. We still talk to this day although not as often as we should, we all have jobs, kids, etc. I am a much better person today than I ever would've imagined and I owe a lot of that to these two men whom I've shared the past twenty years with.
You see, in order to truly appreciate what this country has to offer, you really have to experience it first. Befriend someone you never thought you would and have an open honest relationship and you'll see not everything in our country is as bad as you may think.