how the gop went from believers in to believers that climate change was fake science


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
hey moron.....the problem is not believing in it or not, the problem is idiot Obama agreeing to deals that totally screw the US and it's citizens.

Glad we have a president that believes in it but also believes in a good deal for the US
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There's enough oil and coal for the rest of our lives. Just think, all the gas we can burn up. All the electricity we can use. Turn on the lights. Party on.

Damn, it's all so good. Some people are upset that they can't ruin it, but I would advise them to join us in burning up the oil and having a good time. I see that many of the big global warming people are doing just that. They've got bigger limos than my GMC Sierra. They've got way bigger houses.

They're all in. Into fat cattin' and just being a gluttonous American.

Dammit, I love it.
hey moron.....the problem is not believing in it or not, the problem is idiot Obama agreeing to deals that totally screw the US and it's citizens.

Glad we have a president that believes in it but also believes in a good deal for the US

How did it screw citizens??
There is enough land and open space in this country for Windmill Farms, Solar fields, and enough coastline to have Ocean Current turbines to light up the whole country while not destroying the Earth.

Trump and the Republicans are in bed with the same people that don't give a **** about you, me or our childrens future. But nope you ignorant ****s don't see it. Only thing your happy with is Trump is eliminating everything Obama did.
There is enough land and open space in this country for Windmill Farms, Solar fields, and enough coastline to have Ocean Current turbines to light up the whole country while not destroying the Earth.

Trump and the Republicans are in bed with the same people that don't give a **** about you, me or our childrens future. But nope you ignorant ****s don't see it. Only thing your happy with is Trump is eliminating everything Obama did.
Those same liberal Dems that pitched a fit when a wind farm was going to go up off the coast of Martha's Vineyard? Those same wind and solar farms that kill birds left and right, affect migration patterns?
Global warming true, yes. Secret agenda,, shut down mining coal and outlaw fragging, cant have cheap gas and give all those jobs to people in the state of california working in the clean energy business. Miners care much about those people as they care about miners. Wv and ky people should have been offered jobs in that area since they squashed coal. I saw one of those big windmill farms out in the ocean. They supply power to a mere couple thousand. Build dams and forget windmills.
There is enough land and open space in this country for Windmill Farms, Solar fields, and enough coastline to have Ocean Current turbines to light up the whole country while not destroying the Earth.

Trump and the Republicans are in bed with the same people that don't give a **** about you, me or our childrens future. But nope you ignorant ****s don't see it. Only thing your happy with is Trump is eliminating everything Obama did.


Secretary of Defense James Mattis has asserted that climate change is real, and a threat to American interests abroad and the Pentagon’s assets everywhere, a position that appears at odds with the views of the president who appointed him and many in the administration in which he serves.

In unpublished written testimony provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee after hisconfirmation hearing in January, Mattis said it was incumbent on the U.S. military to consider how changes like open-water routes in the thawing Arctic and drought in global trouble spots can pose challenges for troops and defense planners. He also stressed this is a real-time issue, not some distant what-if.
Those same liberal Dems that pitched a fit when a wind farm was going to go up off the coast of Martha's Vineyard? Those same wind and solar farms that kill birds left and right, affect migration patterns?

Y'all worried about Birds but don't say nothing when Coal mines and dirty factories poison our water supply.
There is enough land and open space in this country for Windmill Farms, Solar fields, and enough coastline to have Ocean Current turbines to light up the whole country

There are plenty enough Kings Islands, Six Flags and Camden Parks for everyone. Somebody wants to open up another one, let 'em open it. People don't want them around every corner like a Wendy's.
Y'all worried about Birds but don't say nothing when Coal mines and dirty factories poison our water supply.

you worried about the US staying in the Paris agreement while we cut emissions and china and india poison the world...and we bare the lion's share of cost as usual.
you worried about the US staying in the Paris agreement while we cut emissions and china and india poison the world...and we bare the lion's share of cost as usual.

I guess you missed where India is closing or converting their coal fueled Factories for Clean Energy? Same thing going on in China
Y'all worried about Birds but don't say nothing when Coal mines and dirty factories poison our water supply.
Poison the water supply that 90 per cent runs thru a water treatment center. The water was polluted in biblical days
I guess you missed where India is closing or converting their coal fueled Factories for Clean Energy? Same thing going on in China
Hahahahah. China is in the process of building around 1000 coal fired power plants
Please tell me you guys aren't linking Climate Depot articles in support of your denialist climate views. You do know that the website was created by Mark Morano, a Republican shill and former producer on Rush Limbaugh and one of the highest paid member on the staff of Richard Melon Scaife, the former billionaire supporter of the Republican Party and a dozen conservative think tanks. You do know that Morano...a non scientist...has received money from ExxonMobil and Chevron? This guy has been labeled a "paid confusionist." How you can seek out obviously tainted information and choose to believe it over an overwhelming majority of credible scientific studies whose conclusions support the validity of anthropogenic GW is beyond me.

Many of you guys are saying, "Follow the money." Follow the money indeed.
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The way to sell helping out with global warming is to sell people on the idea that less is more. There's no money to be made in it, and it's not for young and active people.

But as you age and tire, you realize that as one of those big authors put it, traveling is a fool's paradise. You can do whatever you want wherever you are.

"I want to go to Hawaii and lay on the beach." The action word there is lay. After the laughter of the dirty connotations dies down, look at what you want to do. Lay. You can do that anywhere. Right here in Dayton. Back down in Lesage. North Carolina, wherever. Going on a trip to do it is just a big waste of time and effort. Get to layin' right where you're at right now.

Same goes for anything else. If you want to stand and peer out among shit, go outside and stand and peer. Take a drive, take it where you're at.

And when you really dissect it, most of us don't even do anything. Very little activity. Walking, talking, looking. That's about it.

But I want the freedom to waste large amounts of fuel and have way more than I need. Without that, there's no motivation to achieve. Time to die.
I think the greatest misnomer is that you have to go back to some prehistoric existence to solve the problem. Making people believe this is part of the tactic of those who stand to lose in a changing energy environment.

The problem can be resolved through alternate clean energy sources. There has been great advances in this area and if resources are channeled into the effort it will continue to improve. Why not wean ourselves from carbon based energy sources? Our oil is a finite resource and we'll have to figure it out eventually. Why not get a jump on it.

The problem is that this whole GW debate is being obfuscated by those who stand to lose. False and misleading information is being put out there by people like Marc Morano and Climate Depot skewing the perception that there is a real question or doubt about GW. There isn't. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet political players with zero scientific education and background and ties to organizations who receive major contributions from oil companies are being believed to satisfy your ideological beliefs.

And before this is denounced as being anti business it isn't. I don't wish the destruction of industry and jobs. I'd be all for allowing the oil companies to be a major player in the new alternate energy industry.

What amuses me is that many in here are very intelligent, educated, and successful people. How you take the stance you do while denying credible evidence is beyond me. It's as though your hatred for liberalism and subscription to conservative ideology takes precedence over the obvious truth.
Why not wean ourselves from carbon based energy sources? Our oil is a finite resource and we'll have to figure it out eventually. Why not get a jump on it.


When the cost of not doing it outweighs the cost of standing pat, then we'll get moving. Until then, gas up.
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Please tell me you guys aren't linking Climate Depot articles in support of your denialist climate views. You do know that the website was created by Mark Morano, a Republican shill and former producer on Rush Limbaugh and one of the highest paid member on the staff of Richard Melon Scaife, the former billionaire supporter of the Republican Party and a dozen conservative think tanks. You do know that Morano...a non scientist...has received money from ExxonMobil and Chevron? This guy has been labeled a "paid confusionist." How you can seek out obviously tainted information and choose to believe it over an overwhelming majority of credible scientific studies whose conclusions support the validity of anthropogenic GW is beyond me.

Many of you guys are saying, "Follow the money." Follow the money indeed.

What specifically was inaccurate about the linked article?
I think the greatest misnomer is that you have to go back to some prehistoric existence to solve the problem. Making people believe this is part of the tactic of those who stand to lose in a changing energy environment.

The problem can be resolved through alternate clean energy sources. There has been great advances in this area and if resources are channeled into the effort it will continue to improve. Why not wean ourselves from carbon based energy sources? Our oil is a finite resource and we'll have to figure it out eventually. Why not get a jump on it.

The problem is that this whole GW debate is being obfuscated by those who stand to lose. False and misleading information is being put out there by people like Marc Morano and Climate Depot skewing the perception that there is a real question or doubt about GW. There isn't. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet political players with zero scientific education and background and ties to organizations who receive major contributions from oil companies are being believed to satisfy your ideological beliefs.

And before this is denounced as being anti business it isn't. I don't wish the destruction of industry and jobs. I'd be all for allowing the oil companies to be a major player in the new alternate energy industry.

What amuses me is that many in here are very intelligent, educated, and successful people. How you take the stance you do while denying credible evidence is beyond me. It's as though your hatred for liberalism and subscription to conservative ideology takes precedence over the obvious truth.
That goes both ways. Remove agw deniers and insert climate alarmist and your description still rings true.
Ultimately that is the problem, both sides are run but obnoxious morons and normal people get lost in everyone yelling over each other
That goes both ways. Remove agw deniers and insert climate alarmist and your description still rings true.
Ultimately that is the problem, both sides are run but obnoxious morons and normal people get lost in everyone yelling over each other

The majority of the climate scientist are not alarmist. Most conduct their business without ever spending time with the media.
"Denialist" lol.

noun: denialist; plural noun: denialists
  1. a person who does not acknowledge the truth of a concept or proposition that is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence; a denier.
    "the small minority of very vocal climate change denialists"
  • Like
Reactions: Herd Fever me evidence. Then, tell me how your life or anybody's life that you know has been affected by 'climate change.'
If you've got a product to sell, the onus is on you to sell it. It's been a very weak sell so far. Try harder, do better, and you just might move some product.

Either you're not a good salesman or you've got an awful product. I think it's more the latter. me evidence. Then, tell me how your life or anybody's life that you know has been affected by 'climate change.'

Years ago, two friends and I sold a beach property in Miami that we were making a decent profit on each month. Why did we do that? I pushed them to sell with me, perhaps a little prematurely, because I thought beach properties would start tumbling. What did I base that on? The constant flooding happening in Miami Beach and the annual receding sand line throughout the region. I would have loved for us to continue earning $500-$900 EACH per month after paying the property manager/cleaners without doing any work.

If you can't see how drought, extreme weather mixed with aging infrastructure, impact on agriculture, and increased energy prices will impact all of us, then you probably are a guy who recently believed the Earth to be only 6000 years old.
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Years ago, two friends and I sold a beach property in Miami that we were making a decent profit on each month. Why did we do that? I pushed them to sell with me, perhaps a little prematurely, because I thought beach properties would start tumbling. What did I base that on? The constant flooding happening in Miami Beach and the annual receding sand line throughout the region. I would have loved for us to continue earning $500-$900 EACH per month after paying the property manager/cleaners without doing any work.

Random flooding in Miami is already bad enough that looking at a used car from there is an instant major red flag. It used to be a great area to pick up old MB's, Jags, etc because old people sell them or die and then the kids sell them. Not anymore. You better peel back all the carpet inside that motherfvcker and get a real good look for salt water damage before you even think about buying.
Time for the rubber to hit the road here.

What can I do today or in the next week to help out with global warming?
Years ago, two friends and I sold a beach property in Miami that we were making a decent profit on each month. Why did we do that? I pushed them to sell with me, perhaps a little prematurely, because I thought beach properties would start tumbling. What did I base that on? The constant flooding happening in Miami Beach and the annual receding sand line throughout the region. I would have loved for us to continue earning $500-$900 EACH per month after paying the property manager/cleaners without doing any work.

If you can't see how drought, extreme weather mixed with aging infrastructure, impact on agriculture, and increased energy prices will impact all of us, then you probably are a guy who recently believed the Earth to be only 6000 years old.

So, how is man on any of this stuff like Wind Mills and Alternative Energy going to stop that? you do relaize that it is F'ing Florida and the coast. It is always changing and always will.

Good luck. Put a wind farm in Nebraska to stop the coastal areas from changing in Florida.

Meanwhile we can live clean like the Hondurans I saw way back when. Shit in the creek, live in a mud and straw hut, and beg for food. But, by God, they are not polluting the environment.

Not me. Trump was right. This is a bad deal for the USA. Glad he nixed it because it put an unnecessary burden on our country. Terrible deal in the name of hocus pocus science.

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