That's a load of bullcrap. The traveling press are to busy kissing hillarys feet to even notice she left early and then just sat back and didn't bother to question why.was watching the news on Sunday and they were talking about how a group of press was assigned to all candidates (and even the President) at all times in case of an emergency. NBC's group was assigned to Hillary when this happened. they interviewed one of the reporters and she couldn't believe how the process unfolded. she said it was over 90 minutes before they were given any kind of an update and when they were it was the BS "she was just overheated" line.
One other observation. I don't think Thai is the first time that's happened. I know it's the secret services job to be cool under pressure. But damn the potential future president is propped up on a concrete barricade, collapses and then they just chuck her in the van like it's not a big deal and absolutely normal.