
i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
You seem to be very reasonable. I know we disagree on a few issues, but we also have common ground. Would drink a beer, even with a fancy can, with you any time.

You participate in good debate and at the end of the day, we both want what is best. Probably a lot in common actually. Thanks for not going off the rails and being a part of the forum.
You seem to be very reasonable. I know we disagree on a few issues, but we also have common ground. Would drink a beer, even with a fancy can, with you any time.

You participate in good debate and at the end of the day, we both want what is best. Probably a lot in common actually. Thanks for not going off the rails and being a part of the forum.
In the meantime, you're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker that has given his allegiance to a sexual abuser and convicted thug who hates America and the Constitution.
You seem to be very reasonable. I know we disagree on a few issues, but we also have common ground. Would drink a beer, even with a fancy can, with you any time.

You participate in good debate and at the end of the day, we both want what is best. Probably a lot in common actually. Thanks for not going off the rails and being a part of the forum.
I think that, if the entire party system didn’t exist or was starting over, removing all the partisan bitterness and overblown wedge issues, more people would agree with each other on more you would think.
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I think that, if the entire party system didn’t exist or was starting over, removing all the partisan bitterness and overblown wedge issues, more people would agree with each other on more you would think.
Was it George Washington that warned about political parties? Might have that wrong, but I think it was him.

One day me a my female California tree hugger neighbor got talking and we actually had more in common than we think. Surprisingly on local taxation, urban sprawl issues, strong defense, she was suprised I actually use the recycle bin, and not liking terrorists. We like the bees, butterflies, etc. We do differ on global warming issues, Trump, some of the other stuff. But, the core issue of this is America, we are free, and don't **** with us or we will kick your ass remain the same.
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