Hillary is Passing out Woman Cards

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
How many of you guys have your woman card? If you do please be sure to turn in your man card.

What she needs to sell is whatever PED that's pumped into her blood stream that allows her to stand for 3 hours during a debate. I'd buy that shit, probably be hitting new PRs in a week. Seriously, she can barely crawl up the stairs to get on her plane but somehow stands up straight for 3 hours. Maybe she has a metal girdle under that Kim Jung Un outfit. It probably puts out a small electrical current to keep her muscles rigid, that's why she gets all wide eyed and crazy looking after an hour or so.
Congratulations, you're in the majority?

I was thinking about getting one until I saw that. That's a hell of an insult. In fine print. Par for the damn course. She knows I'm probably the only one who will see it though.

No sale.

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