Hey hokies saw where California is losing 10% of it water supply in the next 20 years or so.

It’s clean. Literally indistinguishable from any other source. I would drink it.
Bullshit. They tried to tell that to a guy around the road when we were growing up. They approved a trailer park with a leech bed that was running through his property and into the river. He looked at the county man and said that piss and shit might have run over a frew rocks but it is still piss and shit. You take the first drink.
Is it really much different than how we do it around our parts? Clean the poopy water and put it right back in the river for the next town to drink.
I agree that’s pretty nasty and the reason I don’t drink tap water.
Our tap water is fine but I still keep a pitcher in the fridge for temperature.

Culloden was the worst tap water I ever had.
If I don't drink tap water, it is due to taste. Like that tap water in Florida, it's nasty. The water system here has pretty good tasting water; the tap water in Louisville is outstanding, often called the best in the nation.
Florida water is god awful, not even sure that’s real water.
Plus personally I just don't like being around lots of people. I was happiest on my mountaintop. Peace and quiet. I hate all the goddamn commercialization, every exit has the same shit these days. This too is a product of a growing population, the highways are crowded with people so it's mass marketing that rules. Perhaps I am some sort of romantic.

Tell us O Wise One why this is a good thing then...

"The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history. The foreign-born population has never grown this much this fast. Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed."



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing of credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

  • Overall, we rate CIS a questionable source based on publishing misleading information (propaganda) regarding immigration and ties either directly or indirectly to the John Tanton Network, a known White Nationalist.
Tell us O Wise One why this is a good thing then...

"The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history. The foreign-born population has never grown this much this fast. Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed."
his post u quoted from a couple years ago is an interesting take from someone who currently defends the current admin's open border.
his post u quoted from a couple years ago is an interesting take from someone who currently defends the current admin's open border.

And yet he considers himself to be the brightest star in the Pullman Galaxy...

He is a study in contradictions. He claims to be a libertarian but is in fact a liberal.

He claims he gives the lefties here as hard a time as the right but in reality he overwhelmingly sides with them.

He has repeatedly said or inferred the US is too crowded but is a staunch advocate of open borders as we both have stated.

And yet the worst thing about him is he is becoming more and more like EG with every post...
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And yet he considers himself to be the brightest star in the Pullman Galaxy...

He is a study in contradictions. He claims to be a libertarian but is in fact a liberal.

He claims he gives the lefties here as hard a time as the right but in reality he overwhelmingly sides with them.

He has repeatedly said or inferred the US is too crowded but is a staunch advocate of open borders as we both have stated.

And yet the worst thing about him is he is becoming more and more like EG with every post...
You're a Godless lying unAmerican trumptard.
Tell us O Wise One why this is a good thing then
Digging up two year old posts? Weirdo.

And I don't think you understand how I feel about population. Cutting off some immigrants today wouldn't make my utopia in America happen. We are about 300 million people past my utopia lol.
someone who currently defends the current admin's open border.
I've done no such thing. I've told you all why neither Republicans nor Democrats have fixed the "problem"...because it's not a problem for those who pull their strings.

Philosophically, do I support open borders? You bet! And for the entire planet to boot. Is this practical? Hell no! There's no way to vet everyone, even for tourists, much less immigrants.
Philosophically, do I support open borders? You bet! And for the entire planet to boot. Is this practical? Hell no! There's no way to vet everyone, even for tourists, much less immigrants.

Well philosophically you say you're a libertarian but in reality you're a liberal. So you're intellectually dishonest about open borders as well? Because that's what you just said...
It depends on a lot of things. If people switched to eating less meat it would help (not a suggestion, you can pry steak from my cold dead hands), and getting rid of the organic food horseshit would help a lot too. And advancements in reducing food waste at all levels.

I’d be interested in seeing his definition of “problem.” If he means a hard limit where we just can’t squeeze more food out of the earth then maybe, but if he’s counting on converting all arable land into actual farmland then that in itself is going to be, to put it mildly, a problem.
Climate change is not the question ...obviously it has always changed and been changing. It has been changing long before we burned fossil fuels and long before we domesticated cattle to enjoy dairy products and a good steak.

So the point is, is it man made climate change which cannot be proven (and probably more evidence that it isn't made made but that's ignored) and no matter the cause can these idiot bureaucrats that can't do anything right (except tax and war) do anything to change climate.

It's amazing to me how many sheep now believe it's man made and that these morons can actually save planet by some of their idiotic ideas like for example... don't eat meat.
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Well philosophically you say you're a libertarian but in reality you're a liberal. So you're intellectually dishonest about open borders as well? Because that's what you just said...
Anything to the left of Trumpism= librul.
No, it's just your intellectual dishonesty makes you such an easy target. It makes you stand out from the crowd...

It's not hard to stand out from Magats.
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