Hey Raoul, would you?

Needs a little more meat on her rear.
Well she does like riding fast things.
This is almost as bad as that time rifle tried to convince the He-Men here on Pullman that Kathy Griffin was a smoke show. Really bad day all the way around with threads today here. Maybe we need greed to come back sooner.

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This is almost as bad as that time rifle tried to convince the He-Men here on Pullman that Kathy Griffin was a smoke show. Really bad day all the way around with threads today here. Maybe we need greed to come back sooner.

This is almost as bad as that time rifle tried to convince the He-Men here on Pullman that Kathy Griffin was a smoke show. Really bad day all the way around with threads today here. Maybe we need greed to come back sooner.


You can find good and bad pictures of anyone, but that picture is still far better than @riflearm2 crush. Yes, the first picture is intentionally a bad one. I am sure @Raoul Duke MU has a few nudes in his spank bank.



Some guys like legs, some like breasts. I like women who have pheomelanin and this girl is lacking.

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