Hunter Biden is guilty.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I buy guns and so do many others. If we did what he did, we would be in trouble. It is a clear violation of law. It is not even remotely close. The feds agreed to a jury within a couple of hours. The jury is full of drug users, one former secret servic agent whose brother is still working for the secret service. He is clearly an unlawful gun owner. It is an open and shut case, 100 percent.

It is not even close. Most lawyers would have already tried to cut a deal. Judges most every place do not show mercy on this.

If he is found not guilty or not convicted they need to open it up everywhere. He lied on a federal form submitted to the ATF. He makes lawful gun owners look bad. It is an easy peasy legal matter.

There is no viable excuse for what he did. Meanwhile his dad, Mush Brain, wants more gun control.

Are Americans ever going to wake up?
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Jesus. They have put charges on him. What more do you want, moron? If you continue to claim that our justice system is corrupt, why don't you just renounce your citizenship and move to Congo where you can pay less in taxes.
I buy guns and so do many others. If we did what he did, we would be in trouble. It is a clear violation of law. It is not even remotely close. The feds agreed to a jury within a couple of hours. The jury is full of drug users, one former secret servic agent whose brother is still working for the secret service. He is clearly an unlawful gun owner. It is an open and shut case, 100 percent.

It is not even close. Most lawyers would have already tried to cut a deal. Judges most every place do not show mercy on this.

If he is found not guilty or not convicted they need to open it up everywhere. He lied on a federal form submitted to the ATF. He makes lawful gun owners look bad. It is an easy peasy legal matter.

There is no viable excuse for what he did. Meanwhile his dad, Mush Brain, wants more gun control.

Are Americans ever going to wake up?
You're one of the idiot's who want less gun control, so what exactly are you whining about now??
You're one of the idiot's who want less gun control, so what exactly are you whining about now??
Because I and others have to obey the law. We have to fill the forms out correctly. I have never said drug users should have firearms either.
Jesus. They have put charges on him. What more do you want, moron? If you continue to claim that our justice system is corrupt, why don't you just renounce your citizenship and move to Congo where you can pay less in taxes.
I am saying he is clearly guilty. That is what I am saying. It is about as open and shut as you can get.

They had no choice but to bring charges. There are people locked up for it and on probation and everyhting in between. The quick jury in his hometown area seems a little odd.
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I am saying he is clearly guilty. That is what I am saying. It is about as open and shut as you can get.

They had no choice but to bring charges. There are people locked up for it and on probation and everyhting in between.
The exact same thing can be said about your orange jesus and his insurrection and attempt to illegally overturn a free and fair election.
I am saying he is clearly guilty. That is what I am saying. It is about as open and shut as you can get.

They had no choice but to bring charges. There are people locked up for it and on probation and everyhting in between. The quick jury in his hometown area seems a little odd.
I’m shocked that Rifle doesn’t hate Hunter since he’s the smartest man that Mush knows.
^^trumptards want their candidate to be found guilty, and people they hate to be innocent. You idiots are idiots.
Jesus. They have put charges on him. What more do you want, moron? If you continue to claim that our justice system is corrupt, why don't you just renounce your citizenship and move to Congo where you can pay less in taxes.

Six jurors and Jill Biden is in the court room staring down the jurors, as they walk in. Why is this significant, you ask? Well she and her husband are King and Queen of Delaware and highly respected. Can you say "intimidation?"

It's going to be interesting. The prosecution's case is very strong. These aren't misdemeanors that passed their statute of limitations, dug up from more than a decade ago, corrupted into federal crimes (since when are federal crimes being tried locally?) with a judge who will refuse any defense witnesses or evidence. There is strong evidence against Pedo-Jr. It's right there in black and white, unless the documents are forged or other mistakes were made. It's why we have trials. Innocent until proven guilty. Funny how the left and the leftist media are doing a 180, compared to Trump's fake charges. The media and the left are sympathizing with Pedo-Joe and his family, saying it's terrible how private matters could be told to the public and how unfair it is. But when irrelevant testimony was being given during Trump's trial, it was allowed, in detail, for hours. Do you well-educated, holier than us deplorables, not see the two-tier justice? Too old and feeble to prosecute, turning a blind eye to deleted 33,000 emails, busted phones, "bleached" computers, the fable written by Democrats, with help from their DOJ, the Russia Collusion, the quid pro quo, on video....etc.

Yet, here you are wanting to sweep the corruption of the Biden family under the rug? Your exhileration of Trump being convicted on trumped up charges? (no pun intended)

You call yourself intelligent? Do you truly love America and the freedoms that come with being a citizen of it? Do you really think Conservatives, Liberals, Democrats and Republicans are treated equally? The glaring hypocriticalness that you and your fellow bleaters show on on this board daily, is undeniable. Do you well-educated bleaters not see it? Do you think us uneducated, America-loving, deplorables don't?

Our country is in deep trouble, if you haven't noticed. You bleaters are part of it. Democrats and the Republicans who are sitting on their asses doing nothing, are part of it.

I never thought I'd see a day, where it was even MENTIONED, that those of us who support a particular, presidential candidate, should be investigated by our government. What would our chances be in court with the weaponized DOJ?
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He’s absolutely guilty by the law. His argument is going to be that the law isn’t constitutional.
It is legal to privately purchase firearms.

You have been going down a conspiracy rabbit hole lately, are you not concerned the government knows what you have?
I am not going down conspiracy theories. I am waking up and questioning things.

If I go to a gun store and buy a gun, I have to fill out the paperwork legally. I follow the laws.
Did the prosecution bring up the fact Hunter Biden tried to falsely accuse migrant workers for the stolen hand gun?
This is exactly what every conspiracy nut says, by the way.

Instead of mindlessly following the narrative you are being fed???

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This sounds like something a crackhead would do.
Falsely blaming someone else for their crime is something a crackhead would do. How about the myriad of "intelligence" agencies falsely blaming Russia for Hunter's laptop? Doubt that's crack. That's more small-baggie-of-cocaine behavior.
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2020 debate? How did that election turn out?
That was 4 years ago. Mush has regressed to an almost vegetative state. Trump, otoh, is sharp as a tack. Can't wait for the debate later this month. Mush won't be able to last 90 minutes under the heat.
Falsely blaming someone else for their crime is something a crackhead would do. How about the myriad of "intelligence" agencies falsely blaming Russia for Hunter's laptop? Doubt that's crack. That's more small-baggie-of-cocaine behavior.
Do you mean the 51 intelligence officials, including ones that served under Trump, that said it was bullshit?

Anyone want to talk about the files on the computer added by someone other than Hunter Biden?
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Do you mean the 51 intelligence officials, including ones that served under Trump, that said it was bullshit?

We know the government would never lie... Just ask a Native American...

You really are starting to sound more and more like EG...

Anyone want to talk about the files on the computer added by someone other than Hunter Biden?

Only some of your "libertarian" friends over on DU...
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Do you mean the 51 intelligence officials, including ones that served under Trump, that said it was bullshit?

Anyone want to talk about the files on the computer added by someone other than Hunter Biden?
Correct, that bullshit those 50+ agents (& Joe Biden) tried to pass off as legit intelligence.

Show me the files that were added - seriously, let's go over them.
Show me the files that were added - seriously, let's go over them.
I should clarify these files were added to the copied data after the FBI possessed the laptop. Nonetheless, these copies were used by certain political operatives to bullshit.

"Soon after that period of inactivity — and months after the laptop itself had been taken into FBI custody — three new folders were created on the drive. Dated Sept. 1 and 2, 2020, they bore the names “Desktop Documents,” “Biden Burisma” and “Hunter. Burisma Documents.”
Williams also found records on the drive that indicated someone may have accessed the drive from a West Coast location in October 2020, little more than a week after the first New York Post stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop appeared.
Over the next few days, somebody created three additional folders on the drive, titled, “Mail,” “Salacious Pics Package” and “Big Guy File” — an apparent reference to Joe Biden."

The point isn't that the laptop is fake. The point is, some of what was claimed to be on it is bullshit.

Correct me if I am wrong.

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