Hey rifle


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 15, 2007
Just saw who I'm sure was one of your childhood heroes. Daryl Strawberry was behind me line at Burger King in the Charlotte airport.
He was, by far, my biggest hero as a child. I invited him to my birthday (in July), but he didn't come. I used to do the sign of the cross on myself every pitch of every at bat of his.

I met him at spring training when he was with the Dodgers. I then hooked up with his son's girlfriend when I was fairly new to DC. I think that means we share DNA now.
Curious...your sign of the cross deal...was that just a Strawberry thing or were you a believer at one point in your life?
I was raised Roman Catholic; church every Sunday, church school on Tuesdays (which was pure entertainment because we had some bad asses in there) . . . I believe I was around 15 years old when I had to go through the confirmation process. The end is a sit-down interview/discussion with one of the local priests. It's usually about a 15 minute bullshit session. My mom, who was waiting for me in the car, knew it was trouble when I was in there for well over an hour.

I spent the majority of the time grilling the priest on the church's stance on divorcees, homosexuals, and the bible's contradictory beliefs compared with science.

He gave less than stellar responses, seemed uneducated on science, and kept resorting to "well, you see, that's where faith comes in."

Needless to say, I traded in my bible that day and asked my mom to drop me off at the bar so I could have a smoke and a couple of pints.
Just saw who I'm sure was one of your childhood heroes. Daryl Strawberry was behind me line at Burger King in the Charlotte airport.
Not to hijack this thread, did you fly USAir? There is a Huntington native and former Marshall student (he ended up graduating from EKU) that works in office behind the ticket counter, he loves talking about Marshall sports.

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